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The doctrine of “psychopathy” (later - “personality disorders”) appeared in the second half of the XIX century on the basis of social Darwinism and B. Morel theory of progressive hereditary degeneration. Passion, vices, originality from moral choices transformed into “psychiatric symptoms”. Psychiatrists have laid on the role of society defenders from the persons with psychiatric diagnoses. It has opened the floodgates for psychiatry use in police purposes. Biological theories of personality abolished the presumption of individual responsibility, contributed to the spread of conformity and totalitarianism. There is no evidence that deviations from the public morality norms are caused by the brain and mental pathology. Psychiatry, like any science, has its limits of competence. Psychiatrist assesses the state of mental functions in normal and pathological conditions. The spiritual sphere cannot be the object of scientific study. No medical knowledge can explain the world and predict behavior. No therapies exist with proven efficacy in “personality disorders”. The failure of the diagnostic criteria of “personality disorders” in the international classifications it is shown. Psychological structure should not become a psychiatric diagnosis. It is recommended to concentrate in the class within the ICD-10 Z00-Z99 “Factors influencing health status and contact with health services” useful for practical health care and medical expertise in the field of personology. The physician must be independent of the moral values of behavior and must always be on the side of the patient’s interests.

About the authors

Evgeny V Snedkov

1) St. Nicholas Psychiatric Hospital; 2) I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

2) Department of Psychiatry and Addiction 1) 190121, St. Petersburg, Moika River, 126; 2) 191015, St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya street, 41


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