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The present review is concerned with the clinical features of neurological disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease. It is emphasized that initial stages there can be seen changes of the central nervous system manifested as disturbances of attention, memory and psychomotor functions. However, with the progression of the underlying disease more clinically apparent becomes frontal defect. Also has been noted significant prevalence of the polyneuropathic disorders in this group of patients.Signs of polyneuropathy in patients with chronic kidney disease are similar with other mixed sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy of toxic-metabolic origin and are characterized by insidious onset and slow progression. There were offered recommendations for examination and management of these patients.

About the authors

Igor V Damulin

The first I.M. Sechenov state medical university

department of nervous diseases and neurosurgery 119021, Моscow, Rossolimo street, 11, building 1

Olga N Voskresenskaya

The first I.M. Sechenov state medical university

department of nervous diseases and neurosurgery 119021, Моscow, Rossolimo street, 11, building 1


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Copyright (c) 2017 Damulin I.V., Voskresenskaya O.N.

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