
ISSN (print): 0869-7809

Founders: E.M. Sergeev Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences 

Editor-in-Chief: Victor Ivanovich Osipov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Media registration certificate: No. 0110144 dated 02/04/1993

Geoekologiya is a journal dealing with the fundamental and applied aspects of today’s most urgent issue—human-induced changes in the geoenvironment. Its principal objective is the effective solution of geoenvironmental problems involving conservation of the environment, development of its potential, and the improvement of human living conditions. The topics of the papers are:

  • environmental changes under the effect of anthropogenic factors;
  • contamination of ground and surface waters, soils, and rocks;
  • degradation of natural landscapes;
  • the theory and methods of monitoring and prediction of natural and human-induced hazardous processes;
  • geodynamic, seismic, and geoengineering regionalization of terrain;
  • stability of urban areas and industrial agglomerations;
  • utilization of industrial and domestic wastes;
  • planning and use of land and subsurface space;
  • the location and construction of facilities hazardous to the environment;
  • accident-proof functioning of natural and engineering systems (dams, nuclear power plants, irrigation systems, and major industrial facilities);
  • geoenvironmental problems of safe underground disposal of radioactive and other environmentally hazardous wastes;
  • geoenvironmental problems of development of mineral deposits;
  • recovery of mining wastes;
  • remediation of contaminated terrain;
  • support for an environmentally sound policy of utilization of mineral resources and managerial decisions for sustainable development;
  • geoenvironmental conditions and human health;
  • application of novel technologies to studying geoenvironmental problems.

   The papers written by scientists from Russia and other countries are intended for specialists in natural sciences engaged in research, education, engineering survey, and production.

   The distinguishing feature of the journal is a profound scientific analysis of a wide range of acute geoenvironmental problems and the search for efficient practical solutions for the environment conservation and sustainable development of society. The journal publishes papers written by leading Russian and foreign scientists.


Current Issue

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No 2 (2024)

Cover Page

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Restricted Access Subscription Access


Neostructural zoning of the Russian part of the Greater Caucasus megavault, the Eastern segment (advanced studies for engineering survey)
Nesmeyanov S.A., Nikitin M.Y., Voeikova O.A., Komarevskaya M.N.

The use of the orotectonic method made it possible to detail significantly the previously proposed schemes of neotectonic zoning of the Eastern segment of the Greater Caucasus megavault. In the Russian part of the segment, the zones of the North-Eastern and Central uplifts are traced. Within the North-Eastern zone, Western, Eastern and Southern subzones are distinguished, differing in their structure and orientation of the main structures. Block structures predominate in the Western and Southern subzones, and folded ones in the Eastern subzones. Among the anticlinal folds, there are folds with eroded arches, as well as folds that are partially preserved. The zone of the central uplifts includes the subzones of the side and main ridges, separated by the subzone of the axial troughs. The trough subzone crosses the entire Eastern segment of the megavault and includes the Northwestern group of differently oriented grabens and the eastern Bezhtino-Samur suture-depression zone with longitudinal grabens. This zone and its subzones are limited by the largest faults and reverse faults. Most regional and local structures are separated by active faults, which may be dangerous for the stability of engineering structures. The obtained original data, which is not available in standard materials on geological surveying for a given area, is useful for construction design and geoecology.

Geoèkologiâ. 2024;(2):3-18
pages 3-18 views


Resource potential of Vorob’evy Gory geosystems: history, study, and prospects for development
Baraboshkina T.A., Samarin E.N., Averin I.V., Zhidkov R.Y., Rakitina N.N., Rod’kina I.A., Rutskina V.S., Lubkova T.N., Lipatnikova O.A.

The article based on the methodology of interdisciplinary research solves the problems of retrospective analysis of the resource potential dynamics of geosystem components in the natural reserve located within the boundaries of the largest megacity of Eurasia to diversify the resource potential of the ecological-educational function of its territory. The unique experience of stable functioning of recreational territory is systematized synchronously with socio-economic development of Moscow urban industrial agglomeration based on complex studies. Additionally, some parts of its territory were studied in order to actualize scientific and educational tasks of higher school. The study is based on systematic approach to clarify the ecological state of the components of the environment. Local areas of different vector dynamics of geosystems of different genesis were identified. The role of natural and natural-anthropogenic factors (geological-geomorphological, ecological-geochemical, geodynamic, geophysical, anthropogenic, socio-economic) in the formation of geo-ecological features of the recreational potential of the conservation area of the urban environment is differentiated. The dynamics of the resource potential of the recreational cluster of the megacity occurs synchronously with the growth of the urban population of the urban-industrial complex and depends on the totality of socio-economic, cultural-historical, geo-ecological conditions and the synergetic vector of their interaction. The interdisciplinary approach based on the processing of databases, field observations and laboratory studies allowed the authors to improve the methodology of setting scientific and educational tasks within the framework of the implementation of the ecological-educational function of protected areas. Specially protected natural territories of megacity contribute significantly to the achievement of goals of stable urban development, preservation of biodiversity of territories and recreation areas, predetermining the creation of a comfortable environment for the inhabitants of large cities, contributing to the minimization of health risks for different gender groups of the population.

Geoèkologiâ. 2024;(2):19-32
pages 19-32 views
Seismicity of Morocco and simulation of 08.09.2023 earthuake consequnces with “Extremum” system application
Frolova N.I., Gabsatarova I.P., Suchshev S.P., Malaeva N.S.

This paper reports the use of regional intensity attenuation equations for the territory of Morocco by modeling the impact of the destructive earthquake of September 8, 2023 in the country. The relevance of the study follows from the needed reliable estimates of possible loss due to earthquakes in order to aid the decision-making process for the response and the proper choice of a search and rescue strategy for the heavily affected settlements. The paper has for its goal the calibration of the “Extremum” system seismic intensity attenuation models for the territory of Morocco. Our study is the first to analyze the seismic intensity attenuation equations obtained by researchers at different times with a view to their applicability to near real time loss assessment for strong events occurring in the area of study. We investigate as well how the results of earthquake loss simulation are affected by regional damage matrixes. Computer simulation was applied to the assessment of the possible impact due to the September 8, 2023 earthquake using the “Extremum” system developed with authors’ participation.This paper provides preliminary results of modeling the impact of the Morocco earthquake, as well as an assessment of the convergence achieved by calculated and observed intensities for various intensity prediction equations obtained before for the Morocco and adjacent areas within the Alpine-Himalayan seismically active belt.

Geoèkologiâ. 2024;(2):33-44
pages 33-44 views


Mercury in the urban area environment in the cryolithozone
Makarov V.N.

The geochemical features of mercury migration in the environment of a city located in the permafrost zone are considered. The average Hg content in suspended matter in the surface atmosphere ranges from 0.11–0.22 in winter to 13–14 mg/t in summer. The total annual intake of Hg from explosives from the atmosphere to the surface is estimated at 11 μg/m2/year, 99% of which occurs in the warm season. Analysis of lithochemical surveys in the city showed that the average Hg content in urban soils varies within the range of 6–22 mg/t. The presence of a seasonally thawed layer, frozen and permafrost rocks determines the binary structure of the cultural layer and the contrasting distribution of Hg in soils. It has been established that the abnormal Hg concentrations in the soils of cultural layer are mainly due to the intake of pollutants in the solid and liquid phases and, to a lesser extent, by the intake from the atmosphere and the chemical composition of the alluvial substrate. The occurrence of Hg anomalies in soils of a cultural layer older than 100 years is determined primarily by the biophilic accumulation of Hg in organic objects of vital activity of domestic animals and humans. Maximum Hg contents of up to 2000–5000 mg/t are observed in seasonally thawed soils in the depth range of 1–4 m, with a technogenic impact lasting more than 150 years. In the urban areas with less lasting technogenic impact, Hg is also fixed in seasonally thawed and frozen soils, with an average concentration of 50–120 mg/t, or forms low-contrast anomalies only in the soil-vegetation layer.

Geoèkologiâ. 2024;(2):45-55
pages 45-55 views


Development of heat and mass transfer modulus to Feflow code for calculation of brine loaded to permafrost ground
Rastorguev I.A., Litvinova I.V., Iost N.A., Ilin A.V.

The article discusses the application of FreezeThaw75 module, developed by one of the authors to calculate heat and mass transfer taking into account water–ice and ice–water–water phase transitions. Numerical simulations are compared with the analytical solution and other software codes. The module was tested at one of the injection sites in Daldino-Alakitskii district of Yakutia. FreezeThaw75 module was developed in relation to Feflow v7.4–7.5 model environment. The module was tested on a model of brine injection into frozen rocks. The model simultaneously takes into account the movement of groundwater flow, heat and mass transfer and phase transitions. A feature of the calculations in the developed model is the consideration of large injected volumes of highly mineralized brines.It influences the degradation of permafrost and takes into account the cryohydrogeological conditions of the site. Brines are injected into permafrost rocks with a high absorption capacity especially in areas confined to zones of tectonic disturbances. The developed module can adjust the predicted potential of the operated injection sites. It can also act as an additional element of control over the injection process and the formation of an artificial aquifer in the permafrost rocks.

Geoèkologiâ. 2024;(2):56-65
pages 56-65 views
Assessment of the water and mass balance in the landfill body by modelling using the example of the Dubna city landfill
Pozdnyakova I.A.

To predict the migration of pollutants in groundwater from the landfill site, it is necessary to know the infiltration rate and the concentration of pollutants in the moisture entering the groundwater level below the landfill. It is shown that the HELP program for calculating moisture transport in the unsaturated zone can be used to estimate the infiltration rate by the example of the municipal solid waste in Dubna, To estimate chloride ion concentration in the leachate entering the groundwater level, the VS2DT program for calculating the transport of pollutants with moisture in the unsaturated zone can be used. It is shown how uncertainty and insufficiency of information about the landfill site affects the estimation of these parameters, in what cases it is possible to use information about a similar dump, how test calculations help to verify hypotheses of formation of groundwater pollution under the landfill. The ranges of infiltration rate and chloride ion concentrations in moisture entering the groundwater level under the landfill body obtained as a result of calculations of the water and mass balance of the landfill in Dubna were further used to calculate the chloride ion transport in groundwater.

Geoèkologiâ. 2024;(2):66-75
pages 66-75 views


Test results of an improved short-baseline digital deformometer using a new bench design
Manukin A.B., Timkov V.V., Savosin V.V., Ginzburg M.A.

The article presents the results on laboratory tests of a short-baseline digital deformometer (SDC), developed to study deformation processes on pipelines and units of engineering structures, with the changes made to its design and electronic part, as well as the results of testing a new design of the test bench. The presented results show the effectiveness and accuracy of the new testing methodology, which makes it possible to increase the reliability of the results obtained.

Geoèkologiâ. 2024;(2):76-81
pages 76-81 views


pages 82-84 views

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