
Motherhood and childhood as a basis for family policy: modernity and historical heritage
Letova N.
Peculiarities of legal regulation of the labor of employees’ labor in the introduction of special measures in the economic sphere
Chucha S.
Ways of constitutionalization of Russian justice
Malina M.
On the issue of codification of information legislation in the context of digital transformation
Polyakova T., Minbaleev A., Naumov V.
Constitutional projects of the twentieth century The Constitution of the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia
Vinogradova E., Danilevskaya I.
Election of magistrates as a preventive measure their possible deviant behavior: critical analysis of the legal tradition
Tuganov Y., Aulov V.
Constitutional Law, Philosophy and statehood of Russia. B.S. Ebzeev. The Philosophy of Russian constitutionalism: essays
Zhukov V.
So what is the form of government in Russia? Part 1
Avdeev D.
Agreements and contracts in the field of family relations: correlation and features of legal regulation
Letova N.
Investigative jurisdiction of the criminal case: general condition of the preliminary investigation or a set of organizational-management rules?
Rossinskiy S.
Preconditions for the right to bring claim: state of the art
Mikhailova E.
About non-federal justice Part I. Should the constitutional (statutory) ones have been abolished courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation?
Kleandrov M.
On some directions of harmonization of legislation in the sphere of health protection of children studying in general educational organizations in the context of the inclusion into the Russian Federation of new subjects
Borisova L.
Legal provision of environmental safety of floating nuclear power plants in the Arctic
Baramidze D.
War as an ecological catastrophe: minimization strategies
Milyukov S., Kuznetsova N.
On the manifestation in judicial practice of the universal (pan-European) content of the principles of good faith and the prohibition of abuse of the right
Musarsky S.
Artificial intelligence – a means of method committing fraud in the field of computer information?
Zharova A.
Outlining the contours of Russia’s legal mobilization
Gligich-Zolotareva M.
Public financial control in the financial markets: features and prospects of development
Tropskaya S.
The model of criminal liability of legal entities for encroachments in the field of economic activity
Rusanov G.
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