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The paper analyzes the results of a study of 51 patients with tandem-stenosis of the cervical and lumbar spine at two levels and more due to herniated intervertebral discs, hypertrophy of the yellow ligament and arthrosis of the arcuate joints operated on the basis of the Neurosurgery Center of the Road Clinical Hospital Irkutsk JSC Russian Railways. In 22 cases, the primary operative intervention was performed at the lumbar level, in 29 cases - at the cervical level. The interim phase gap was 19 (15; 28) days. Anthropometric data (sex, age, body mass index) and duration of the disease were investigated. In the dynamics, the clinical parameters were assessed - neurological symptoms, the level of the pain syndrome according to the visual analogue scale, the severity of movements in the cervical spine (NDI), the quality of life of the patients according to the questionnaire for patients with back pain Oswestry (ODI), the degree of patient satisfaction with the operation performed on the scale of Macnab and objective dynamics of the neurological outcome on the Nurick scale, recorded before the operation, at discharge and 24 months after the operation. As a result, it was established that staged operative interventions in patients with symptomatic tandem-stenosis of the cervical and lumbar spine can significantly improve clinical symptoms in the postoperative period. At the same time, the important criteria for long-term clinical effectiveness are the duration of the disease before surgical procedures, the tactics of conducting primary surgical manipulations and the time between stages.

About the authors

Vadim A Byvaltsev

1) Irkutsk state medical university; 2) Non-state health facility “Road clinical hospital, Irkutsk-Passenger station” of JSC Russian Railways; 3)Irkutsk Research Center Surgery and Traumatology; 4) Irkutsk state medical academy of postgraduate education

1) курс нейрохирургии; 2) центр нейрохирургии; 3) научно-клинический отдел нейрохирургии 1) Krasnogo Vosstaniya St., 1, Irkutsk, 664003; 2) Botkin St., 10, Irkutsk, 664005; 3) Bortsov Revolutsii St., 1, Irkutsk, 664003; 4) micro district Jubileiny, 100, Irkutsk, 664049

Andrey A Kalinin

1) Irkutsk state medical university; 2) Non-state health facility “Road clinical hospital, Irkutsk-Passenger station” of JSC Russian Railways

1) курс нейрохирургии; 2) центр нейрохирургии 1) Krasnogo Vosstaniya St., 1, Irkutsk, 664003; 2) Botkin St., 10, Irkutsk, 664005

Valerii V Shepelev

Irkutsk state medical university

курс нейрохирургии Krasnogo Vosstaniya St., 1, Irkutsk, 664003


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Copyright (c) 2018 Byvaltsev V.A., Kalinin A.A., Shepelev V.V.

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