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Detailed description and justification of the maxillofacial markers of chronic alcoholism was done. There were shown the prevalence of chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases and chronic periodontitis, which during the period of abstinence in the background of the deep decline of the antimicrobial immune defense have a tendency to aggravate. There were presented data on peculiarities of gusto-reception and salivation in patients with alcohol dependence. It was proved the influence of substance abuse on the morphofunctional lingual status. To facilitate the identification of alcohol-depended pathology in providing dental care at the outpatient reception, a formalized map, unifying the diagnostic process, was offered.

About the authors

Dmitry N Goreachev

Kazan state medical university

кафедра терапевтической стоматологии; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Kazan state medical university


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