Methods of Closed-Loop Adaptive Neurostimulation: Features, Achievements and Prospects for Development

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An innovative approach to the organization of stimulation procedures is analyzed – closed-loop adaptive neurostimulation, in which the parameters of sensory stimulation are automatically controlled by feedback signals from the person’s own physiological characteristics. The effects of using invasive and non-invasive magnetic and electrical brain stimulation, as well as the effects of closed-loop acoustic and audiovisual stimulation, controlled by human rhythmic processes are considered. Numerous examples demonstrate the features and achievements of a new approach in the treatment of various psychosomatic disorders and cognitive rehabilitation of a person. The prospects for development of this research area are outlined. The results of the author’s own research in this direction are presented.

About the authors

A. I. Fedotchev

Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russia, Pushchino


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  110. Fedotchev AI, Parin SB, Polevaya SA, Zemlianaia AA (2019) Effects of Audio–Visual Stimulation Automatically Controlled by the Bioelectric Potentials from Human Brain and Heart. Human Physiol 45(5): 523–526.
  111. Savchuk LV, Polevaya SA, Parin SB, Bondar AT, Fedotchev AI (2022) Resonance Scanning and Analysis of the Electroencephalogram in Determining the Maturity of Cortical Rhythms in Younger Schoolchildren. Biophysics 67(2): 274–280.
  112. Fedotchev A, Parin S, Polevaya S (2023) Resonance scanning as an efficiency enhancer for EEG-guided adaptive neurostimulation. Life 13: 620.

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