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The special aspects of neurological forms of hepatolenticular degeneration, based on the results of four years monitoring of 47 patients (the average age of patients is 33,4 years old, the average prolongation of the disease is 18 years) are studied in this paper. During the monitoring period: deterioration in the condition with the progress of pathological symptoms appeared in 21,27% cases; fatal cases - 4,25%; neurological defect’s stabilization - 48,9% of cases; regress of pathology - 25,5%. There are two types of development of hepatolenticular degeneration: favourable one (74,46%) and pejorative one (25,5%). The risk factors of pejorative type of decease development are: the severity of clinical aspects at the time of diagnostics in neurological stage, period of the delay of the copper-eliminate therapy prescription and the degree of mental disorder. The prognostication on hepatolenticular degeneration depended on the duration of the desiese, time of the therapy begining and the compliance to it.

About the authors

Aleksey V Ovchinnikov

Departmental Clinical Hospital at Vladivostok station joint stock company «Russian rail ways»

Email: vladannamail-primorye-ru2014@yandex.ru
690003, Vladivostok, Verhneportovaya str., 25

Vladimir V Shprakh

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education

Email: irkmapo@irk.ru
664049, Irkutsk, Ubileinii district, 100


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