Nº 2 (2023)


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Parallelism in Speciation and Intraspecific Diversification of the Plague Microbe Yersinia pestis

Suntsov V.


Modern “molecular genetic (MG) phylogenies” of the plague microbe Yersinia pestis, built on models of neutral evolution using statistical methods of phylogenetic analysis, contradict numerous obvious environmental (ECO) patterns and are not consistent with the concept of adaptatiogenesis. The reason for the discrepancy between MG and ECO phylogenies is seen in the underestimation by the MG approach of parallelisms in the processes of speciation and intraspecific diversification of the plague microbe. ECO methods showed the parallel tritope (almost) simultaneous speciation of three primary genovariants (populations, subspecies) Y. pestis 2.ANT3, 3.ANT2 and 4.ANT1 in three geographical populations of the Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica), which in the MG approach is mistaken for polytomy (“Big Bang”), caused by unknown natural phenomena on the eve of the first pandemic (Justinian’s plague, 6th-8th centuries AD). The discrepancy between MG and ECO interpretations of the evolution of intraspecifically-derived phylogenetic sub-branches 0.PE and 2.MED is also associated with parallel evolutionary processes in independent lines, based on genovariants 2.ANT3, 3.ANT2 and 4.ANT1. Independence of these phylogenetic lines and associated with them parallelisms of sub-branches 0.PE and 2.MED are not taken into account in the MG approach. The prospect of creating a real phylogenetic tree for Y. pestis depends on a creative synthesis of the two approaches – MG and ECO.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):115-121
pages 115-121 views


Role of Albumin and Alpha-Fetoprotein in Prenatal Ontogenesis of the Human Eye

Panova I., Tatikolov A.


The vitreous body of the eye of human fetuses contains serum albumin (SA) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), which is normally characteristic of human embryos and fetuses. In the second trimester, both proteins are found in the vitreous at a concentration comparable to that in blood serum, after which their content decreases sharply. In this analytical review, taking into account the biological properties of SA and AFP, the role of these proteins in the processes of growth and differentiation of the structures of the developing eye is discussed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):122-133
pages 122-133 views


Parameters of Lipid Metabolism in Underyearlings of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar Reared under Different Regimes of Photoperiod and Feeding Modes in Aquaculture in the Sourthern Region of Russia

Murzina S., Provotorov D., Voronin V., Kuznetsova M., Kuritsyn A., Nemova N.


A comparative study of the lipid and fatty acid composition of Atlantic salmon underyearlings reared under natural and continuous light in commercial aquaculture in the summer-autumn period in North Ossetia-Alania was carried out. A stable change in the main indicators of lipid metabolism in salmon underyearlings from September to November was found, aimed at preparing juveniles for smoltification. A change in key fatty acid indicators was detected: an increase in the content of PUFAs due to (n-3) PUFAs, and the “marine” type of PUFA – 22:6 (n-3), high values of the ratios (n-3)(n-6) PUFA, 18:3(n-3)/18:2 (n-6), 22:6(n-3)/ 18:3(n-3). It has been shown the stimulating effect of the combined and stable action of the continuous photoperiod and feeding in the summer-autumn period on the preparation for smoltification of Atlantic salmon fingerlings grown under aquaculture conditions.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):134-148
pages 134-148 views


Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics, and Biotechnological Potential of Hydrolitic Haloalkalitolerant Bacteria of Soda Sludge Storage

Maksimova Y., Shilova A., Egorova V., Shchetko V., Maksimov A.


Peculiarities of manifestation of hydrolytic activity of haloalkalitolerant bacteria Pseudomonas peli 3-T, Microbacterium kitamiense 16-DB, and Bacillus aequororis 5-DB, isolated from the soil of the territory of the soda sludge storage and the soda sludge of the functioning sludge reservoir of Berezniki Soda Plant (Perm Territory, Russia) were studied. It was shown that the maximum activity of extracellular lipases and amylases of the three studied bacteria were manifested at pH 11 and a high concentration of sodium chloride (50–200 g/L). Cultivation of P. peli 3-T on a mineral medium with 0.5% glycerol (source of carbon) and 0.03% urea (source of nitrogen) makes it possible to obtain biomass (6.9 g/L) and activity of extracellular lipase (1.26 U/L) and lipase associated with cells (3.02 U/mg dry cells) with a high economic ratio of substrate consumption (138%). The efficiency of immobilization of P. peli 3-T and B. aequororis 5-DB cells for use in lipid and starch biotransformation was shown. P. peli 3-T cells immobilized by adsorption on kaolin and incorporated into the structure of barium alginate and agarose gels retained from 40.4 to 63.8% of the cell lipase activity in suspension. B. aequororis 5-DB cells immobilized by adsorption on kaolin retained 42.5% of lipase and 90.7% of amylase activity as compared to the initial ones. At the same time, the activities of the P. peli 3-T and B. aequororis 5-DB enzymes were preserved during 6 consecutive reactions. The amylase activity of immobilized M. kitamiense 16-DB cells by adsorption on kaolin and chitosan decreased to 2.7–3.5% of the initial value and was completely inhibited upon immobilization by cell’s entrapment into barium alginate gels or agarose gels.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):149-159
pages 149-159 views


The Kava River Basin (Northern Okhotsk Area) as a Hotspot of Aquatic Macrophyte Diversity in Northern Pacific

Bobrov A., Mochalova O., Chemeris E.


Aquatic macrophytes of the Kava River basin in northern Okhotsk area are represented by 4 species of macroalgae and 51 species and 4 hybrids of vascular plants. Flora of the Magadan Region was completed by 3 species and 3 hybrids: Aegagropilopsis moravica, Equisetum arvense × E. scirpoides, Elatine aff. triandra vel americana, Potamogeton × vepsicus, Sparganium chlorocarpum and S. chlorocarpum × S. gramineum. Almost all species of aquatic vascular plants protected in the Magadan Region (10 out of 11) are concentrated and abundant in the Kava River basin, 3 “red listed” species in the Khabarovsk Territory were also found in its basin and with a high abundance. Basing on floristic diversity, water bodies are grouped according to the similarity of environmental conditions, and not according to their geographical location. Almost all diversity of aquatic macrophytes is concentrated in lakes. The lake-river system of the Chukcha River, one of the major tributary of the Kava River, is distinguished here by the greatest diversity and concentration of rare taxa, because it is the most isolated from the cold sea winds. Rich aquatic flora and vegetation in the Kava River basin had emerged and are now sustained due to the special favorable microclimatic conditions of the closed valley of a large river, the existence of numerous water bodies of different ages and genesis with a wide variation in hydrological and hydrochemical parameters, the possibility of moving the propagules of aquatic plants along a well-developed lake-river network. The unique lake-river system of the Kava River requires increased attention and protection.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):160-171
pages 160-171 views


To the Stady of a Water Vole (Arvicola anphibius) at the North-Western Area

Ivanter E.


We have conducted the long-term expeditionary and stationary studies in the taiga Northwest of Russia (1958–2018) to characterize the population, biotopic distribution, nutrition, reproduction, spatial and ecological structure of the population, and the dynamics of the number of water voles, including those associated with its habitat in northern range boundaries: timing, reproductive cycles, course and intensity of reproduction, participation in the reproduction of individual age groups, variations in brood size, etc. The breeding season from the first pregnant females are caught in spring to the last newly born females in autumn lasts 4–6 months. It depends on the state of the population and weather and phenological conditions of the year. The average brood in wintering and arrived female voles in our region was close to the species norm and amounted to 6.5 ± 0.37 and 5.7 ± 0.41. The main reasons for the long-term dynamics of the species abundance are changes in the hydrological regime of water bodies.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):172-185
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Sex Differences in Age-Related Changes in Functional Activity and Expression of the Main Regulatory Proteins of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Aorta and Myocardium of Rats

Kozhevnikova L., Sukhanova I.


The sex differences of age-related changes in the functional activity and expression of receptor and regulatory proteins of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the aorta and myocardium of rats is evaluated. It was found that with age in females, the sensitivity of the aorta to the vasoconstriction action of angiotensin II increases, while in older males it remains unchanged. In the aorta of old females, a decrease in the mRNA levels of ACE, MasR and ACE2 was revealed by 1.6, 1.8 and 4.4 times, respectively. It has been shown that during aging in the left ventricle of females, the level of MasR and ACE2 mRNA decreases, in males, on the contrary, the level of ACE and MasR mRNA increases. The results obtained indicate the sexual characteristics of age-related changes in RAS activity in the vessels and heart of rats.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):186-197
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Unicellular Plankton Size Structure (Size-Taxonomic and Size-Trophic Spectra) in a Hypertrophic Urban Lake

Umanskaya M., Bykova S., Tarasova N.


The results of an analysis of the size spectra of unicellular plankton (bacteria, algae, ciliates) in the hypertrophic freshwater urban lake (L. Bolshoe Vasilyevskoe, Togliatti, Russia) are presented. Two types of size spectra have been identified in the seasonal cycle. Strong nanoplanctonic maximum formed mainly by phototrophic cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta was found during the period of open water (spring to autumn); picoplankton maximum/maxima (mainly heterotrophic bacteria) and increased proportion of microplankton (heterotrophic and mixotrophic ciliates)–in the ice period. The peculiarity of the studied lake, in contrast to less productive ones is the stability of the plankton size structure over the past 25 years.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):198-210
pages 198-210 views

Coexistence of the Water Shrew (Neomys fodiens) and the Common Shrew (Sorex araneus), the Competing Species, in a Flucturing Environment: Sociability and Space Use in a “Dry” Habitat

Shchipanov N., Kasatkin M.


Sustainable (no trend in the abundance of interacting species) coexistence of species can be maintained due to fluctuations in their abundance and distribution over habitats in a heterogeneous environment. In the water shrew and the common shrew, joint settlements exist in near-water areas and occasionally appear in “dry” habitats, where the water shrew periodically invades. Given the well-known overlapping food niches of these species, one would expect the discovery of mechanisms that reduce competition, however, in “dry” habitats, we did not find such mechanisms. The use of space is characterized by a random overlapping of the home ranges of animals. In the preference test (a container with an animal versus an empty container), individual repeatability of sociability was found in tests with a conspecific stimulator, but was absent in tests with a stimulant of another species. The presence of the water shrew (as a stimulant) in the behavioral test did not increase of anxiety of common shrews, but increased the thoroughness of exploration. The reaction of the water shrew to the common shrew was not found in interspecific tests. In the absence of specific adaptations aimed at the spatial segregation of animals, the coexistence of the water shrew and the common shrew is quite well explained by “fluctuation-dependent” models of coexistence.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(2):211-224
pages 211-224 views

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