Steel in Translation

Steel in Translation is an international peer-reviewed journal covers new developments in blast furnaces, steelmaking, rolled products, tubes, and metal manufacturing as well as unconventional methods of metallurgy and conservation of resources. Papers in materials science and relevant commercial applications make up a considerable portion of the journal’s contents. There is an emphasis on metal quality and cost effectiveness of metal production and treatment. The journal welcomes manuscripts from all countries.


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Том 49, № 12 (2019)


The Effect of Light-Element Impurity Atoms on Grain Boundary Diffusion in FCC Metals: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Poletaev G., Zorya I., Rakitin R., Starostenkov M.

The effect of carbon and oxygen impurity atoms on diffusion along the tilt grain boundaries with 〈100〉 and 〈111〉 misorientation axis in metals with FCC lattice was studied by the molecular dynamics method. Ni, Ag, and Al were considered as metals. Metal atom interaction was described by many particle Clery-Rosato potentials constructed within the framework of tight binding model. To describe interactions of light-element impurity atoms with metal atoms and impurity atoms, Morse pair potentials were used. According to obtained results, impurities in most cases lead to an increase in self-diffusion coefficient along the grain boundaries, which is caused by crystal lattice deformation near the impurity atoms. Therefore, additional distortions and free volume are formed along the boundaries, which is more expressed for carbon impurities. Moreover, with an increase in carbon concentration in the metal, an increase in coefficient of grain-boundary self-diffusion was observed first, and then followed by a decrease. This behavior is explained by aggregate formation of carbon atoms at grain boundary, which leads to partial blocking of the boundary. Oxygen atoms had smaller effect on diffusion along the grain boundaries, which is apparently explained by the absence of aggregates and lesser deformation of crystal lattice forming around impurity. The greatest impurity effect on self-diffusion along the grain boundaries among the examined metals was observed for nickel. Nickel has the smallest lattice parameter, and impurity atoms deform its lattice around itself more than aluminum and silver. Therefore, they create relatively more lattice distortions in it and additional free volume along the grain boundaries, which lead to an increase in diffusion permeability. Diffusion coefficients along the high-angle boundaries with misorientation angle of 30° turned out to be approximately two times higher than along low-angle boundaries with a misorientation angle of 7°. Diffusion along the 〈100〉 grain boundaries flowed more intensively than along the 〈111〉 boundaries.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):825-829
pages 825-829 views
Nonmetallic Inclusions in Rails Made of Electro-Steel Alloyed with Chromium
Umanskii A., Golovatenko A., Simachev A.

Based on metallographic (with an “OLYMPUS GX-51” microscope) and spectral (using spectrometer “ARL iSpark” method “Spark-DAT”) analyses, the relative concentration and size of most non-metallic inclusions for rail elements (head, web) from electro-steel of E79KhF and E90KhАF grades were determined. It was found that the highest relative concentration of manganese sulfides (MnS) is 30.8–43.4 ppm. At the same time, 60–100% of these inclusion types have a small size (less than 4 μm), and cannot be detected using standard metallographic analysis with 100-fold magnification. The revealed high relative-concentration of sulfide inclusions directly correlates with the established positive sulfur liquation in considered rail elements, which reaches up to 40%. Despite the high MnS concentration, their influence on the rail quality can be considered not dangerous, considering their high ductility during hot deformation and the prevalence of these inclusion types with a small size (less than 4 μm). Among silicate-type inclusions, SiO2 inclusions (3.4–14.9 ppm) have a significant concentration. All detected inclusions of this type have a size not exceeding 4 μm. It was found that the concentration of complex inclusions containing alumina (Al2O3–CaO–MgO, Al2O3–CaO–MgO–CaS, Al2O3–CaO, Al2O3–MgO) is insignificant: in total, it does not exceed 3.1 ppm and 1.6 ppm for individual types. The concentration of corundum (Al2O3) is also insignificant and does not exceed 0.3 ppm. In this case, small-sized alumina inclusions (less than 6 μm) prevail. Due to the low contamination (considering the relative concentration and size of inclusions) with non-plastic silicate and alumina non-metallic inclusions, their influence on the rail quality was not significant. It is confirmed by the absence of defects detected during ultrasonic testing.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):830-835
pages 830-835 views
Simulation of Crystal Growth in Multicomponent Metastable Alloys
Dudorov M., Roshchin V.

A technique is developed for predicting the patterns of crystal growth from metastable melts. Using nonequilibrium thermodynamics methods, a crystal growth process from a multicomponent melt is described, which considers the interaction between thermal and diffusion processes. The application of a new variation approach to the constructed equation system has made it possible to obtain expressions for the crystal growth rate from a multicomponent melt, which is convenient for practical calculations. The developed technique has made it possible to analyze the crystal growth features at a high motion speed of the crystallization front, which leads to an “impurity capture” effect, i.e., the deviation from the equilibrium conditions at the interface. The developed mathematical model makes it possible to: calculate the growth rate of new phase particles, as well as evaluate the influence of metastable effects upon the deviation of component concentrations near the growing crystal’s surface from equilibrium values. Thus, with the use of the developed method, a “metastable” phase diagram of the system under study can be constructed. The approach under development has been applied to the calculation of the α-Fe(Si) nanocrystal growth in the course of the annealing of amorphous Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 alloy. The calculation results are compared with the experiment results on the alloy’s primary crystallization. It has been shown that the iron concentration at the growing crystal’s surface insignificantly deviates from the equilibrium values. On the other hand, silicon atoms are captured by the crystallization front; the silicon concentration at the growing nanocrystal’s surface significantly deviates from the equilibrium values. After the primary crystallization of the amorphous phase occurring in the temperature range from 400 to 450°C, calculations show that the silicon concentration’s deviation from the equilibrium value should be about 2%, whereas the equilibrium concentration value amounts to about 13.3%.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):836-842
pages 836-842 views
Thermodynamic Aspects of Cr2O3 Reduction by Carbon
Kryukov R., Goryushkin V., Bendre Y., Bashchenko L., Kozyrev N.

In order to save chromium resources, technology of flux-cored wire surfacing is of great practical interest. In this case, Cr2O3 chromium oxide and carbon as a reducing agent are used as fillers. The thermodynamic probability assessment of 16 reactions between them under standard conditions, as well as for certain reactions under different standard conditions, was carried out using tabulated thermodynamic data of reactants in the temperature range of 1500–3500 K. The following were considered as standard states for reactants: Cr(ref) (reference state, melting point 2130 K, boiling point 2952 K), Cr(liq), Cr(gas), Cr2O3(cr, liq), Cr2O3(gas), C(ref), and as possible reaction products and standard states for them CO(gas), CO2(gas), Cr23C6(сr), Cr7C3(cr), Cr3C2(cr). The reaction probability was estimated using standard Gibbs energy and was calculated using the Van Goff isotherm equation. The chromium dissolution in metal of surfacing bath or probable partial pressures of CO and CO2 in gas phase was considered and then calculated from the equilibrium of carbon gasification reaction. The carbon presence in flux-cored wire with chromium oxide Cr2O3 as a reducing agent will necessarily lead to the occurrence of reduction reactions with chromium carbide generation, and possibly chromium itself. The generation of Cr7C3(сr) carbide is likely. With a longer life span of chromium oxide and carbon at a temperature above 2500 K, chromium generation as a component of the surfacing bath is more thermodynamically probable than carbide generation. Chromium oxide has the highest reactivity in Cr2O3(liq) state. Direct reduction is preferential. The generation of CO(gas) as a carbon oxidation product is more probable. The chromium dissolution in metal increases the thermodynamic reaction probability with its generation, as well as further reduces the reaction probability in which chromium is the starting material.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):843-847
pages 843-847 views
High-Power Current-Pulse Generator Based on a Reverse Thyristor Converter
Kuznetsov V., Polkovnikov G., Gromov V., Kuznetsova E., Peregudov O.

In metal processing by powerful current pulses, there is a need for adjustment of both the pulse repetition rate and amplitude. This paper describes a powerful current-pulse generator with a controlled thyristor converter, which is used as a power source for a charging device for regulating the voltage (pulse amplitude) of a capacitor charge. The disadvantages of the generators associated with the current spike in the capacitor charge modes that reduces the supply network quality are discussed. The application of a reverse thyristor converter (RTC) as a power supply is considered to reduce the transient time at a voltage decrease on the capacitors. The generator’s structural diagram that consists of a reversible thyristor converter with separate control, a power unit, a capacitor recharge device, an automatic control system (ACS) for the charger parameters, and a capacitor charging control system is presented. The regulator parameters of the ACS are calculated. To obtain optimal transients, a standard methodology for regulator tuning according to a modular optimum is employed. In order to reduce overadjustment at the disturbance time reaching 100% and higher, the so-called logical device is introduced into the ACS. The latter blocks the control pulses on the converter thyristors and simultaneously reduces the signal at the output of the current regulator to zero. A simulation model of a powerful current pulse generator is synthesized in the MatLab-Simulink environment. The model is analyzed, and plots explaining the device’s operation principle and transients in various operating modes are shown. The use of a generator will allow high-performance adjustments of the current pulse amplitude and obtain sufficiently high-quality capacitor charge (discharge) transients, which will have a beneficial effect on the power supply network. The application of higher quality converters will significantly increase the current pulse repetition rate.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):848-853
pages 848-853 views
Development of an Information Modeling System of Coal-Dust Fuel Injection into Tuyeres of a Blast Furnace
Shvydkii V., Kudelin S., Gurin I., Noskov V.

The article considers a mathematical model of the combustion zone of a blast furnace working with the use of the injection of coal-dust fuel. In this model, two subsystems were identified: (1) subsystem of heating the particles of coal dust and volatiles released in the combustion zone; (2) subsystem of heat exchange and combustion processes in the tuyere. A two-dimensional velocity field of gas in the combustion zone was investigated. The combustion processes are considered as a set of simultaneously developing phenomena of coke burning in a layer, single pieces of coke and particles of coal dust. The model includes the following equations: total gas mass balance, gas component mass balance, gas heat balance, movement of coal dust particles, and heat balance of coal dust particles. The model calculates maximum burning temperature in the combustion zone, the distance from the cut of the tuyere to the focus of combustion, the length of the oxygen combustion zone, gas temperature, the content of gas phase components, and the degree of carbon burnout of pulverized coal at the outlet of the tuyere combustion zone. An information-modeling system has been developed. It allows for the investigation of the influence of combined blast characteristics, the properties of coke and coal-dust fuel, the geometric dimensions of tuyeres, and other factors on the temperature fields and concentrations of components of the gas phase in the combustion zone. The model also helps to select a rational mode of pulverized coal that will ensure completeness of its combustion in the tuyere combustion zone. The main functions of the program are as follows: representation of results of calculation in form of tables and diagrams, storage of options of basic data in a database, and export of results of calculation to Microsoft Excel. Conclusions were made on the reduction of the combustion temperature in the combustion zone and the approach of the focus of combustion to the tuyere when pulverized coal was injected. The authors also have established the need to use coals with certain quality characteristics and place where coal dust was introduced into the blast stream.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):854-861
pages 854-861 views
Developing the Technology of Regenerative Siderite Ore Roasting in Shaft Furnaces
Yur’ev B., Gol’tsev V., Dudko V.

This paper shows that the existing siderite ore preparation techniques do not allow achieving high blast-furnace smelting levels as compared with using black iron ore concentrates with a high iron content. To make blast-furnace smelting more efficient, it is necessary to use the metallized product made by regenerative siderite ore roasting. The technology developed for this roasting allows producing metallized concentrate with a Fe content of 65–68%. The main provisions of regenerative siderite ore roasting in shaft furnaces are formulated, and the three-zone shaft furnace design proposed for implementing this process. The thermal and consumption parameters of the process are provided as well as the lean gas circuit of regenerative ore roasting. This circuit allows significant cutting the expenses. The metallized siderite ore product with a high iron content allows gaining major economic benefits in blast-furnace production.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):862-866
pages 862-866 views
The Technological Improvements to Continuous Casting of Steel Sections. Design Analysis of the Processes of Continuously Cast Billet Solidification and Cooling. Report 2
Timoshpol’skii V., Trusova I.

Calculated results for steel continuous casting conditions are presented. For mathematical modeling and implementation of the initial problems, the finite element method (FEM) was used. Solutions for technological problems related to light (125 × 125 and 140 × 140 mm) and heavy (250 × 300 and 300 × 400 mm) blooms cast at the Belarusian Steel Works are shown. Calculation experiments were conducted at varied rates of casting high-carbon (cord) and alloyed steels.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):867-873
pages 867-873 views
Experience of Rolling Patterns with an Inverse Temperature Wedge on the NShSGP 2000 Continuous Wide-Strip Hot-Rolling Mill
Solov’ev V., Bobkov E., Zhovnodii N., Mazur I.

This article discusses possible approaches to increase the capacity of a finishing train using strip rolling with an inverse temperature wedge. One calendar year of operation of a continuous wide-strip hot-rolling mill (NShSGP) is considered. Analysis of plant data demonstrated that the rolling time is by 7–10% lower in the case of rolling with an inverse temperature wedge, which allows increasing overall mill capacity. The obtained results can be applied during rolling of low carbon steels for cold pressing, and their fraction in mill production prevails; thus, it is possible to significantly increase mill capacity without making additional capital investments.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):874-878
pages 874-878 views
The Improvement and Development of Hot-Rolled Strip Bar Production Technology at NUST MISiS
Ionov S., Tatary A., Potemkin V., Tikhonov S., Sokolov P.

This paper presents the results of the work carried out by the Department for Metal Working Processes at NUST for production technology of: high-strength automotive flat stock from bi-phase ferrite martensite steels (BPHFMS) on a broad-strip hot-rolling mill by staged laminar cooling on a runoff table, as well as K52–56 strength grade cold- and corrosion-resistant tubular strip bar. The metal’s ferrite grains rolled on the broad-strip mill are ground by combining the controlled rolling (CR) of strips with their rapid cooling (RCL). Thermal kinetic diagrams (TKDs) were created to show modeling sheet cooling, as well as to predict the resulting structure type depending on the metal cooling rate.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):879-884
pages 879-884 views
Working-Stand Equipment Vibrations of Continuous Cold Rolling Mills during the Production of Thin Strip Products
Bocharov V., Bocharov V., Bocharov D.

The article considers the nature, occurrence mechanism and development of resonant vibrations found in the working stand equipment of cold rolling mills during the production of strips with a thickness of 0.4–0.6 mm at speeds of more than 12 m/s. Vibration causes are possibly based on changes in the metal properties during rolling due to acquired hardening and forming of internal friction peaks.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):885-887
pages 885-887 views
Structural Suitability Analysis of Metals and Alloys: Communication 1
Meshkov Y., Shiyan A.

The basic principles for assessing the structural effectiveness of the mechanical properties of metals and alloys in structural elements (SE) bearing a power load are described in two parts of the article. In the communication 1, the force “survivability” of loaded SEs under the influence of inhomogeneous force fields (IFF) was considered. A quantitative measure of a metal’s structural suitability is given, which is responsible for the integrity of the product with stress concentrators (SC), including cracks. The concept of elastic and elastoplastic (deformation) strength capacities is introduced, which give metals the properties of mechanical stability and deformation resistance, which serve as effective IFF compensators in the vicinity of the SC and ensure the integrity of the products.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):888-894
pages 888-894 views
Development Prospects of Alloys with Specific Physical Properties (Overview)
Libman M.

This paper provides data about modern alloys with specific physical properties (precision alloys). The following aspects are provided and described: classification of these alloys, physical ways in which their properties are formed, and the main parts of their production technology. Several promising areas for creating new precision alloys with complex combinations of performance properties are considered.

Steel in Translation. 2019;49(12):895-898
pages 895-898 views

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