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The article is devoted to topical issues of computer addiction. In the literature review, the authors emphasize the presence of the fundamental contradictions in the views on the disorder. One of the possible reasons for the formed situation, according to the authors, is the frequent and ill-founded use of psychometric scales as the main tool. Our own study clearly shows the lack of validity of commonly used instrument - CIAS scale. According to the authors, clinical and dynamic approach with the syndrome-based assessment of the state is a reliable alternative to study of the problem using simple, accessible and easy psychometric methods. It is necessary to highlight the clear differential diagnostic criteria of the disorder, and the development of therapeutic recommendations based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

About the authors

Victor A Soldatkin

Rostov State Medical University

Rostov-on-Don, St. Nahichivanskiy, 29

Dkhaval Ch Mavani

LLC Medico-Rehabilitology Scientific Center “Phoenix”

Rostov-on-Don, Ave. Voroshilovskiy, 40/128


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Copyright (c) 2016 Soldatkin V.A., Mavani D.C.

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