Vol 7, No 2 (2000)

Original study articles

All-Russian conference of young scientists "New in solving urgent problems of traumatology and orthopedics"

Merkulov V.N.


The conference, held on April 20-21, 2000 at the Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Priorov, in essence, was the first Russian conference of young scientists working in the field of traumatology and orthopedics in the last 25 years. The right to participate in it had professionals under the age of 35 years. The organizers of the forum were the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, TsITO them. N.N. Priorov, RNIITO them. R.R. Harmful.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):3-4
pages 3-4 views

Free bone grafting of the distraction regenerate with delayed bone formation

Barabash A.A.


The bone regeneration and effect of free osseous autoplasty into distractive regenerate were studied in experimental model of delayed bone formation. Sixty rabbits were used. In all animals the shin lengthening was performed using Ilizarov device. There were 3 groups of animals: I-st group (control) - distraction rate was 1 mm/day; II-nd group - 2 mm/day distraction; ІІІ-rd group - 2 mm/day distraction + bone autografting into the middle of distractive regenerate. The animals were euthanased on 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 55 day after operation. Roentgenologic, morphologic, electronic microscopic, electronic probe examinations were used. Distraction was shown to influence the organization of regenerating bone tissue with prevailing periostal origin of bone formation. In acceleration of distraction rate the formation and remodeling of bone regenerate was delayed and bone tissue calcium was decreased. In autoplasty the remodelling of distractive regenerate was more intensive by 10-15 day and calcium content in bone tissue was 30% higher as compared with data of II-nd group and 28% as compared with data of I-st group.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Surgical treatment of closed injuries of the quadriceps femoris in the acute period of injury

Girshin S.G., Lazishvili G.D., Lishansky A.D.


Mechanisms and different types of quadriceps injuries are considered. The diagnostic peculiarities are described in detail. The experience in early surgical treatment of 52 patients with 53 quadiceps injuries is present. The advanced operative technique with application of blocking wire loop is given. The advantages of this technique are shown. Recommendations on early postoperative management and rehabilitation program are suggested. In 32 examined patients long-term results were good for 84.4%) of patients and satisfactory for 15.6%).

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):11-15
pages 11-15 views

Plasty of full-thickness defects of the integumentary cartilage of the knee joint with cylindrical osteochondral auto- and allografts of small size (experimental study)

Malanin D.A., Pisarev V.B., Cherezov L.L., Shilov V.G., Shauki Mohamad A.M.


In experimental study (11 dogs, 21 knee joints) comparative analysis of small-size cylindrical bonecartilagenous auto- and allografts was performed. The grafts were transferred into full-thickness femoral articular condyle defects in forms of inlay. Data obtained showed that articular surface of autografts preserved the main features of the hyaline cartilagenous tissue up to 1 year follow-up. In free and preserved allografts the similar remodelling process took place. By 4 months remodeling process was completed and articular surfaces were substituted by fibro-cartilagenous tissue. Application of auto- and allografts for the inlay plasty allowed to substitute the vast defects of knee articular cartilage in animals. Outlook of clinical application of inlay auto-alloplasty with arthroscopic technique was noted.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):16-22
pages 16-22 views

Stable intramedullary osteosynthesis for fractures of the metacarpal bones and phalanges of the fingers

Korshunov V.F., Magdiev D.A., Barsuk V.I.


Treatment results of 287 patients with diaphyseal fractures of basidigital bones and phalanges using stable intramedullar osteosynthesis is analyzed. There were 77 patients (26.8%) with open fractures, 110 patients (38.3%) with closed fractures, 53 patients (18.5%)) with composite fractures and 47 patients (16.4%)) with ununited and irreducible fractures. Conduction anesthesia of the median and ulnar nerves in lower third of forearm or brachial plexus in axilla was the optimum method. The technique of stable intramedullar osteosynthesis with pins was described. For the restoration of adequate wrist function in ununited and irreducible fractures as well as in composite fractures distraction was used as the first stage of treatment. After distraction of fragments with hypercorrection by 5-8 mm the intramedullar osteosynthesis was performed. Good results were achieved in 93.9% of cases.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Reconstruction of the sliding apparatus of the tendon graft with a vascularized fascial flap in the experiment

Sklyanchuk E.D.


Three types of the reconstruction technique of free tendinous graft sliding apparatus were studied in 30 dogs using vascularized fascial flap on a vascular bundle. Type I - tendinous graft was sutured to margin of the fascial flap parallel to the axis of the vascular bundle; type II - tendinous graft was placed parallel to the axis of the vascular bundle and wrapped by the margins of the fascial flap; type III - two tendinous grafts were wrapped by free margins of the single fascial flap. To model the conditions of the fibrous canal of digitorus flexor tendons devoid blood supply and innervation, the capsule of the free fascial graft taking from the broad fascia was formed around the fascial flap with tendinous graft. The axial movements of tendinous grafts and external fascial capsula as well as morphologic changes in the experimental connective tissue structures were studied on days 7, 10, 14, 21, 28. Mean range of movement was of sinusoidal dynamics and made up 11.8, 19.2, 20.0, 17.75 and 18.6 mm, respectively. The range of movement of fascial capsule relative to surrounding muscular tissues was 1-3 mm and did not undergo changes at long-term observation.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):26-32
pages 26-32 views

To the question of operability in oncological surgery of the musculoskeletal system

Mahson A.N., Khoteev A.Z., Shupak M.Y.


Non-operability is defined as patient's condition in which total disturbances or peculiarities of local pathologic process exclude the possibility of surgical intervention. Authors give attention to some subjective factors which the stipulate the refuse from indicated operation. They include the level of clinical mentality and skills of a surgeon who considers the patient as non-operable one, surgeon’s «radicalism» and his ability to run a risk taking into account the rule: danger of surgical intervention must not exceed the danger for patient’s life, as well as the peculiarities of the type and spirit of the hospital where the patient was considered to be the non-operable one. Six cases were given as example. All patients had been considered as non-operable patients before their admission to Clinical Hospital # 62. According to pathologic process radical surgical intervention was compulsory in all cases. The patients were successfully operated on.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Treatment of patients with deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint

Soldatov Y.P., Makushin V.D., Karaseva T.Y.


The results of the complex treatment of 30 patients with elbow deforming arthrosis are given. The treatment consisted of drug therapy, physiatrics, subchondral tunneling of bone metadiaphyses forming elbow joint. Depending on the disease stage transosseous fixation, change of ulnar trochlea incisure curve, osteophytes resection were petformed. Early follow-up showed positive dynamics in all patients. Long term results showed good outcomes in 14 out of 17 examined patients and satisfactory outcomes in 3 patients. Etiopathogenic principles of the management of elbow deforming arthrosis were elaborated and optimum methods for the treatment were defined.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):37-41
pages 37-41 views

Means of therapeutic physical culture in the treatment of atypical pain (motor) patterns in myofascial syndromes

Epifanov V.A., Epifanov A.V.


There were 68 patients with low back pain which developed 2-6 years after myofascial injury of the lumbar spine. All patients were examined neuro-orthopaedically and with EMG, rheography, manual muscular testing and ultrasonography. Course of treatment using pathogenetic method of therapeutic exercises which were differentiated depending on the type of atypical pain pattern and the stage of its development was applied. Treatment resulted in the increase of contraction force and bioelectric activity amplitude of muscle-antagonist, restoration of the pattern of muscles activation (according to EMG data), elimination of static and dynamic overload of the contracted and hyperexcitable muscular groups (according to manual muscular testing data), restoration of the optimum dynamic stereotype. In 92.0% of patients recovery with the elimination of subjective neurologic symptoms and restoration of spine function was achieved.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):41-43
pages 41-43 views

Features of movement disorders in children with consequences of birth injury of the brachial plexus and their correction by functional biofeedback

Kosov I.S.


In 11 children with moderate and severe obstetric brachial palsy the analysis of EMG data of periarticular shoulder muscles was performed. Changes in reciprocal relations of muscles-antagonists as well as of deltoid oscillation frequency increase up to 180 Hz were determined. Author's theory was that the changes of deltoid functional action and its compensatory remodelling on tonic type were possible. That supposition was confirmed by the treatment results of patients using biocontrol. Method of differentiated biofeedback on EMG was applied. During 6-7 months of treatment an adequate interaction of periarticular muscles-antagonists was achieved, active deltoid function (> 3 points) was obtained, decrease of deltoid oscillation frequency up to 120 Hz was noted

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):44-48
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Immunological criteria for predicting the development of pyoinflammatory complications in children with multiple and combined injuries of the musculoskeletal system

Pligina E.G., Rozinov V.M., Prodeus A.P., Ryabinskaya G.V., Lyalikova G.V.


Immunologic examination of 62 children with composite and concomitant injuries of locomotor system is present. In 9 patients (14.5%)) development of purulent inflammatory complications has been determined. Indices of immunologic status allowing to predict the development of purulent inflammatory complications in early period (> 7-10 days) of traumatic disease are defined. Indices including the level of functional activity of the compliment, NBT-test, IgM level, number of T and В lymphocytes are the most reliable. Prognostic value of the immunologic indices undergoes changes during the posttraumatic period.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Combined effect of laser radiation and ozone on purulent wound healing in experiment and clinic

Nazarov E.A., Papkov V.G., Fokin I.A.


Combined influence of ultra-violet, helium-neon lasers and ozone on the healing of purulent wound was studied in experiment (30 rats) and clinic (30 patients). The results were evaluated by the rate of wound healing, cytologic and histologic pictures as well as the changes in blood content. The experimental study showed that combined application of ultra-violet laser and ozone 1.4 times reduced the time of purulent wound epithelization and additional irradiation by helium-neon laser performed in the second stage of wound process accelerated proliferation and differentiation of the newly formed integument. Each of those physical-chemical factors (ozone, ultra-violet and heliumneon lasers) exerted positive effect on a purulent wound and their consecutive application allowed to achieve the best results in 79.4% of cases.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Clinical concept of pathological gait analysis

Skvortsov D.V.


Conceptual approach to pathological gait analysis requires special equipment and is insufficiently elaborated. Suggested approach divides the pathological gait symptoms into nonspecific (walking slowing-down) and pathognomic ones. The levels of motion pathology compensation are distinguished: ipsilateral level - compensatory mechanisms affect the structures of the injured limb only, bilateral interaction level - compensatory processes affect healthy and injured limbs. Several main rules are formulated. Redistribution of functions - healthy limb performs mainly the weight bearing function, while injured limb performs mainly the transfer function; functional imitation - healthy limb imitates the function of the injured one to decrease the functional asymmetry; provision with optimum - to change the healthy limb function so that to approach the walking close to norm. Balance of lower extremities motion takes place at the level of pelvic and lumbar spine but the trunk remains relatively stable. Terminal balance at walking is performed at the level of trunk and upper extremities motion. If the balance is impossible the crutches and sticks are used - level of additional support. Impossibility to walk results in the use of other types of locomotion or other additional mechanical devices - level of locomotion different from walking.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):59-63
pages 59-63 views

Biomechanical criterion for assessing pathological gait

Trotsenko V.V., Zhilyaev A.A., Ivannikov S.V.


Integrate criterion for the evaluation of pathological gait based on the distinction of the pattern dynamograms of vertical components of weight bearing reaction at walking in norm and in injured lower extremities is suggested. In patients with different pathology of lower extremities the application of this criterion in clinical practice allows to perform the integral evaluation of gait using the minimum of informative biomechanical parameters. Suggested criterion could serve as an universal index for the evaluations of treatment and rehabilitaion results and may be used in research and clinical practice.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Biomechanical assessment of the support ability of the lower limbs in patients with fractures of the bones of the lower leg in the treatment of transosseous osteosynthesis

Negreeva M.B., Solomin L.N.


In 17 patients with diaphyseal shin fractures treated by transosseous osteosynthesis the weight bearing ability was studied at standing and walking. Immediately after transosseous osteosynthesis in all patients the weight bearing was shown to be present both at standing and at walking with crutches. Then the weight bearing load on the operated limb at standing was increased to a greater degree compared to the duration of weight bearing on the operated limb at walking. By the end of fixation period the load of weight bearing on the operated limb at standing was almost normal, but the time of weight bearing on the operated limb remained 1.6 times below the norm. The stages of weight bearing ability were distinguished as following: I-st stage - adaptation (immediately after operation up to 1.5 months), ІІ-nd stage -stabilization (from 1.5 months to the end of fixation period). The period from 1.5 months ±0.2 months after operation was conditionally defined as the beginning of weight bearing ability.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Titanium alloys in hip arthroplasty

Zagorodny I.V., Ilyin A.A., Karpov V.N., Nadezhin A.M., Skvortsova S.V., Sergeev S.V., Plushev A.A., Gavryushenko N.S.


Experimental study of thermal-hydrogenous processing influence on the structure, mechanical and tribologic properties of titanium-alloy «ѴТ6» was performed. After processing the firmness of alloy was increased up to 40-42 un. HRC in comparison with 28 un. HRC in hot rolling condition. Friction coefficient of VT6 alloy head on extra high molecular polyethylene was similar to the friction coefficient of Co-Cr-Mo alloy head. Wear of extra high molecular polyethylene in couple with titanium-alloy was 5 times lower than in couple with Co-Cr-Mo alloy. Surface hardening of VT6 alloy by thermal-hydrogenous processing 10 times decreases the wear of bone cement at friction. On the base of experimental study the new cemented hip endoprosthesis «SFEN» was elaborated.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):73-76
pages 73-76 views


Organ-preserving operations at the present stage of combined treatment of osteogenic sarcoma of long bones in children

Kovalev D.V.


Osteogenic sarcoma is a malignant tumor in the second decade of life [10, 25]. The incidence of it is quite high - 1.6-2.8 per 1 million children under the age of 15 per year [26]. Advances in modern chemotherapy have made it possible to increase the survival rate of patients from 0-5% in the past decades to 60-70% today [6, 9, 26, 42]. This raised the question of replacing the previously used crippling surgical techniques - amputations and exarticulations with limb-sparing operations and the development of rational approaches to choosing an organ-preserving technique in each specific case [25, 26].

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):76-79
pages 76-79 views


Dursun Ismailovich Cherkes-Zade


On May 25, 2000, Dursun Ismailovich Cherkes-Zade, head of the adult traumatology clinic of CITO, MD, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Honored Innovator of the Russian Federation, turned 70 years old. Of these, 45 years were devoted entirely to medical and scientific activities, which brought him wide fame not only in our country, but also abroad.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2000;7(2):81-81
pages 81-81 views

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