
Comparative Analysis of Variation of the BOLD Fragment of Mitochondrial cox1 Gene and Y Chromosome kl-2 1-beta dynein heavy chain Gene in Drosophilavirilis Species Group (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Andrianov B., Romanov D., Sorokina S., Gorelova T.
On the Issue of Larix × lubarskii Sukaczev Origin: Analysis of Polymorphism of Mitochondrial Genome Markers
Vasyutkina E., Adrianova I.
Sequence Polymorphism of the Mitochondrial DNA Control Region in Native and Invasive Populations of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)
Andrianov B., Romanov D., Gorelova T., Goryacheva I.
Genetic Variability in the Yellow-Necked Field Mouse (Sylvaemus flavicollis Melch., 1834, Muridae, Rodentia) at the Eastern Border of the Range
Yalkovskaya L., Sibiryakov P., Zykov S.
Phylogeography of the Common Vole Microtus arvalis, the Obscurus Form (Rodentia, Arvicolinae): New Data on the Mitochondrial DNA Variability
Sibiryakov P., Tovpinets N., Dupal T., Semerikov V., Yalkovskaya L., Markova E.
The genetic diversity of burbot (Lota lota L., 1758) of Western Siberia (the analysis of the mtDNA control region polymorphism)
Khrunyk Y., Bogdanov V., Yalkovskaya L., Koporikov A., Rakitin S., Sibiryakov P., Borodin A.
The Rate of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Evolution according to the Analysis of Recent (about 12 000 Years) Isolation of Charrs Salvelinus of Lake Kronotskoe
Shedko S.
Structure and Forming of Mitochondrial Gene Pool of Russian Population of Eastern Europe
Malyarchuk B., Litvinov A., Derenko M.
Successful Genetic Identification of Remains of World War II Red Army Soldier
Kornienko I., Vakulenko M., Faleeva T., Ivanov I., Kononov N.
Transformation of Baikal sponges (family Lubomirskiidae) after penetration into the Angara River
Maikova O., Bukshuk N., Itskovich V., Khanaev I., Nebesnykh I., Onishchuk N., Sherbakov D.
Genetic diversity of charrs of the Commander Islands based on the analysis of mitochondrial DNA
Soshina V., Pavlov S., Zelenina D.
Assessing Efficiency of the Mitochondrial 12S Marker Fragment for the Use in Reconstruction of the Phylogeny of Acanthobdellids
Bolbat A., Sorokovikova N., Kaygorodova I.
Reconstruction of the Mitochondrial Genome of the Ancient Horse from the Ashna-Pando Hillfort (Middle Volga)
Antonova E., Solovyev A., Vyazov L., Semykin Y., Mishchenko A.
Whole Mitochondrial Genome of Blakiston’s Fish Owl Bubo (Ketupa) blakistoni Suggests Its Redescription in the Genus Ketupa
Spiridonova L., Surmach S.
Secondary contact between two divergent lineages of charrs of the genus Salvelinus in the Northwest Pacific
Oleinik A., Skurikhina L., Kukhlevsky A.
Seven genes of mitochondrial genome enabling differentiation of honeybee subspecies Apis mellifera
Ilyasov R., Poskryakov A., Nikolenko A.
Targeted Sequencing for Studying Economically Useful Traits and Phylogenetic Diversity of Ancient Sheep
Kechin A., Dymova M., Tishkin A., Grushin S., Dashkovskiy P., Filipenko M.
Genetic Variation of the Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869) in Aquaculture
Barmintseva A., Mugue N.
Molecular genetic and karyological analysis of antlered sculpins of Enophrys diceraus group (Cottidae)
Moreva I., Radchenko O., Petrovskaya A., Borisenko S.
The heteroplasmy level of some mutations in gene MT-CYB among women with asymptomatic atherosclerosis
Sinyov V., Chicheva M., Barinova V., Ryzhkova A., Zilinyi R., Karagodin V., Postnov A., Sobenin I., Orekhov A., Sazonova M.
Genetic Analysis of Turkish lynx (Lynx lynx) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Sequences
İbİş O., Özcan S., Kırmanoğlu C., Keten A., Tez C.
A Method for Measuring the Heteroplasmy Level of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations
Mitrofanov K., Karagodin V., Khasanova Z., Orekhova N., Orekhov A., Sobenin I.
The macrohaplogroup U structure in Russians
Malyarchuk B., Derenko M., Litvinov A.
Authentication of five Barilius species from Indian waters using DNA barcoding
Singh A., Kumar R., Mishra A., Singh M., Baisvar V., Chauhan U., Kushwaha B., Nagpure N.
Variability of the North Caucasian Populations of the Greenbug for Host Virulence and Discovered by Molecular Markers
Radchenko E., Alpatieva N., Chumakov M., Abdullaev R.
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