Gosudarstvo i pravo

ISSN (print): 1026-9452, ISSN (online): 2713-0398

Media registration certificate: No. 0110145 dated 02/04/1993

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of State and Law RAS

Editor-in-Chief Savenkov Alexander Nikolaevich 

Number of issues per year: 12

Included in: White List (level 3), RISC, List of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK), Scopus

The journal “State and Law” is dedicated to the study of current theoretical and practical problems of jurisprudence in Russia and other countries. The journal publishes scientific articles on full range of law, criminology and philosophy of law, as well as scientific reports, reviews of scientific events, book reviews and personalia.

The monthly peer-review journal "Gosudarstvo i pravo" (State and Law) has been published since 1927.


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Nº 7 (2024)


Edição completa

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Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences: towards the centenary

The rise of law – the mission of S.S. Alekseev (on the 100th anniversary of the outstanding jurist) (The end)
Kazantsev M., Rudenko V.

The article is devoted to the outstanding scientist and organizer of science, jurist, philosopher, thinker, publicist, writer, statesman, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor Sergey S. Alekseev (1924–2013). The biography of S.S. is traced. Alekseev, his hypostasis as a legal theorist, civilist, philosopher, organizer of science, publicist, writer, statesman, legislator, is evaluated for his contribution to science, the formation of the modern legal system in our country, reveals his role in the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The article quotes fragments of previously unpublished works by S. S. Alekseev.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):7-26
pages 7-26 views
At the breaks of history (Mikhail Aleksandrovich Arzhanov – man, scientist, era)
Pligin V., Kobzar-Frolova M.

The article was prepared within the framework of the project “Russian Academy of Sciences: outstanding scientists and lawyers. XX century” on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences and dedicated to the memory of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Arzhanov, scientist, lawyer, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. M. A. Arzhanov embodied the type of lawyer of the ХХ century, characteristic of the Soviet era in the history of Russian legal science: he combined in his personality the properties of a scientific researcher and at the same time an ideologist-propagandist. He is one of the first researchers in Soviet Russia who was deeply involved in the problems of nationalism, the study of the fascist state as a natural product of the capitalist system, and such an urgent problem of jurisprudence as the relationship between state and law. The article briefly highlights the life path that M. A. Arzhanov went through from a village boy to a corresponding member, and provides a brief description of the most significant works of the scientist. The scientific works of M. A. Arzhanov are very relevant. His works formed the basis for the formation of ideas about Soviet law in the pre-war and immediate post-war periods (1930–1960).

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):27-39
pages 27-39 views
Projection of cognitive technologies of values transformation on the sovereign russian statehood
Vinogradova E.

The article is devoted to the study of the potential of cognitive technologies and their influence on the transformation of domestic historical and legal values. The objective of the study is to identify the need to analyze cognitive technologies as a means of influencing socio-political views that shape Russian sovereign statehood and deliberately distort the facts of historical and legal reality.

The study of sovereign Russian statehood is a task whose complexity is predetermined by many factors. First of all, it should be noted that it is very important to consider it as a system consisting of a number of elements (statehood, sovereignty, etc.). The study of this system presupposes the inevitability of its complex interdisciplinary research, in which it is difficult to do without legal, historical, philosophical, political science, sociological and other aspects. In addition, the analysis of the entire system and its individual elements does not imply conclusions with the proper degree of representativeness without the use of comparative and retrospective methods. The relevance of the study is predetermined by the transformations taking place in modern Russia, caused by both external factors and processes changing the modern political and legal reality, in particular constitutional reforms. The state of bifurcation of the system of international law creates new meanings of basic legal concepts that determine the independence of sovereign states. Scientific research on the topic of sovereignty and its positions in the context of globalization has intensified. The article analyzes the mechanisms aimed at the formation of distorted ideas about historical and legal reality. It is concluded that it is important to form verified, scientifically grounded approaches to the study of facts that have historical, legal, socio-political significance, based on material that is appropriate for doctrinal judgments and the degree of representativeness. This will make it possible to create tools to counter cognitive technologies for transforming traditional Russian values, the use of which can influence the concepts that determine the legal nature of state sovereignty.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):40-49
pages 40-49 views

Philosophy of law

Globalism and civilization in the paradigm philosophy of law
Zhukov V.

The article reveals the role of the concept of globalism in the theory of knowledge and the system of international relations, substantiates the fundamental differences between global processes and civilizational ones. An attempt is made to trace the process of the origin and development of civilizational ideas and the practice of their embodiment in real forms. Special attention is paid to the historical and legal sanctification of civilizational processes and the consequences of globalization. The author’s position is stated on all debatable issues.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):50-63
pages 50-63 views
Formation of a modern historiographical model of political and legal knowledge
Gorban V.

The article deals with the problem of forming a modern historiographical model of political and legal knowledge. First of all, it covers the issues of the science of the history of political and legal thought, the history of law and the Philosophy of Law. The lack of proper developments in the field of historiography of political and legal thought is the basis for distortions and falsifications of this field of knowledge, has a negative impact on the possibilities of effective development of theoretical and historical legal sciences and the use of historiographical contexts of branch legal disciplines. The development of a modern historiographical model of political and legal knowledge should be carried out taking into account the achievements of other socio-humanitarian sciences, logical-philosophical and historical-philosophical research, including a significant update of the methods and techniques of cognition used. An important role is played by the affirmation of the principles of reliability, verifiability and qualitative growth of knowledge, recognition of types of development and cultural and civilizational diversity. The article summarizes the experience and results of existing research on historiography in general and political and legal thought in particular, reveals some key problems of its development, demonstrates the possibilities and directions for improving the methodological aspects of historiography of political and legal thought.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):64-78
pages 64-78 views
Justice as an attributive and functional characteristic of the modern state
Cherkesova L.

The article analyzes the phenomenon of justice in the context of the functioning of the modern state. An attempt is made to substantiate the possibility of attributing the moral and legal category “justice” to the attributive and functional characteristics of the modern state. It is concluded that there is a state function of “justice”. Based on the analysis of this function, through the prism of determining the sphere of justice (justice), on the example of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, approaches to the formation of the structure of the implementation of the principle of justice by the state are proposed. The issues that require a more in-depth study and the direction of further research of the state function of justice are formulated.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):79-85
pages 79-85 views

Legal, political and religious thought

Legal awareness: from the history of the philosophy of law
Frolova E.

The article analyzes the phenomenon of legal consciousness as an area of value judgments (assessment of reality) and as a fact of being (social phenomena). Based on primary sources, various interpretations of the content of legal consciousness, its relationship with the principles of law, morality, and prescriptions of natural law are shown.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):86-97
pages 86-97 views
The role Beccaria’s on crimes and punishments on the formation of Bentham’s utilitarian theory of criminal liability
Kolosov I.

In the article, the author substantiates the continuity of the legal ideas of utilitarianism in relation to criminal punishment, which led to the formation of a holistic doctrine. Beccaria’s “On Crimes and Punishments” (1764) been considered a theorist of criminal law and criminology, who proceeded from the principle of utility. At the same time, traditionally in jurisprudence, including in the field of criminal law, the principle of utility begins to be applied only in connection with the publication of the work of Bentham’s Introduction to the Foundations of the Morality of Legislation in 1789. How did Beccaria’s treatise influence the formation of Bentham’s utilitarian view of the criminal liability? What did Bentham borrow from Beccaria? Was Bentham’s utilitarianism original? As a result, the theoretical foundations for a transparent, consistent and egalitarian justice system were created, in which punishment should be proportionate to the crime, applied promptly and in a way that is understandable to all. As a result, Beccaria’s On Crimes and Punishments had a significant impact, first on the philosophy of Bentham, and then on the reform of criminal law in the Western Europe.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):98-104
pages 98-104 views

Constitutional law of Russia

Tradition and ideology of the human legal status in Russian constitutionalism
Dzhagaryan A., Sokolshchik I.

In the article, the authors addressed the understanding of man in the civilizational space of the Russian statehood, in the national-specific context of the spiritual, moral and socio-cultural environment. Overcoming the aggressive mythologies of individualistic liberalism, which have led to a value-based and worldview schism and are contributing to the evolving crisis in Western legal tradition, requires not merely a critical approach (while avoiding the risks of sliding into fanatical negativism) but a constructive, creatively generative approach. This involves identifying and elucidating the distinctive philosophical-ethical foundations of Russian constitutional humanism. Recognizing the scale and nature of the issues under discussion, the authors primarily focus on the ideological aspects of updating the constitutional model of human legal status from the perspective of the identity of domestic constitutionalism. It is argued that, in terms of value-based worldviews and methodology, it is crucial to shift the focus of the discussion around the legal status of the individual towards the foundational principles of ethical-legal obligation, and consequently, towards identifying and systematizing the subjective duties and obligations associated with spiritual-moral imperatives.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):105-114
pages 105-114 views

Judicial power

On current problems of the mechanism of liability of judges for disciplinary misconduct: law enforcement practice, general approaches. Part 4. Approaches to improving and improving the efficiency of the organizational and legal mechanism of disciplinary responsibility of judges
Kleandrov M.

In the final, fourth part of the article, published in 2024 in the journal “State and Law”, certain results of the problems considered in its first three parts are summed up (part 1 – “Termination of the powers of a judge for a serious offense after the constitutional innovations of 2020 – constitutional or disciplinary responsibility?” (No. 3); part 2 – “On problems of disciplinary responsibility of court heads” (in two sections) (No. 4, 5); part 3 – “On the disciplinary responsibility of retired judges” (No. 6)). Conclusions are drawn about the imperfection of this mechanism with specific examples of law enforcement (and especially judicial) practice, including those caused by the imperfection of legislation in the area of public relations under consideration. Specific, including radical, proposals are being made aimed at improving and increasing the effectiveness of both the named mechanism as a whole and its individual links.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):115-125
pages 115-125 views

Court, prosecutor’s office, bar, notarial system

Socialization of justice as a vector of development of the civil process: history and modernity
Momotov V.

This article analyzes the phenomenon of socialization of justice, its ideological and historical origins, as well as the state of affairs with the administration of justice in the modern Russian Federation. The analysis of the development of the civil process traces the reasons for the transition in the states of continental Europe during the 20th century from a liberal to a social type of process, which aimed to compensate for the actual inequality of the parties due to the active role of the court. The main features of the social type of the process are highlighted and its correlation with the investigative (investigative) process is determined. Using the example of domestic legislation, the transition from the liberal model of the Charter of Civil Procedure of 1864 to the social model of the civil procedure codes of the RSFSR of 1923 and 1964 is demonstrated. The author’s point of view regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Soviet legislation is substantiated, its dual nature is demonstrated, which was associated with excessive activity of the court while maintaining fundamental adversarial and dispositive principles. In conclusion, the author identifies the legal grounds for the socialization of justice in the Russian Federation. Based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, procedural legislation and the legal positions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, it is argued and proved that a number of institutions of Russian law reproduce the logic of socialization of civil procedure. It is noted that the need to establish objective truth in the process determines the need to abandon the liberal model, which does not correspond to the experience of leading European states.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):126-140
pages 126-140 views

Rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen

Realization of the right to education by children with migration history: russian practices and foreign experience
Varlamova N., Vasilieva T., Sorokina E., Chekharina V.

Involvement of children with migration history in the Russian education system is a necessary condition for their integration into the host society, their future economic and social success. Less than 20% of migrant children living in our country attend schools. But even their education causes serious problems due to poor knowledge of the Russian language, gaps in general education, and upbringing in a different ethno-cultural environment, often differing in its values and accepted rules of behavior. Russia and foreign states are implementing a variety of legal and organizational measures aimed at solving these problems and social adaptation of migrant children. The subject of this article is the analysis and generalization of the most effective practices.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):141-154
pages 141-154 views

Civil and entrepreneurial law

Methodological individualism and legal regulation of economic activity
Efimov A.

An adequate and flexible impact of law on the economy is impossible without differentiation of legal regulation. At the same time, the legal regime for the activities of persons must be determined by their individual economic characteristics. The philosophical basis for constructing such legal regulation, which could consider the economic characteristics of individuals, is methodological individualism. Within the framework of methodological individualism, it is assumed that the study of social processes should begin with the study of the behavior of individual individuals. In addition, legal influence on society (in particular, on the economy) is possible only through legal influence on the behavior of individuals engaged in economic activity. From the standpoint of methodological individualism, many problems of law can be rethought. In particular, the article examines the functional approach to the construction of legal norms, thanks to which the hypotheses of norms take into account economic characteristics that can individualize participants in economic activity; arguments are made in favor of the fact that the subject of legal regulation is (economic) activity; the use of deontic operators in legal norms and the classical definition of the concept of legal status are criticized; provides a new look at the theory of legal facts.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):155-165
pages 155-165 views

Labor law and digital economy

On the issue of the concept of “young professionals” in the legislation on labor and employment
Serova A.

Modern political and economic challenges have exacerbated the problem of high unemployment among young professionals and at the same time have created the problem of an acute shortage of qualified personnel. The reasons for this disparity can be found in the imbalance of youth policy and policy in the field of labor and employment promotion. The establishment of a mechanism for their interaction should begin with solving the issue of the inaccuracy of the conceptual apparatus used in the legal foundations of these areas of domestic social policy. First of all, it is necessary to reconsider the approach to the definition of the concept of “young professionals”. The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the modernization of the concept of “young professionals” for the purposes of labor and employment legislation. Research objectives: to identify and analyze the legal content of the “young professionals” category in the context of labor and employment issues; to systematize guarantees of labor rights and rights in the field of employment promotion of young professionals; to formulate proposals for reforming Russian legislation in the field under study. The methodological basis of the research is the general scientific dialectical method of cognition of objective reality, various general scientific logical techniques, the method of content analysis and private legal methods of cognition (formal legal, comparative legal, historical and legal methods and the method of system analysis). Considerable attention is paid to the study of a large array of strategic planning documents and regulatory legal acts adopted at the federal and regional levels, as well as industry agreements. It is concluded that employment is one of the basic components of the quality of working life of young professionals. In this regard, the necessity of adapting the concept of “young professionals”, enshrined in the legal framework of youth policy, for the purposes of labor and employment legislation is justified. The variety of approaches developed in law-making activity to the definition of the signs of the concept of “young specialist” is revealed. To ensure uniform practice, it is proposed to formulate a definition of this concept on the basis of a dynamic approach and fix it in the legislation on employment of the population.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):166-173
pages 166-173 views

Information law and information security

State secret as an institution of legal support for national sovereignty and security of the Russian Federation
Polyakova T., Kamalova G.

The article is devoted to the urgent problems of improving the institution of state secrets in the interests of strengthening the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation. The paper provides an information and legal analysis of the existing problems of the institute of state secrets in the context of improving Russian legislation in this area in the context of risks and threats of ongoing digitalization and conducting a special military operation determined by the processes of formation of a multipolar world. The authors have identified a number of problems in the field of legal protection of state secrets and proposed solutions based on the use of systematic, formal-logical and other research methods.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):174-183
pages 174-183 views

Family, marriage, law

Conceptual approaches to determining the legal status of a child in modern conditions
Letova N.

The article deals with the problems of theory related to the absence in the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation of the definition of the concept of the legal status of a child, the elements that determine its content, which does not allow us to identify the specifics of the legal status of such a special subject of law as a child. Such a legislative provision has a very unfavorable effect on law enforcement, and ultimately on the child himself and his rights, which requires a revision of the foundations formed in the theory of law about the legal status of the individual, their modern “adaptation” in relation to the child.

The author comes to the conclusion that the trends in the development of legislation, the norms of which are aimed at regulating relations with the participation of a child, the degree of his activity in relations of a diversified type, indicate the need to highlight not only the general status, but also a special, individual legal status of the child, the content of which will allow more accurate identify the specifics of its legal status in comparison with other participants in civil circulation.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):184-191
pages 184-191 views

Law and international relations

Harmonization of conflict of laws party autonomy and the regulatory competition
Erpyleva N., Get̓man-Pavlova I., Kasatkina A.

Practice has shown that neither active international cooperation in the development of agreements directly regulating relations in the field of private international law (PIL), nor numerous acts of lex mercatoria can eliminate the need to resolve a conflict of laws issue. In this regard, it is not surprising that the modern lex mercatoria includes not only material norms, but also rules for choosing the applicable law. The “pinnacle” of the conflict of laws lex mercatoria at the moment are the Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts, developed by the Hague Conference on PIL in 2015. The Hague Principles are a holistic, systematized document that codifies an independent integrated institution of PIL – the right of subjects of cross-border private relations to choose a competent legal regulator themselves. The Hague Principles cover in detail the main issues of the conflict of laws party autonomy and contain extremely important concepts and definitions. This study analyzes the potential of the Hague Principles in the process of regulatory competition from the point of view of two aspects: the non-binding nature of the document and the requirement of “internationality” of the commercial contract. When writing the article, the methods of comparative analysis and comparative jurisprudence, formal logic, literal and contextual interpretation were used. The article concludes that from the point of view of regulatory competition, the non-binding nature of the Hague Principles is their advantage, since “soft law” certainly wins in international trade. The Hague Principles are a set of best practices, compiled taking into account both international and national experience in regulating conflict of laws party autonomy. If the state perceives them as a role model, this will allow it to increase the competitiveness of its own law and the chances of choosing it as the most effective in relation to international commercial contracts. However, not all decisions of the Hague Principles appear to be positive from the point of view of regulatory competition. In particular, limiting their use only to commercial contracts with objective links to two or more legal systems reduces their competitiveness. In the modern world, parties to domestic transactions should also be able to use lex mercatoria acts as a neutral, balanced law, effective from the point of view of international transactions.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):192-204
pages 192-204 views

Scientific reports

On digital identification of actions personality
Stepanov О., Stepanov M.

The article deals with the problem of digital identification of personal actions. It draws attention to the fact that the use of virtual space creates an alternative social reality in which the functioning of personality takes place. Three main components characterizing the digital identification of personal actions as a phenomenon are singled out: digital profile, digital image and digital trace. It is assumed that further comprehension of the idea of digital identification of personal actions can be associated with the emergence of a program construct (digital avatar) based on the use of seamless digital ecosystems (SMART-environment), which will be able to fully replace a person in the network in legally significant situations.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):205-210
pages 205-210 views

Scientific life

The rights and duties of the individual: in search of civil consent. Review of the International Conference “The Russian statehood and the challenges of the XXI century”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the 40th anniversary of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Pozharsky D., Krotkova N.

The article provides an overview of the International Conference “The Russian statehood and challenges of the XXI century”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the 40th anniversary of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The forum was held in a mixed (face-to-face and online) format on three discussion platforms (a plenary session, a round table and a rostrum of a young scientist).

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):211-222
pages 211-222 views

Criticism and bibliography

On the issue of the diversity of national models of regulation of information (digital) relationships. Edward J. Swan. Internet law: a concise guide to regulation around the world
Tedeev A., Oshmankevich K.

The work of a foreign researcher Edward J. Swan is devoted to an overview of the legal regulation of social relations in the field of information use, in particular, on the Internet, but not limited to this. The author formulates his vision of Internet law as a set of international and national legal regulations governing the relevant social relations, provides the system and structure of Internet law according to his understanding. The author provides an overview of the main international legal acts in this area, consistently moving on to the consideration of the legal regulation of certain issues of Internet law in various states, including the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. In conclusion, the author formulates his vision of the prospects for the development of this new industry and the impact of Internet technologies on the relevant social relations and their regulation.

Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2024;(7):223-228
pages 223-228 views

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