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One of the most common and the most “biologizing type of non-chemical addiction is a food addiction - meal intake dependence, complete clinical analog of chemical dependence. Binge eating disorder (ВЕD) is considered as the clinical form of food addiction as a complex psychopathological construct, including eating disorders, depression and addictive component. There are many unsolved questions regarding the diagnosis, the etiology and pathogenesis of mechanisms ВЕD, including genetic impact, and relationships with depression and addictions. There are significant behavioral, neurobiological, and genetic cross-talks in mechanisms and clinical manifestations of chemical addiction and food addiction with the main role of dopamine (DA) and endogenous opioid systems. ВЕD accumulates in families, the level of heritability is about 60%, and the direct contribution of genetic factors - up to 50%. Genetic studies using evidence-based design, detailed and quantitative analysis of family burdeness and pathogenetically substantiated gene panel, primarily DA and endogenous opioid systems as well as systems of serotonin and BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) are essential for the assessment of the genetic risk of ВЕD in primary prevention and for detection of specific clinical forms of development and clinical course with significant influence of genetic factors

About the authors

Alexander O Kibitov

Serbsky Federal Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology

Moscow, Кropotkinsky street, 23

Galina E Mazo

Bekhterev Research Psychoneurological Institute

St. Petersburg, Russia, 192019, Bekhterev street, 3


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