Theoretical and Methodological Substantiation of Borders and Integrity in Landscape Cover and Its Components

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A brief review of the main models for emergence of boundaries and, in a particular case, integrity, arising from the theory of nonlinear volumetric systems. Based on the fundamental value of Kotelnikov’s reference and, accordingly, the general theory of awareness about identifying a characteristic border feature, as frequency of sampling functions in incidence along with a regular step, the unit of measurement “berg” is introduced – one full oscillation per one kilometer, essentially the identical unit “hertz” for the time series. The main provisions are illustrated by analysis of the properties of minor biogeocenoses and multispectral measurements of solar radiation reflection by SPOT 6.

About the authors

A. N. Krenke

National Research University Higher School of Economics; Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 20; Russia, 119017, Moscow, Staromonetny lane, 29

R. B. Sandlersky

National Research University Higher School of Economics; Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 20; Russia, 119071, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 33

A. S. Baybar

National Research University Higher School of Economics; Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 20; Russia, 119017, Moscow, Staromonetny lane, 29

M. Yu. Puzachenko

Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 119017, Moscow, Staromonetny lane, 29

Yu. G. Puzachenko

Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS

Russia, 119071, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 33


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.Н. Кренке, Р.Б. Сандлерский, А.С. Байбар, М.Ю. Пузаченко, Ю.Г. Пузаченко

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