Long-term demographic forecasting



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The results of the latest demographic forecasts from the world’s leading specialized centers (United Nations Population Division, the Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Global Human Capital, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) are considered, demonstrating a certain bias in favor of individual countries and their calculation methods. The second part of this article provides a description of a digital twin of the planet’s demographic system constructed by a Chinese−Russian team and implemented in China’s national supercomputer center. In addition, the results of some calculations carried out using this tool are described.

Sobre autores

V. Makarov

Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI), Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: vestnik.ran@yandex.ru
Moscow, Russia

A. Bakhtizin

Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI), Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: vestnik.ran@yandex.ru
Moscow, Russia

Luo Hua

Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)

Email: vestnik.ran@yandex.ru
Shanghai, China

Wu Jie

Center for Economic and Social Integration and Forecasting, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Email: vestnik.ran@yandex.ru
Guangzhou, China

Wu Zili

Guangzhou Milestone Software Co., Ltd.

Email: vestnik.ran@yandex.ru
Guangzhou, China

M. Sidorenko

State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN)

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: vestnik.ran@yandex.ru
Moscow, Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © В.Л. Макаров, А.Р. Бахтизин, Луо Хуа, Ву Цзе, Ву Зили, М.Ю. Сидоренко, 2023

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