
Electric Epidural Stimulation of the Spinal Cord of the Decerebrated Rat
Shkorbatova P., Lyakhovetskii V., Gorsky O., Pavlovaa N., Bazhenova E., Kalinina D., Musienko P., Merkulyevaa N.
The Effect of the Microbiota Metabolite – Butyric Acid on Motor Coordination, Muscle Strength and the Level of Oxidative Stress in Skeletal Muscles in Mice with Dysbiosis
Yakovleva O., Mullakaeva A., Salikhzyanova A., Sorokina D., Sitdikova G.
Morphological adrenal glands changes in rats with different individual-typological behavior features in the PTSD model after dalargin injections
Semenova O., Vyushina A., Pritvorova A., Rakitskaya V., Ordyan N.
A Minimally Invasive Method of Wireless Electroencephalogram Recording in Rats in a Lithium–Pilocarpine Model of Epilepsy
Sinyak D., Bukov G., Sizov V., Zubareva O., Amakhin D., Zaitsev A.
The Effect of Spontaneous Neuromuscular Activity on the Development of Atrophy of the Functionally Unloaded m. soleus
Sergeeva K., Sharlo K., Kalashnikov V., Turtikova O., Tyganov S., Shenkman B.
The Effects of Insulin on Spike Activity of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Neurones and Functional State of Afferent Inputs from the Arcuate Nucleus in Rats
Inyushkin A., Mistryugov K., Ledyaeva O., Romanova I., Isakova T., Inyushkin A.
Analysis of Behavior and Brain Neuronal Density in B6.Cg-Tg(Prnp-SNCA*A53T)23Mkle/J Mice Modeling Parkinson’s Disease
Rozhkova I., Okotrub S., Brusentsev E., Rakhmanova T., Lebedeva ., Kozeneva V., Khotskin N., Amstislavsky S.
Age-Dependent Influence of Cholecystokinin on the Impulse Activity of Neurons in the Dorsomedial and Venromedial Nuclei of the Hypothalamus in Rats
Spirichev A., Moiseev K., Anfimova P., Tarasova G., Masliukov P.
EEG Analysis of the Functional State of the Brain in 5- to 7-Year-Old Children
Komkova Y., Sugrobova G., Bezrukikh M.
GCaMP – a Family of Single-Fluorophore Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators
Erofeev A., Vinokurov E., Vlasova O., Bezprozvanny I.
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