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The review of literature and our own data on a role of a perinatal pathology of a brain, in particular of presented ischemia and hypoxia, in formation of a syndrome of deficiency of attention with hyperactivity were shown. Results of research have demonstrated, that the combination of ante- and intranatal factors appears to be defining in a parentage of the majority of аttention deficit and hyperactivity disorder cases. At the majority of children with аttention deficit and hyperactivity disorder signs of the transferred hydrocephaly or a patrimonial cervical trauma are noticed. Results of video-EEG-monitoring at patients with аttention deficit and hyperactivity disorder are reflected.

About the authors

Elena A Morozova

Kazan State Medical Academy

кафедра детской неврологии; Казанская государственная медицинская академия; Kazan State Medical Academy

Almira A Madyakina

Children's municipal hospital №8, The center of diagnostics and treatment of children with a syndrome of deficiency of attention with hyperactivity

Children's municipal hospital №8, The center of diagnostics and treatment of children with a syndrome of deficiency of attention with hyperactivity


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Copyright (c) 2011 Morozova E.A., Madyakina A.A.

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