Public financial control in the financial markets: features and prospects of development

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The article analyzes public control in the financial market and proves that such control (supervision) is a kind of public financial control. The following features of public financial control in the financial market are highlighted: the limited state intervention in the private sphere, the use of special methods of regulation and control in the financial market; the special purpose of state regulation and supervision in the financial market is to ensure development and stability in the financial market; the presence of a single entity exercising this control, which is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that the emergence of specific areas of control (for example, behavioral, consulting), as well as special measures to influence violators of financial legislation demonstrates the strengthening of preventive measures and focus on the development of risk-based supervision. Particular attention is paid to the use of information and communication technologies in the field of public control in the financial market.

About the authors

S. S Tropskaya

Russian State University of Justice

Russian Federation, Moscow


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