Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

The journal publishes papers on the topics:
environmental changes under the effect of anthropogenic factors;
contamination of ground and surface waters, soils, and rocks;
degradation of natural landscapes;
the theory and methods of monitoring and prediction of natural and human-induced hazardous processes;
geodynamic, seismic, and geoengineering regionalization of terrain;
stability of urban areas and industrial agglomerations;
utilization of industrial and domestic wastes;
planning and use of land and subsurface space;
the location and construction of facilities hazardous to the environment;
accident-proof functioning of natural and engineering systems (dams, nuclear power plants, irrigation systems, and major industrial facilities);
geoenvironmental problems of safe underground disposal of radioactive and other environmentally hazardous wastes;
geoenvironmental problems of development of mineral deposits;
recovery of mining wastes;
remediation of contaminated terrain;
support for an environmentally sound policy of utilization of mineral resources and managerial decisions for sustainable development;
geoenvironmental conditions and human health;
application of novel technologies to studying geoenvironmental problems.
Its principal objective is the effective solution of geoenvironmental problems involving conservation of the environment, development of its potential, and the improvement of human living conditions.


Peer Review Process

One-sided blind review. Number of reviewers: 1recensing is carried out by: members of the editorial board or external experts


Publication Frequency



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