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Vol 87, No 2 (2017)

Scientific Session of the RAS General Meeting

Genetic resources of plants, animals, and microorganisms as the basis for basic agricultural research

Romanenko G.A.


The significance of the genetic resources of plants, animals, poultry, and useful and harmful microorganisms can hardly be overestimated. Living organisms, carrying a specific set of genes of their own, guarantee life on the Earth. In Russia, the genetic resources of grains, fodder, fruit, and vegetable crops; cattle; sheep; horses; and poultry have been collected for many hundred years due to monastery lands, estates of progressive landowners, exchange of animals between governorates, and imports of cattle and horses. Gradually, the best samples were concentrated in scientific organizations and experimental enterprises and were used to obtain high indicators of productivity.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):101-103
pages 101-103 views

Breeding new varieties and hybrids of agricultural plants

Savchenko I.V.


The author attracts attention to the mobilization, investigation, and use of genetic resources of cultivated plants to create state-of-the-art adaptive stress-resistant varieties and hybrids of various (grain, legume, oil-bearing, fruit, vegetable, feed, and medicinal) crops. It is emphasized that constant replenishing of the plant genetic pool and the rational use of plants in breeding are the basis for the country’s food security. Priority tasks in research on genetic resources are outlined.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):104-110
pages 104-110 views

The creation of high-yield animal and poultry breeds and crosses

Fisinin V.I.


As a result of recent basic research by teams of research institutions of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO Russia) in coordination with institutes of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and regional pedigree enterprises, new breeding forms in cattle raising, hog farming, sheep farming, horse breeding, fishery, and poultry farming have been created and assimilated. Traditional breeds that ensure import substitution of genetic resources of animals necessary to intensify meat and dairy production have been improved. In recent decades, more than 40 new and improved breeding forms of animals have been created, providing for about two-thirds of the total gain of livestock products per year.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):111-114
pages 111-114 views

Metagenomic technologies of detecting genetic resources of microorganisms

Tikhonovich I.A., Ivanova E.A., Pershina E.V., Andronov E.E.


Although metagenomics is a relatively new scientific trend, it has managed to become popular in many countries, including Russia, over its 20-year history. This division of molecular genetics studies ecosystem- extracted nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which contain full information about the microbial community of a habitat. Owing to metagenomic methods, soil microbiology has undertaken to study not only known cultivated types of microorganisms but also noncultivated forms, the biological properties of which can be suggested exclusively from the genetic information coded in their DNA. It turns out that such “phantom” types constitute the overwhelming majority within soil microbial communities; to all appearances, they actively participate in ensuring soil fertility, and, hence, in the opinion of the authors of this paper, study of them is topical for both basic research and agricultural practice. The development of metagenomic technologies will help understand biological phenomena determined by close plant–microbe interactions, such as increasing the productivity of agricultural crops and protecting them against phytopathogens. However, the introduction of new methods has always presented difficulties; in metagenomics, they are associated with the acquisition, storage, and bioinformational analysis of a huge array of genetic information.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Ensuring the safety of genetically engineered and modified organisms for food production

Tutel’yan V.A.
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):120-124
pages 120-124 views

Status and prospects of marker-assisted and genomic plant breeding

Kolchanov N.A., Kochetov A.V., Salina E.A., Pershina L.A., Khlestkina E.K., Shumny V.K.


State-of-the-art approaches to obtaining new plant varieties based on the potential of traditional breeding and the use of modern methods and achievements in genetics and genomics are considered. The opportunities and advantages of marker-assisted and genomic selection, as well as the importance of developing advanced methods in phenomics and genome editing, are discussed.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):125-131
pages 125-131 views

Directed conversion of protein modules of plant and animal foods

Aksenova L.M., Rimareva L.V.


Activity within the food and manufacturing industries is based on factors that affect the state of the food market and improve the quality of life. A subject of inquiry for scientists who work in this sphere is systems of transforming plant and animal raw materials into foods. In the course of production, the nutrition and energy value of foods, their safety for humans and the environment, and consumer properties are controlled. The success of studies is determined by the multidisciplinary approach, perfectly interfacing different scientific trends—medicine, biology, physics, chemistry, agriculture, etc.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):132-134
pages 132-134 views

Genetic methods of creating new varieties of garden plants

Kulikov I.M., Marchenko L.A.


The efficiency of targeted breeding of new varieties of fruit and berry crops and grapevines with characters that meet modern cultivation technologies and consumer demand depends on the inclusion of donors and sources with prominent agronomic characters in hybridization. This paper emphasizes the importance of studying, preserving, and replenishing genetic collections to accelerate and increase breeding effectiveness and the high significance of donors and sources with identified genes responsible for the presence of characters in new genotypes. The results of improving the assortment of fruit and berry crops to reach a new level of fruit and berry production are shown.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):135-138
pages 135-138 views

Molecular–genetic and immunobiochemical markers in assessing the health of agricultural animals

Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A.
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):139-142
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Molecular and biotechnological methods of creating genetic resources for vegetable crops

Pivovarov B.F., Pyshnaya O.N., Gurkina L.K., Naumenko T.S.


The results obtained by the research team of the All-Russia Research Institute of Selection and Seed Breeding for Vegetable Crops are presented. Specific examples demonstrate the efficacy of methods and technologies that create genetic resources for vegetable crops: the cytogenetic GISH and FISH methods, the doubled haploid technology in the culture of unpollinated ovules, and molecular marking used as a specific and varietal identifier of vegetable crops and for the study and identification of genes responsible for agronomic characters. The results of regular phytosanitary monitoring are considered separately: identifying the composition of pathogenic species not recorded previously in vegetable crops in individual regions and throughout the country in general and developing the scientific basis for the evaluation and selection of vegetable crops with a highly effective antioxidant system to design socially and economically important functional food products.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):143-149
pages 143-149 views

Science and Society

Basic science as a crucial element in the modern system of national security

Lavrinov G.A., Khrustalev E.Y., Khrustalev O.E.


The role of basic science in qualitative improvement of the national defense potential is considered. The exceptional strategic importance of the results obtained during basic research for military security and the necessity to expand their practical application for these purposes are shown. The authors propose to increase the efficiency of the organizational mechanism of control of defense-oriented basic research and discuss possible consequences of the reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences in terms of Russia’s defense potential.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):150-156
pages 150-156 views

On the Rostrum of the RAS Presidium

Lasers in modern clinical practice

Shcherbakov I.A.


Many new developments in laser medical equipment, as well as laser diagnostic technologies and treatment, are based on the results of basic research conducted at the Prokhorov Institute of General Physics, RAS. The introduction of these results into the clinical practice of Russian health care and their use in ophthalmology, neurosurgery, urology, cosmetology, dermatology, photodynamic therapy, autofluorescence and photodynamic diagnostics, and minimally invasive diagnostics of exhaled air are considered.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):157-164
pages 157-164 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

The Upper Paleolithic man from Markina Gora: Morphology vs. genetics?

Moiseev V.G., Khartanovich V.I., Zubova A.V.


The latest results of anthropological studies of bone remains from the earliest Upper Paleolithic burial discovered on Russian territory, the Markina Gora site (Kostenki 14), are described. Multivariate statistical methods and parallel studies of the buried skull structure and dentition established that their morphological characteristics undoubtedly belonged to the Caucasian complex. In combination with paleogenetic data, the findings contradict the earlier hypothesis of the southern origin of the Kostenki 14 individual and its similarity to the population of the Australo-Melanesian region.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):165-171
pages 165-171 views


Variable polyrhythmicity of processes in nature and society

Chereshnev V.A., Stepanova S.I., Gamburtsev A.G.


The authors discuss possible causes of the variable polyrhythmicity of processes in nature and society, particularly in geophysics. It may be caused by desynchronization or resynchronization of processes that manifest themselves as a result of a shock impact on the geological environment, for example, in the form of an earthquake. Medical parameters are considered for which de- and resynchronization of rhythmic processes in the human organism are known, as well as geophysical processes, including underground noise of tidal origin and the seismicity of the Moon.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):172-180
pages 172-180 views

Environmental Problems

History and current status of reserve management and study in Russia

Chibilev A.A.


A brief history of reserve management and study in Russia is presented; the background of modern ideas of reserves that established various approaches to the formation of a network of specially protected natural territories is analyzed. The author holds to the classical ideas of reserves, which were formulated by domestic scientists V.V. Dokuchaev, I.P. Borodin, G.A. Kozhevnikov, and V.P. and A.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskii, and insists on the necessity to retain their status as “inviolable territories of virgin nature taken under protection for ever and ever.” This article is dedicated to the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories of Russia (2017), announced by a decree of the Russian President. The author calls for a moratorium on the withdrawal of conservation territories for economic and recreational and tourist purposes.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):181-190
pages 181-190 views

Discussion Forum

A counterfactual challenge of the past: Ways of negotiation

Nekhamkin V.A.


The question about the influence of unrealized options of the past on the present is considered. In this context, the notion counterfactual challenge of the past is formulated. By the example of two stably reproduced alternative scenarios (the surrender of Leningrad in the years of the Great Patriotic War and the autonomous existence of “the Island of Crimea” in 1920–1970), the author shows the necessity to respond to such challenges using scientific assessments and public consultation on the propriety of one scenario or another. Long-term negative consequences of ignoring such challenges and methods to neutralize them are shown.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):191-198
pages 191-198 views

The military–strategic and humanitarian significance of the defense of Leningrad

Zolotarev V.A., Trunov F.O.


The authors of this article respond to V.A. Nekhamkin’s call to answer the counterfactual challenge of the past related to the question of surrendering Leningrad in the course of the Great Patriotic War. Refuting numerous pseudoscientific investigations of revisionists of the history of that war, the authors show the misanthropic essence of the Third Reich’s plans with respect to the Soviet Union in general and Leningrad in particular and, using the logic of alternative history, analyze, first, possible actions of the military–political leadership of Nazi Germany in a situation similar to the blockade of Leningrad and, second, possible military consequences of the loss of the city on the Neva River. From the point of view of military science and humanitarian considerations, it is proved that the actions of the Soviet command in defending Leningrad were not only right but also that no alternative existed.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):199-204
pages 199-204 views


Sanctions and import substitution as exemplified by the experience of Iran and China

Salitskii A.I., Zhao X., Yurtaev V.I.


The problem of the effectiveness of external sanctions as an instrument of pressure on three states that have adhered to but have abandoned the course of self-reliance is considered. The constructive base of this study is the idea of a conservative project that finds its imperative in reindustrialization. It is shown that the experience of new Russia has yielded the worst results, while China has demonstrated the best outcomes. Iran falls in between.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;87(2):205-212
pages 205-212 views


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