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Vol 88, No 5 (2018)

Science and Society

The “Hybrid War” Phenomenon in the Coercive Component of Current World Politics

Kokoshin A.A.


The growing role of the military factor in world politics calls for considering and philosophizing about an ever-broader spectrum of warfare forms and methods. In recent years, various interpretations of the “hybrid war” formula in this spectrum have been distinguished in our country and elsewhere, assuming the use of not only advanced technologies but also means and methods of armed struggle that go back centuries. A major role in conducting this warfare is given to special operations forces; they are actively being developed by many countries, including the Russian Federation. Hybrid wars are characterized by active information confrontation and struggle in cyberspace, and the actors can be both governmental and nongovernmental forces, including private military companies, within the system of world politics. This phenomenon must be considered when developing modern war theory.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):313-319
pages 313-319 views

Urban and Rural Socioeconomic Disparities: Scientific Views and Domestic Practices

Bondarenko L.V.


This article contains a historical journey into the theory and Russian practice of overcoming urban and rural disparities. The methodology and calculations of an integral indicator of the social situation in the city and the village are presented, and a strategy of the social development of the village as a socioterritorial subsystem with a broad spectrum of nationwide functions and of overcoming urban and rural disparities is formulated.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):320-329
pages 320-329 views

Prospects for “Smart Agriculture” in Russia

Yakushev V.P., Yakushev V.V.


The authors justify the use of precision agriculture as a key vector in the development of the “smart agriculture” segment of the FoodNet platform of the national technological initiative. A prospectless extensive agriculture, based on exploitation of natural soil fertility, prevails in Russia; therefore, perennial field research has highlighted the economic and ecological advisability of using the information technologies of precision agriculture. Against the background of a significant increase in crop yields, the payback on fertilizers and plant-protecting agents increased 1.5–1.7 times; the agrochemical load on the environment decreased by 35–60%; and the quality of crop production improved noticeably. The transition to new crop production technologies is justified. Attention is paid to the need to create a domestic physicotechnical and software–hardware basis for precision agriculture, its absence being a major hindrance to the development of “smart agriculture” in Russia.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):330-340
pages 330-340 views

On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Robotized Systems in Medicine: What Should They Be Like?

Zaikina G.A.


On March 13, 2018, a meeting of the RAS Presidium discussed the introduction of robotics into domestic medicine. It heard several coreports, the presenters of which—O.O. Yanushevich, E.V. Shlyakhto, D.Yu. Pushkar’, V.V. Krylov, I.V. Reshetov, A.V. Golanov, S.A. Sheptunov, Yu.V. Poduraev, S.A. Kraevoi, A.V. Alekhin, A.V. Koroteev, G.V. Savrasov, and V.P. Chekhonin—showed an exhaustive picture of the application and development of medical robotized systems in Russia and determined the prospects of further studies in this field. After having pointed to the advantages and drawbacks of the currently widely used da Vinci surgical systems, the presenters emphasized that copying foreign prototypes had no prospects. The general idea can be reduced to the urgent need for developing and designing original advanced digital robotic systems.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):341-347
pages 341-347 views

Organization of Research

Competition between Russian Socioeconomic Universities

Balatskii E.V., Ekimova N.A.


This article is dedicated to the struggle between major socioeconomic universities (SEUs) of Russia for leading positions in the higher education market. It is shown that only in Russia are SEUs, along with classical universities and technological institutes, the strongest players in the market of higher education establishments. The ranking data of the country’s higher schools of economics for 2013‒2016 are given, which demonstrate the escalating competition between the most successful SEUs of Russia, manifested in regular “castling” between the higher education institutions in the top list ranking. The authors emphasize the importance of factors of competitive growth, such as the publication of leading economics journals, the creation of a network of scientific divisions in the structure of universities, the formation of an all-Russia information agenda on their territories, and the development of regional analytics centers.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):348-357
pages 348-357 views


The Current Stage of Academic Turgenev Studies

Generalova N.P.


On the eve of the 200th anniversary of I.S. Turgenev’s birth, this article assesses the activities of the Group for Publishing the Second Academic Complete Collection of Works and Letters in 30 volumes, sets forth the justification of the project undertaken, as well as the reasons for the delay in publishing subsequent volumes, and characterizes briefly the four issues of the serial collection “I.S. Turgenev: New Studies and Materials,” prepared at the RAS Institute of Russian Literature, which includes newly found texts of the writer. In addition, the overview of the projects undertaken contains two prepared volumes “Chronicles of the Life and Work” of Turgenev, covering the period 1859–1866. In prospect, a fundamental encyclopedia of Turgenev’s life and work is being prepared, its materials being partially published in serial collections.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):358-368
pages 358-368 views

Cross-Border Mobility: Updating the Format

Tsapenko I.P.


The contemporary scientific literature dedicated to cross-border movements of the population prefers to describe these processes using the terms mobility and movers instead of the traditional migration and migrants. The reset of the conceptual framework and language used to characterize movements of people reflects real transformations in the space of human flows. Noting the extremely small and practically not growing share of the world population involved in classical (long-term) migrations and the decreasing attractiveness of resettlement in other countries for permanent residence, some scholars see in these processes the impending end of “the age of migration.” However, the dynamic development of short-term and multiple movements of human masses may testify to the growing expansion of the phenomenon of “permanent mobility.”

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):369-378
pages 369-378 views

Theoretical Aspects of Agrogeography

Ivanov D.A.


This article discusses basic paradigms and definitions of agrogeography (agrolandscape research), a science that studies the processes of the emergence, development, and functioning of agrosystems—geocomplexes transformed by anthropogenic agricultural activities. The main distinctions of this science from other geosystem and agronomic disciplines are outlined. In analyzing the published data and in-house study results, the geosystem, phytocentric, and hierarchical principles of the functioning of agrogeosystems have been established. Much attention is paid to theoretical issues of the substantiation of the geosystem character of natural agricultural formations. The main thesis of agrogeography has been established, stating that the essence of agrolandscape processes can be disclosed only through studying adaptive reactions of cultural and wild plants to the landscape conditions of a territory. The significance of agrogeography for the development of modern agricultural environmentally adapted production has been determined. Agrolandscape research as a complex agricultural science can also solve general problems of environmental engineering.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):379-384
pages 379-384 views

Psychological Science in the Global World

Zhuravlev A.L., Mironenko I.A., Yurevich A.V.


The formation of global science in the modern world implies both the emergence of new objects and subjects of research and a change in the international scientific community. In the opinion of the authors, the globalization of psychological science determines not only integration but also differentiation of trends in world science. These processes challenge the mainstream theoretical ideas of the second half of the 20th century about human nature and the methodological foundations of the respective theories. The formation of global psychology as a multipolar network is viewed not as a single theoretical trend but rather as a divergent development of new and reconsidered old psychological concepts in an attempt to assess the modern empirical realities generated by the era of globalization. The authors propose to define global psychology as a stage in the development of psychological science, generated by the new reality, the assessment of which requires new approaches. The discourse of global psychology is directed to the establishment of a discipline that would respond adequately to the challenges of our time and reflect the psychological features of contemporary humans. The authors argue, that Russian science should actively participate in the dialogue and integration at this new stage, preserving at the same time its authentic identity, because it is its originality that can be of interest and, consequently, in demand on the part of international psychology.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):385-393
pages 385-393 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

An Altmetric As an Indicator of a Publication’s Scientific Impact

Markusova V.A., Mindeli L.E., Bogorov V.G., Libkind A.N.


The results of an empirical pilot project focused on the association between classical bibliometrics—publication, citation index, and journal cited half-life—and an altmetric—the assessment of an article’s impact—are discussed. The analysis included an array of 37 200 domestic articles indexed in SCI-E in 2015. Two altmetrics are used: usage counts for the last 180 days, U1, and usage counts since February 1, 2013, U2. A significant Kendall rank correlation has been identified between citation indices and article-level metrics. A stronger correlation has been observed for long usage counts, U2. The relationship between usage metrics and traditional journal-level metrics (cited half-life) has been analyzed. A rather weak negative correlation between cited half-life and U1 (U2) has been revealed, which is described by an inverse logarithmic dependence. In the authors’ opinion, altmetrics should not be opposed to classical bibliometrics; they should be used as additional metrics to assess an article’s impact.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):394-400
pages 394-400 views

Genomic Selection and Prediction of Offspring Quality in Animals

Yakovlev A.F.


Genomic selection is a very new scientific area, which has quickly become the world’s most advanced methodology to select farm animal, especially cattle, breeding schemes. The high efficiency of genomic selection is determined by the early identification of genetically elite animals using information about the status of single-nucleotide polymorphisms of genome DNA, which makes it possible to calculate breeding value indexes, embracing nearly all quantitative trait loci. A high accuracy of selection at a young age helps decrease generation intervals and accelerate significantly genetic progress in animal husbandry.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):401-404
pages 401-404 views

Point of View

Russia and the Caucasus in the Polish Ethnopolitical Myth

Adamczewski P.


The perception of the Caucasus by Polish society is analyzed in the light of the Polish ethnopolitical myth, according to which Russia appears as an “historical enemy.” The myth’s influence is also traced in the concept of national security, formed by politicians. This myth has noticeably been manifested since Poland restored its independence after WWI but was not apparent for obvious reasons during the existence of the Polish People’s Republic, when the image of the “historical enemy” was formed in relation to Germany. The author concludes that the ethnopolitical myth predetermines Poles’ attitudes to movements for independence of ethnic groups that have no statehood at present. This attitude is of a positive hue primarily toward those movements that are aimed against Russia and that can allegedly hinder the political leverage of Poland’s “historical enemy.”

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):405-412
pages 405-412 views

Constitutionally Relevant Imperfections of Judicial Authority in the Russian Federation

Kleandrov M.I.


Fundamental drawbacks of the current domestic organizational and legal framework of all three components of judicial authority are considered—structure, proceedings, and status—which are in one way or another inconsistent with the provisions of article 10, part 1 of article 19, part 5 of article 32, part 1 of article 46, part 1 of article 47, clause “l” of part 1 of article 72, part 2 of article 118, and parts 2 and 3 of article 128 of the Russian Constitution. In the author’s opinion, local changes in individual legislative regulations and adjustments of law enforcement practices would not remedy the situation. Scientifically secured development, approval, and implementation of a state project under the working title “A Fair Trial” are necessary to modernize radically and intricately the entire mechanism of Russian justice, which is comparable in scale with the Judicial Reform of 1864.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):413-422
pages 413-422 views

Discussion Forum

Humanities Research in Russia: Status of the Art

Tishkov V.A.


Achievements, trends, and problems in the development of social sciences after 1991 are considered, with a focus on the humanities—history, philology, and other areas. The author determines the distinctive features of this sphere of basic science and emphasizes the growing priority of domestic topics without compromising study of global subject matter and the structure of scientific institutions. A list of innovative interdisciplinary topics for future plans and projects is proposed. Special attention is paid to the RFH‒RFBR grant policy, which has made it possible to overcome crisis phenomena that emerged after 1991 and to correct the scientific agenda in favor of interdisciplinary, practice-oriented studies and institutionally, in favor of university science. The author fixes crisis and negative phenomena in modern social science and the humanities, especially those related to their institutional support, norms of scientific ethics, and responsibility. Measures to improve the situation are proposed, including with regard to the unjustified decrease in the share of grant support for scientists within the Russian Academy of Sciences, the center of basic humanities research in Russia.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):423-430
pages 423-430 views

Environmental Problems

Pressing Challenges in the Study of the Littoral and Arctic Zones of the Seas and Oceans of Russia

Matishov G.G., Dzhenyuk S.L.


Complex studies of the phenomena and processes in littoral zones that affect the conditions of life and maritime activities are a topical trend in modern oceanology. Coastal areas of Russia are diverse in terms of environmental conditions and heterogeneous in terms of development, which requires developing regional research projects on a single theoretical and methodological foundation. This article analyzes the current state of knowledge about geological, geomorphological, hydrometeorological, and biological hazardous phenomena in Russian seas and provides recommendations on how to study them considering the climatic trends of the early 21st century, which are particularly expressed in the Arctic and in the south of Russia. The need for a substantial modernization of the system of the monitoring and forecasting of hazardous phenomena and natural disasters is shown.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;88(5):431-439
pages 431-439 views

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