
On the way to a sovereign philosophy of Russian law A. I. Bastrykin, К. F. Ismagilov, М. P. Salnikov. The idea of goodness шn the works of А.M. Dostoevsky and its influence on the development of the philosophy of law (to the 200th anniversary of F. M. Dostoevsky) / intro. by A. I. Aleksandrov. St. Petersburg: university foundation, 2021. – 380 pp. (series “Science and society”); S. I. Zakhartsev, D. V. Maslennikov, V. P. Salnikov. The logos of law: Parmenides – Hegel – Dostoevsky. To the question of the speculative-logical foundations of the metaphysics of law. Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2019. – 376 pp.
Stepashin S.
The dialogue of theology and law in russian science and education
Gryanova E.
Trainin Ilya Pavlovich: in the struggle for the right at the turning of the epochs
Savenkov A.
At the breaks of history (Mikhail Aleksandrovich Arzhanov – man, scientist, era)
Pligin V., Kobzar-Frolova M.
The teaching of professor V.T. Kabyshev on constitutionalism. To the 85th anniversary of Vladimir T. Kabyshev, doctor of law, professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of higher education of Russia
Zametina T.
S.V. Kabyshev. The Constitution of Russia: Traditions of progress (to the 30th anniversary). Moscow: O.E. Kutafin University Publishing Center (MSLA), 2024
Mazaev V.
The history of law in the life of Professor Nina A. Krasheninnikova: to the 95th anniversary
Krasheninnikov P., Trikoz E.
Powerful incentive for legal research in Military Science Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin (Moscow: Center for legal communications, 2021–2022)
Chemezov S.
Review of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “The history of state and law in the conditions of new scientific rationality”
Glotov S., Aleshkova I.
Methodology of the Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Law: the transition from “due” to “being”
Frolova E.
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