
Search for Correlation between Indicators of Tolerance to Extreme Impacts and Levels of Individual Heterozygosity
Kurbatova O., Pobedonostseva E., Kaspransky R., Larina O.
Functional linear models for region-based association analysis
Svishcheva G., Belonogova N., Axenovich T.
Successful Genetic Identification of Remains of World War II Red Army Soldier
Kornienko I., Vakulenko M., Faleeva T., Ivanov I., Kononov N.
Identification of Imprinted Genes and Their Differentially Methylated Regions in Porcine
Yin Z., Zhang X., Li J., Jiao Y., Kong Q., Mu Y.
Genetic Analysis of Turkey Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes by Simple Sequence Repeats Markers
Bilir Ö., Özmen C., Özcan S., Kibar U.
Use of Genotypes of Common Variants for Genome-Wide Regional Association Analysis
Kirichenko A., Zorkoltseva I., Belonogova N., Axenovich T.
New Gene of Aminoglycoside Phosphotransferase aph(3'')-Id from Streptomyces rimosus ATCC10970, Encoding Streptomycin Resistance
Alekseeva M., Rudakova N., Zakharevich N., Mavletova D., Boyko K., Nikolaeva A., Korzhenevskiy D., Danilenko V.
Natural genetic polymorphism and phylogeography of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869
Barmintseva A., Mugue N.
Characterization of the Russian beef cattle breed gene pools using inter simple sequence repeat DNA analysis (ISSR analysis)
Sulimova G., Voronkova V., Perchun A., Gorlov I., Randelin A., Slozhenkina M., Zlobina E.
Taxonomic genetics of methylotrophic yeast genus Komagataella: New biological species K. kurtzmanii
Naumov G., Kondratieva V., Meshcheryakova E., Naumova E.
Genetic Diversity of Old and Local Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) Cultivars from the Collection of VIR according to AFLP Analysis
Shlyavas A., Trifonova A., Dedova L., Boris K., Kudryavtsev A.
In silico Identification of Metagenomic Signature Describing Neurometabolic Potential of Normal Human Gut Microbiota
Kovtun A., Averina O., Zakharevich N., Kasianov A., Danilenko V.
Genetic Variation of the Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869) in Aquaculture
Barmintseva A., Mugue N.
Genetic Polymorphism and Population Structure of the Introduced American Mink (Neovison vison Schreber, 1777) in the Center of European Russia Based on Microsatellite Loci
Korablev M., Korablev N., Korablev P.
Genetic structure of populations and natural hybridization between Dactylorhiza salina and D. incarnata (Orchidaceae)
Filippov E., Andronova E.
Genome structure and origin of nontoxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae of El Tor biovar with different epidemiological significance
Smirnova N., Kul’shan’ T., Baranikhina E., Krasnov Y., Agafonov D., Kutyrev V.
Haplotype analysis of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) locus in Yakutia
Marusin A., Kurtanov H., Maksimova N., Swarovsakaja M., Stepanov V.
Evaluation of Risk Factors for the Birth of Children with Chromosomal Imbalance in Carriers of Autosomal Reciprocal Translocations
Shilova N., Minzhenkova M., Antonenko V.
Compensation Ability between the Chromosomes of Homoeologous Group 7 of Triticum aestivum L. and Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum Hudson (2n = 28) and Analysis of the Transmission Frequency of Alien 7H1Lmar Chromosome through Gametes in the Progeny of Wheat–Barley Substitution Lines
Efremova T., Chumanova E., Trubacheeva N., Pershina L.
Evaluation of Barley lncRNAs Expression Analysis in Salinity Stress
Karlik E., Gözükırmızı N.
DNA damage in bone marrow cells of mouse males in vivo after exposure to the pheromone: Comet assay
Daev E., Petrova M., Onopa L., Shubina V., Glinin T.
Assessment of the genetic distances between some species of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata)
Snegin E., Sychev A., Grebennikov M., Snegina E.
Epigenetic variation in the callus of Brassica napus under different inducement conditions
Ran L., Li M., Fan H., Jiang J., Wang Y., Sokolov V.
Genome-wide analysis of across herd Fst Heterogeneity in holsteinized cattle
Smaragdov M., Saksa E., Kudinov A., Dement’eva N., Mitrofanova O., Plemyashov K.
The Role of Whole-Genome Studies in the Investigation of Honey Bee Biology
Yunusbaev U., Kaskinova M., Ilyasov R., Gaifullina L., Saltykova E., Nikolenko A.
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