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We have analyzed DRD4 120bp VNTR samples provided by 181 patients suffering from cathinone addiction (case 1) and compared them to the samples taken from 168 somatically and psychologically healthy people (case 2). The analysis showed DRD4*L (120bp dup) as the most common allele in both cases. However, the frequency of the genotype *S/*S happened to be statistically more significant in case 1 compared to case 2. Based on this analysis, it could be concluded that the genetic effect on developing an addition to synthetic cathinone can be mediated via dopaminergic system, in particular by DRD4 120bp VNTR.

About the authors

Azat R Asadullin

1) Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Bashkir State Medical University; 2) SBHI Republican Narcological Dispensary №1 Ministry of Health Republic of Bashkortostan

Email: droar@yandex.ru
Ufa, 3 Lenin Street; Ufa, 119 Pushkin Street

Vladimir L Yuldashev

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Bashkir State Medical University

Ufa, 3 Lenin Street

Ivan V Nikolaev

SBHI Republican Narcological Dispensary №1 Ministry of Health Republic of Bashkortostan

Ufa, 119 Pushkin Street

Elvina A Akhmetova

1) Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Bashkir State Medical University; 2) SBHI Republican Narcological Dispensary №1 Ministry of Health Republic of Bashkortostan

1) Ufa, 3 Lenin Street; 2) Ufa, 119 Pushkin Street

Siren’ A Khalikov

FSBHI Republican Narcological Dispensary №1 Ministry of Health Republic of Tatarstan

Republic of Tatarstan, Tatarstan, Almetyevsk district, urban village Lower Maktama, 1a Industrial Street


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Copyright (c) 2017 Asadullin A.R., Yuldashev V.L., Nikolaev I.V., Akhmetova E.A., Khalikov S.A.

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