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The study involved 1084 adolescents. It was revealed that 29.3% of them are abusing the Internet. 4.3% of all respondents are internet addicted. Risk factors of formation of Internet addiction are: congenital functional insufficiency of central nervous system, deviant parenting style, maladaptive traits.

About the authors

Vladimir L Malygin

Moscow state medical-stomatological A.I. Evdokimov university

127473, Моscow, Delegatskaya street, 20, building. 1

Nina S Homeriki

Moscow state medical-stomatological A.I. Evdokimov university

127473, Моscow, Delegatskaya street, 20, building. 1

Julia A Merkuryeva

Moscow state medical-stomatological A.I. Evdokimov university

127473, Моscow, Delegatskaya street, 20, building. 1

Arina S Iskandirova

Moscow state medical-stomatological A.I. Evdokimov university

127473, Моscow, Delegatskaya street, 20, building. 1

Elena E Pakhtusova

Moscow state medical-stomatological A.I. Evdokimov university

127473, Моscow, Delegatskaya street, 20, building. 1


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Copyright (c) 2017 Malygin V.L., Homeriki N.S., Merkuryeva J.A., Iskandirova A.S., Pakhtusova E.E.

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