No 1 (2024)

To the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Three hundred years of academic historical studies in the Russian Far East

Kradin N.N.


This article examines the history of the formation and development of the research in the Russian Far East – from academic expedition in 18 century to the formation of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS. The establishment of the institute was preceded by the creation of the Department of History and Archeology at the Far Eastern Scientific Center. In 1971, an institute was created on the foundation of this Department. The dynamics of the development of the institute, main directions, personnel scholars, and the importance of the institute in the life of the region are shown.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):5-16
pages 5-16 views

G. B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry – scientific results and research prospects

Dmitrenok P.S., Borisova K.L.


In 2024, the Russian Academy of Sciences turns 300 years old, and G. B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry (PIBOC FEB RAS) will celebrate 60th anniversary. PIBOC FEB RAS is an institute with a world reputation in the field of bioorganic chemistry, namely, the structural chemical biology of primary and secondary metabolites from marine and terrestrial organisms, molecular biology, including the study of the functions and biological activities and mechanisms of action of the studied natural compounds, molecular genetic research. The article presents the main scientific results of the leading laboratories of the institute in these promising scientific areas, mainly over the past five years.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):17-38
pages 17-38 views

Far Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration – flagship of medical science in the Russian Far East

Kolosov V.P., Perelman J.M., Polyanskaya E.V., Manakov L.G.


The analysis of the history of creation and development of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Far Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration”, its contribution to the results of research work of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the effectiveness of medical activities of healthcare institutions of the Far East region.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):39-53
pages 39-53 views

Development of methods for autonomous implementation of technological operations by manipulative underwater vehicles

Konoplin A.Y., Krasavin N.A., Yurmanov A.P., Piatavin P.A., Kostenko V.V., Bykanova A.Y.


The article is devoted to the development of a set of methods designed to solve the urgent task of increasing the efficiency of performing expensive manipulative technological operations in the depths of the World Ocean using unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) equipped with multilink manipulators (MM). Based on the proposed methods, systems for processing sensory information, recognizing the environment, target (control) signals formation and dynamic control of the UUV with MM are synthesized. Due to the coordinated operation of these systems, successful autonomous execution of contact manipulation operations in the UUV hovering mode above or near marine objects is ensured. The developed systems were implemented in hardware and software. In addition, the results of basin experiments and semi-natural modeling confirmed the operability and high efficiency of the proposed methods that expand the UUV functionality.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):54-71
pages 54-71 views

NSCMB FEB RAS – Russia’s unique research center for marine biology

Dolmatov I.Y.


The A. V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, subsequently reorganized into the A. V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (NSCMB FEB RAS), was founded more than 50 years ago to explore the biological diversity in the Far Eastern seas of Russia. Over the years of its activity, it has turned into a modern, world-class scientific center thanks to efforts undertaken by the academicians A. V. Zhirmunsky, V. L. Kasyanov, O. G. Kussakin and many other outstanding researchers. The NSCMB FEB RAS conducts studies of biota in vast areas of the world’s oceans, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, with a variety of experiments set up using unique equipment. The Primorsky Aquarium, a branch of the NSCMB FEB RAS, plays a major role in these studies. The staff of the NSCMB FEB RAS carry out extensive scientific, educational, and popularization activities in order to increase schoolchildren’s interest in science. Today, the NSCMB FEB RAS is a unique research facility that has gained great authority in Russia and abroad. It addresses a vast range of topics including biological diversity and ecology, molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, developmental biology, pharmacology, and medicine on all levels of living matter organization.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):72-82
pages 72-82 views

Scientific achievements of Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named after A. K. Chaika

Emel’yanov A.N., Mokhan’ O.V., Potenko T.A.


The paper reviews the main results of the scientific work conducted by the Federal Scientific Center in the fields of breeding, forage production, apiculture, agronomy, biotechnology, and economy. The history of the Institution is described from the establishment as an experimental field to the reorganization into a federal scientific center. Over the years, the scientists of the Institution have created dozens of new varieties of twenty-six agricultural crops: grain, forage, and fruit and berry crops, soybean, potato, etc.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):83-91
pages 83-91 views

Chemical Sciences. Synthesis, structure and properties of complex compounds

Structural chemistry of mixed-ligand inorganic fluoride complexes of uranyl (review)

Davidovich R.L.


The crystal structures of mixed-ligand sulfato-, selenato-, phosphato-, arsenato-, and chromato-fluoride complexes of uranyl studied by the single-crystal X-ray diffraction method have been systematized and discussed. The crystal chemical features of the structures of the mixed-ligand inorganic fluoride complexes of uranyl were determined: the coordination polyhedron of the hexavalent uranium atom in the structures of the mixed-ligand inorganic fluoride complexes of uranyl has a pentagonal-bipyramidal structure: the oxygen atoms of the uranyl group are located on the vertical axis of the pentagonal bipyramid, perpendicular to the equatorial plane in which five atoms are located. In the crystal structures of dimeric and polymeric chain mixed-ligand inorganic fluoride complexes of uranyl the fluoride bridges form fluoride atoms. Inorganic ligands combine dimers and polymeric chains into layers and three-dimensional formation.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):92-112
pages 92-112 views

Chemical Sciences. Advanced materials

CoF2/C/CF/PTFE nanocomposite synthesized in plasma, nanodispersed Co3O4 obtained from it and their magnetic properties

Kuryavyi V.G., Tkachenko I.I., Zverev G.A., Ustinov A.Y.


The CoF2/C/CF/PTFE nanocomposite was synthesized in the plasma of a pulsed high-voltage discharge. CoF2 nanoparticles are distributed in two size ranges ~20–100 nm and ~3–10 nm. After calcining the composite, the nanodispersed powder was obtained consisting of Co3O4 nanoparticles with the same particle size distribution. SQUID magnetometry was used to study the temperature and field dependences of the magnetization of the samples in the range of 300–2 K. On the graphs of temperature dependences, for both types of samples, at two different temperatures, peak-like changes occur, attributed to the transitions of CoF2 or Co3O4 nanoparticles, with decreasing temperature, in antiferromagnetic state. The transition temperature TN was estimated from the peak maxima. The existence of two transition temperatures is explained by size effects, taking into account the distribution of particle sizes in two different ranges. At temperatures below TN, a shift of the magnetic hysteresis loops to the region of negative fields was found, which is due to the AFM/FM interaction between the core and shell of nanoparticles. For both types of samples, there is a hysteresis in the temperature dependences of FC and ZFC. The manifestation of hysteresis can be explained in the general case by the presence of the metastable state formed in an external magnetic field during the interaction of the magnetic moments of nanoparticles, in this case, arising due to the uncompensated spins on their surface. It is concluded that the effect of particle size on the shift of the transition temperature to the AFM state is more significant in CoF2 nanoparticles than in Co3O4 nanoparticles.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):113-125
pages 113-125 views

Chemical Sciences. Physical methods of materials research

Electron paramagnetic resonance on impurity copper ions in sodium trititanate with a hierarchical two-level architecture

Saritsky D.A., Ziatdinov A.M., Zheleznov V.V., Opra D.P., Gnedenkov S.V.


The results of studies of electron paramagnetic resonance on impurity copper ions in sodium trititanate (Na2Ti3O7) with a hierarchical two-level architecture, potentially suitable for use as negative electrodes of sodium-ion batteries, are presented. The main emphasis in the work was placed on the identification of magnetically different centers of the impurity copper ion, establishing the positions of these centers in the crystal lattice, determining the nature of their distributions in the volume of the sample, and elucidating the charge compensation mechanism for aliovalent substitutions. For Cu2+ ions in positions of Ti4+ substitution, the degree of a spin density delocalization from the bottom dx2-y2 orbital to the σ-orbitals of the nearest equatorial oxygen ions was estimated.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):126-143
pages 126-143 views

Chemical Sciences. Environmental chemistry and chemical technology

Possibilities of extracting strategic metals from technogenic formations in the South of the Russian Far East

Molchanov V.P., Yudakov A.A.


The results of a study of the possibilities of extracting strategic metals (gold, platinum, silver, zirconium, titanium, etc.) from man-made placers and coal seam stripping rocks in the south of the Russian Far East are presented. The necessity of using methods of hydrodifluoride conversion, hydrometallurgy, fluoride opening to create an environmentally safe resource-saving technology for the enrichment of technogenic formations is substantiated. The data obtained open up new opportunities for revaluation of the prospects of the mineral resource base of Primorye.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):144-155
pages 144-155 views

Scientific successors

Mössbauer studies of iron-containing oxide coatings with different Fe/Co atomic ratios formed on titanium and aluminum by plasma-electrolytic oxidation

Balatskiy D.V., Budnikova Y.B., Sadovetc E.I.


In this work, iron-containing oxide coatings with different Fe/Co atomic ratios formed on titanium and aluminum in the process of plasma-electrolytic oxidation, were studied using the Mössbauer spectroscopy method. It was determined that the contribution of the high-spin spectral component of Fe(III) is minimal in the absence of cobalt and is maximum with the predominance of cobalt in coatings formed on titanium. On coatings formed on aluminum, the presence of a magnetically ordered spectral component of Fe(III) was discovered, which disappears with the predominance of cobalt in the coating.

Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;(1):156-163
pages 156-163 views

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