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卷 94, 编号 6 (2024)



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Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):499-499
pages 499-499 views

Russia’s cooperation strategy with the countries of the African continent: what has changed after the second summit Russia–Africa?

Abramova I.


The article analyzes the results of the second Summit and the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, identifies the key directions of the new strategy for Russian-African interaction and specific steps for its implementation in the context of the transformation of the system of international relations. The author, as a direct participant and one of the organizers of the summit, evaluates the results that were achieved within a year after the historic Russian-African summit in July 2023 in St. Petersburg, as well as the role of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and Africa. The author emphasizes that one of the key areas of Russian-African relations should be educational, scientific and technological partnership, primarily in such areas as energy, agriculture, combating biological threats, space, medicine, geology, ensuring the population’s access to clean water, information and communication technologies, humanities. It is argued that it is cooperation in the field of science and technology that can make a decisive contribution to ensuring the true sovereignty and security of the countries of the world majority, including Russia and African states.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):500-515
pages 500-515 views

African transnational business

Kuznetsov A.


The article presents results of the analysis of African transnational corporations (TNCs) which is a relatively new phenomenon. Based on contradictory statistical data, the author presents data on the leading sources of legal capital outflows in the form of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa. The specifics of FDI outflows from South Africa, Arab countries of North Africa, Nigeria and other significant countries of Tropical Africa are shown. The importance of cooperation between Russian companies and African TNCs in the investment development of Africa is emphasized. It is argued that without strengthening Russian direct investors on this continent, it is impossible to expect further significant growth in Russia’s foreign trade turnover with African countries, which accounted for only 3.5% of its volume in 2023.

The author notes that if Russia’s turn towards the global South is limited to strengthening ties with two or three dozen Asian countries, it is unlikely that Russia will be able to take leading positions in the emerging polycentric world order. The support of African states freed from European colonial oppression is necessary in the confrontation with the collective West, but the attitude towards the policy of the Russian Federation is largely associated with the intensity of economic contacts.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):516-526
pages 516-526 views

Prospects for the development of hydropower in Africa

Sharova A.


Hydro resources play an important role in Africa’s electricity sector, being the third largest source of electricity generation. Despite the rapid development of renewable energy such as solar and wind over the past 10 years, hydro power remains the most used renewable energy source in Africa. Today, only 10% of Africa’s hydro potential is used and is concentrated mainly in the countries of Central, East and West Africa. In these subregions large hydroelectric power plants will soon be commissioned. These new plants will be among the largest in Africa and in the world. The further development of hydropower in Africa is fraught with a number of obstacles, both economic and technical. The author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the problems in the hydropower sector in Africa, outlines possible ways to solve them and comes to the conclusion that expanding the use of this reliable source of clean, relatively cheap, high-quality electricity will help solve one of the continent’s most important problems – energy poverty.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):527-539
pages 527-539 views

Access to clean water in Africa

Barinov A., Sugakov G.


Africa’s rapid socio-economic development makes the problem of access to clean water in the region extremely urgent. The need to improve the relevant infrastructure is recognised not only at the level of national governments, but is also becoming an important task for international development institutions, including African ones. In particular, the African Development Bank Group has created the “Water Strategy 2021–2025”.

The article collects, systematises and analyses quantitative indicators that reflect the access of people and economic sectors to clean water, as well as the financing of this area and its place in global (Sustainable Development Goals 2015–2030, Millennium Development Goals 2000-2015) and African (“Agenda 2063”) strategies. The authors of the article conclude that modern African approaches to expanding access to clean water and new infrastructure projects imply efficient and systematic use of water resources not only within the national borders of the countries, but also at sub-regional and macro-regional scales. In terms of Russian-African partnership, in addition to investments in infrastructure, technology transfer can play a special role. The priority African markets for the introduction of Russian technologies in the field of water treatment and purification include the countries where the water problem is the most acute and oriented towards cooperation with Russia, in particular, Burkina Faso, Niger, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, and Zimbabwe.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):550-559
pages 550-559 views

Chinese media presence in Africa: trends and lessons for Russia

Fituni O.


For Russia to be able to secure its geostrategic objectives, defend its national interests, combat effectively anti-Russian propaganda and disinformation, and resist attempts at historical revisionism and misrepresentations of history, a full-scale development of its global media presence is of vital importance. It is especially true for the African vector of Russia’s national geopolitics, which has been showing considerable progress recently. China, which has been actively developing its relations with Africa since the beginning of the 21st century, pays great attention to the media sphere and is expanding its media presence on the continent. China’s considerable success in this causes anxiety in the West, especially in the US, which is developing a special strategy to counter the “Chinese media offensive in Africa”. Despite the substantial financial investment in media cooperation with Africa, China’s African media strategy cannot be called a 100% success. Chinese media still have a relatively low level of recognition in Africa, and many Africans are prejudiced against the Chinese press, considering it biased and one-sided. It is argued that Russia, in developing its own African media strategy, can borrow China’s more successful moves while adapting them to the country’s specific and new geopolitical landscape.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):560-568
pages 560-568 views

The wealth of the subsoil of the Republic of Guinea. In memory of Vladimir Ibrahimovic Mamedov

Bortnikov N., Boeva N., Volkov A., Galyamov A., Makarova M.


The Republic of Guinea has outstanding mineral resources. An analysis of current data has shown that in the near future this country will maintain its leading position in the world in the extraction and export of bauxite, as well as increase the production and export of alumina. Guinea has significant potential to develop large and rich iron ore deposits, but the development of this industry is hampered by the lack of infrastructure and an unstable geopolitical situation. Gold mining is successfully developing in the Siguiri ore region, where new promising deposits are discovered almost every year and new mines are put into operation. Guinea’s diamond deposits are among the most famous in West Africa and the world as a whole. However, the fall in global diamond prices in recent years has led to a slowdown in exploration, a lack of major discoveries and, consequently, a reduction in exports.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):540-549
pages 540-549 views

Biodiversity of Ethiopian aquatic ecosystems

Golubtsov A., Levin B., Neretina A., Kotov A., Mina V., Dgebuadze Y.


For 40 years, Russian scientists have investigated the biodiversity of the aquatic ecosystems of the Ethiopian Highlands (Ethiopia), a unique hydrological and hydrobiological region. The expeditions took place in all six main river basins of Ethiopia, which made it possible to describe the species composition and distribution of fish and other aquatic organisms. The discovery of the so-called “species flock” of cyprinid fish, consisting of 4–6 morphotypes, was outstanding. For representatives of these flocks (including the previously discovered flock of lakeTana). Information on the ecology of reproduction, development, age, growth, morphology, nutrition and genetics was obtained for the first time. Methods of artificial reproduction of a number of commercial fishes of Ethiopia have been developed. In addition, knowledge about aquatic crustaceans has been significantly expanded.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):569-580
pages 569-580 views

Mammals of Ethiopia: results and prospects of Russian studies

Lavrenchenko L.


The article provides a brief overview of the main results of studies on mammals in Ethiopia performed by the Joint Ethio-Russian Biological Expedition. The mammals of the country represent a suitable model for studying the processes of evolution and speciation in the mountainous tropics, as well as ways to adapt to the conditions of the highlands. The results obtained are of particular importance for the development of a number of areas of evolutionary biology, as well as nature conservation and medical biology: exploring mechanisms for the emergence of high biodiversity and endemism; empirical verification of alternative speciation hypotheses; assessment of the role of introgressive hybridization in evolution; study of coevolution of functionally related mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Using the example of the Ethiopian Highlands, the prospects for further studies of the processes of conjugate evolution of small mammals and their specific arena- and hantaviruses in conditions of long-term isolation are demonstrated.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):581-592
pages 581-592 views

Using the experience of Russian scientists for the effective crop production in Africa

Lobachevsky Y., Zavalin A.


The article provides information on the state of African soils, their productive capacity, and measures to preserve the fertility of agricultural lands using the experience and developments of Russian scientists. Information on the need for the main types of mineral fertilizers for the production of the required volume of grain is presented, the main techniques that increase the efficiency of the use of nutrients by plants for crop formation are shown, as well as the results of research conducted on testing Russian microbial preparations in crops in Zambia. Technologies that prevent soil desertification, increase the sustainability and productivity of crops in arid conditions, as well as the use of energy-saving technologies for soil cultivation, sowing, plant care, irrigation, and water purification used in irrigation can be important for African conditions.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):593-597
pages 593-597 views

The sky that is not visible from Russia

Lutovinov А., Mereminskiy I., Nazarov V., Semena A.


Modern scientific research is impossible without a broad international cooperation. Sometimes its necessity is dictated by economic reasons, sometimes by the fact that different countries have developed different branches of science and technology needed for a specific experiment, and sometimes the geography also contributes to the cooperation. As you know from the school curriculum, from our northern latitudes, where Russia is located, not the entire sky is visible. For example, Russian astronomers will not be able to see the Magellanic Clouds or the famous Southern Cross without traveling to the southern hemisphere. It seems even more important to provide Russian scientists with the opportunity to conduct research throughout the entire sky, as well as the ability to continuously receive scientific data from spacecrafts both current and future. To solve these problems, it seems appropriate to expand cooperation in the field of astronomy and space research with the South African Republic.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(6):598-606
pages 598-606 views