
“Civilization”: terminological diversity And legal identity
Zhukov V.
Development of the theory of the socialist state in political publications and legal documents of the stalin period of soviet history: problems and contraditions
Nekandrov A.
Trainin Ilya Pavlovich: in the struggle for the right at the turning of the epochs
Savenkov A.
Russian federalism as a preimage of the future global multi-polarity
Dobrynin N.
Globalism and civilization in the paradigm philosophy of law
Zhukov V.
State secret as an institution of legal support for national sovereignty and security of the Russian Federation
Polyakova T., Kamalova G.
S.V. Kabyshev. The Constitution of Russia: Traditions of progress (to the 30th anniversary). Moscow: O.E. Kutafin University Publishing Center (MSLA), 2024
Mazaev V.
Russia in the new geopolitical realities: the legal vector of civilizational self-determination
Lapaeva V.
Legal issues in the reunification of new regions with the Russian Federation
Sorokin V.
Features of hybrid threats to the security of the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal analysis
Bobrova O.
The consequences of Brexit for the constitutional system of the Great Britain
Kodaneva S.
Constitutional Law, Philosophy and statehood of Russia. B.S. Ebzeev. The Philosophy of Russian constitutionalism: essays
Zhukov V.
The concept of the state: a return to the classics
Zhukov V.
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