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Aim. To investigate a role of emotional factors in formation of cardiovascular pathology (on the example of a myocardial infarction and diabetes of the 2nd type).

Methods. The symptomatic questionnaire of SCL-90-R (from English Symptom Check List-90-Revised), a scale of alarm of Beck, the test questionnaire of a depression, a scale of hopelessness of Beck, a test technique of type of the relation to a disease and treatment TOBOL. The obtained data are processed by means of the statistical SPPS 20 program.

Results. The research showed that emotional factors influencing development of cardiovascular pathology, advancing a demonstration of the disease. Women at a stage of formation of cardiovascular pathology have more expressiveness of symptoms of a distress with tendency to its strengthening, fixing on the somatic feelings, existence of easy and moderate disturbing and depressive symptomatology with reactions of irritability leading to the avoiding behavior and also fear of loss of independence with feeling of own inferiority in comparison with other people, “escape” in the disease. The professional demand is more important for men, unlike women, leading to concealment of relevant symptomatology, perhaps, unconscious. They are not inclined to fix the attention on painful feelings, cannot attach significance on them, explaining their disease with fatigue at work. All this leads to later request for medical care and serious consequences. In men with cardiovascular pathology in the moderated and expressed degree the disturbing and depressive symptomatology is expressed with a dysphoria, violations of night sleep, ergopathic or anozognostic type of the relation to a disease is shown. The disturbing depression of patients with cardiovascular pathology is supported by observance of the high therapeutic security, risk of development of the complications causing a feeling of loss of control over own life and future that promotes formation of living position for disabled. Knowledge of features of the emotional sphere of the patients with for the first time revealed SD of the 2nd type who had a myocardial infarction expands possibilities of correction of negative impact of emotional factors on formation and progressing of cardiovascular pathology.

Conclusions. Emotional factors such as alarm and depression influence formation of cardiovascular pathology and advance a demonstration of the disease. More often women are fixed on somatic complaints, and men with cardiovascular pathology cannot attach significance to somatic symptoms that leads to later request for medical care. Emotional factors should be considered as main “targets” of psychological intervention when developing programs of prevention along with the known somatic indicators that assumes need of interaction of experts of different clinical disciplines.


About the authors

Svetlana L. Solovyova

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University

SPIN-code: 9901-5812
Scopus Author ID: 649154

doctor of psychological sciences, professor of department of psychotherapy, medical psychology and sexology of therapeutic faculty

Russian Federation, 195067, St. Petersburg, Piskarevsky Ave., 47

Anjelica G. Koshanskaya

Medical institute of the Maykop State Technological University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 8433-1803

associate professor of hospital therapy and postdegree education, associate professor of pedagogics and psychology

Russian Federation, 385000, Maykop, Komsomolskaya str., 222

Natalya V. Vlasova

National medical research center of V.A. Almazov


medical psychologist, head of group of psychological support of personnel

Russian Federation, 197341, St. Petersburg, Akkuratov str., 2


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Copyright (c) 2020 Solovyova S.L., Koshanskaya A.G., Vlasova N.V.

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