
Morphological and Molecular Genetic Verification of Interspecific Hybrid Salix × zhataica (Salicaceae) from Central Yakutia
Efimova A., Poliakova T., Belokon M., Belokon Y., Politov D.
Sequence of the mrjp3 Microsatellite Locus in Honeybees of Different Origin
Ostroverkhova N., Kucher A., Babushkina N., Konusova O.
Natural genetic polymorphism and phylogeography of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869
Barmintseva A., Mugue N.
Microsatellite markers polymorphism in the breeding nutria (Myocastor coypus) population in Poland
Guja I., Łapiński S., Migdał Ł., Pałka S., Ząbek T., Sergina S.
Development of Nuclear Microsatellite Markers with Long (Tri-, Tetra-, Penta-, and Hexanucleotide) Motifs for Three Larch Species Based on the de novo Whole Genome Sequencing of Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.)
Oreshkova N., Bondar E., Putintseva Y., Sharov V., Kuzmin D., Krutovsky K.
Genetic Variation of the Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869) in Aquaculture
Barmintseva A., Mugue N.
Analysis of microsatellite loci variability in rare and endemic species Allium regelianum A.K. Becker ex Iljin
Trifonova A., Kochieva E., Kudryavtsev A.
A detection of allelic variants at microsatellite markers by using capillary and traditional electrophoresis
Rubtsova G., Ponomareva E., Afanasiev K., Shaikhaev E., Kholodova M., Pavlov S., Zhivotovsky L.
Molecular-Genetic Polymorphism of Puccinia triticina in Southern Dagestan Relating to the Center of the Common Evolution between Agent Causing Leaf Rust and Wheat
Gultyaeva E., Kazartsev I., Shaydayuk E.
Taxonomic Status and Genetic Identification of Altai Sable (Martes zibellina averini Bazhanov, 1943)
Kashtanov S., Stolpovsky Y., Meshchersky I., Svishcheva G., Veprev S., Somova M., Shitova M., Meshchersky S., Rozhnov V.
Genetic variability of brown bear (Ursus arctos L., 1758)
Salomashkina V., Kholodova M., Semenov U., Muradov A., Malkhasyan A.
Analysis of microsatellite DNA in rodents from Eastern Urals Radioactive Trace zone and contiguous territories
Rakitin S., Grigorkina E., Olenev G.
Phylogenetic Analysis of Kyrgyz Horse Using 17 Microsatellite Markers
Isakova Z., Toktosunov B., Kipen V., Kalinkova L., Talaibekova E., Aldasheva N., Abdurasulov A.
Genetic Polymorphism and Population Structure of the Introduced American Mink (Neovison vison Schreber, 1777) in the Center of European Russia Based on Microsatellite Loci
Korablev M., Korablev N., Korablev P.
Development of microsatellite genetic markers in Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) based on the de novo whole genome sequencing
Belokon M., Politov D., Mudrik E., Polyakova T., Shatokhina A., Belokon Y., Oreshkova N., Putintseva Y., Sharov V., Kuzmin D., Krutovsky K.
Variability of allozyme and cpSSR markers in the populations of Siberian spruce
Ekart A., Semerikova S., Semerikov V., Larionova A., Kravchenko A., Dymshakova O.
Population Structure of Pacific Cod Gadus macrocephalus in the Southern Part of the Range Based on the Microsatellite Analyses
Smirnova M., Orlova S., Kalchugin P., Bojko M., Park J., Orlov A.
Toward Gadus (Gadidae) genus taxonomy: Development of modern structure
Stroganov A., Semenova A., Cherenkova N.
The recovering of breeding achievements of Populus × leningradensis bogd. and Populus × newensis bogd. Based on microsatellite analysis
Lebedeva M., Levkoev E., Volkov V., Fetisova A., Navalikhin S., Shabunin D., Danilov Y., Zhigunov A., Potokin E.
Genetic connectivity between sympatric populations of closely related char species, Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma and white char Salvelinus albus
Salmenkova E.
Isolation of Polymorphic RAPD-SSR Markers from Xinjiang Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus grubei) and a Test of Cross-Species Amplification
Wang C., Liu Y., Liu L., Li Y.
Development of microsatellite genetic markers in Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) based on the de novo whole genome sequencing
Oreshkova N., Putintseva Y., Sharov V., Kuzmin D., Krutovsky K.
Molecular genetic analysis of five extant reserves of black honeybee Apis melifera melifera in the Urals and the Volga region
Ilyasov R., Poskryakov A., Petukhov A., Nikolenko A.
Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Gene Polymorphisms in South-West Iranian Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients
Sadr N., Galehdari H., Seifi T., Delfan N., Khatami S., Hafizi A.
Microsatellite Loci Polymorphism of Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) Genotypes with Different Ploidy Level
Pikunova A., Sedov E., Tokmakov S., Suprun I., Gorbatchova N., Dolzhikova M., Yanchuk T., Serova Z.
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