
New Functional Classification of Severe Hand Injuries (FU-classification)
Afonina E., Golubev I., Pshenisnov K.
The analysis of rendering of specialized medical care by the patient with damages and hand diseases to the city of Moscow and ways of its optimization
Egiazaryan K., Magdiev D.
Diagnosis of Mobility Disorders in Fingers Joints of Hand
Tsarev V., Zubikov V., Voloshin V., Dorozhko I., Martynenko D., Tsaryov V., Zubikov V., Voloshin V., Dorozhko I., Martynenko D.
Development of V.N. Blochin and his Contribution to Orthopaedics and Surgery of the Hand (Commemorating the 100th anniversary of birthday)
Shinkarenko I.
Normal ultrasonographic picture of the tendons of the hand
Kuzmenko V., Korshunov V., Eskin N., Maediev D., Chukovskaya I.
Regenerative medicine and orthobiological drugs possibilities in upper limb diseases treatment: Literature review
Greben A., Eremin P., Byalik J., Kostromina E., Parsadanyan G., Markov P., Afanasiev A., Greben T.
75th Anniversary of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and 3 Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov
Shaposhnikov Y.
Treatment of open extensive injuries and destruction of the hand
Korshunov V., Germanov V., Skopinov V., Karazhaev K.
Non-vascularized toe phalanges transplantation in congenital hand malformations
Matveev P., Shvedovchenko I., Koltsov A.
Surgical treatment of proximal forms of congenital ectromelia of the upper limbs in children
Shvedovchenko I., Prokopovich V.
Treatment of gunshot wounds to the hand
Nikolenko V.
De Quervain’s disease (etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment). Part I
Novikov A., Shchedrina M., Petrov S.
Diagnosis and treatment of fractures of the nail phalanges of the fingers in children
Shastin N., Nemsadze V., Kulikova N.
Shoulder-costal dissociation
Zolotov A.
Plasty with Vascularized Flaps in Burn Hand Deformities
Shaltakova G., Mateev M., Shaltakova G., Mateev M.
New aspects of the use of «signal» flaps of the transplanted tissue complexes and skin- fascial flaps on microanastomoses in plasty reconstruction of fingers
Aleksandrov N., Petrov S.
Tactics of surgical treatment of congenital pathology of the hand in children
Alpatov V.
Use of Vicrуl Rapide in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
Zolotov A., Zolotova Y., Zolotov A., Zolotova Y.
Specialized surgical treatment of gunshot wounds of the hand: status, problems, and prospects
Nikolenko V.
Ultrasonographic diagnosis of hand tendon injuries
Eskin N., Kuzmenko V., Korshunov V., Magdiev D., Chulovskaya I.
Possibilities to optimize total replacement of fingers in patients with severe posttraumatic hand deformities
Korotkova N.
Clinical and radiological parallels in congenital gigantism of the hand in children
Shvedovchenko I., Bergaliev A., Sosnenko O.
Analysis of Mistakes in Diagnosis and Treatment of Hand Injuries from Position-Provision of Medical Care Quality
Bugaev D., Bugaev D.
Combined method for the restoration of radial and ulnar margin of the hand
Alexandrov N., Petrov S.
Mistakes in the treatment of congenital radial clubhand in children
Prokopovich V.
Chronic Compartment Syndrome of the First Dorsal Interosseous Muscle of the Hand
Goloborod'ko S.
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