FRG’s Strategy and Tactics on the Formation of the Post-Yugoslav Space in the 1990s


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The article attempts to reveal the content and identify the patterns of united Germany`s political and military steps in the situation of Yugoslavian collapse in the 1990-s. The author used the methods of historical reconstruction, event-analyses and a corpus of sources, the basis of which is the Bundestag`s documents. The dynamics and direction of FRG`s efforts to support the independence of Slovenia and Croatia are presented. The scientific paper explores also the line of Germany in the Bosnian question. FRG step by step helped politically and military the Muslim-Croatian federation in its struggle against Republika Srpska. Then the author shows the character and features of the line of Germany (as part of the West) in 1998‒1999 on endowing Kosovo which is province of Serbia with maximum autonomy. The paper concludes about FRG`s support for the secession of the federal republics of Yugoslavia, as well as Kosovo.

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Sobre autores

Philipp Trunov

Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS

Autor responsável pela correspondência
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7092-4864

PhD (Political Science), Senior Researcher

Rússia, Moscow


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