Photographic album of Bosnia and Herzegovina by P. P. Pyatnitsky (new information)

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The article publishes new information that sheds light on the history of the creation of the «Photographic Collection of Church Antiquities and Types of Slavs of European Turkey. Herzegovina and Bosnia 1867. P. Pyatnitsky» (St. Petersburg, 1868). The album was highly appreciated by art historians. The album is the result of the work of a photographic expedition in the Bosnian vilayet in 1865–1867. Very little is known about the self-taught photographer and his time in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The paucity of information has led to a number of errors taking root in historiography. Work with the archives of the Russian consulates in Mostar (Herzegovina) and Sarajevo (Bosnia) made it possible to identify documents containing information about Pyatnitsky’s trip to the Bosnian Vilayet: clarify questions about the financing and composition of the expedition, the dates of the photographer’s stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Materials from the Director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs P. N. Stremoukhov made it possible to clarify the issues of organizing the printing of the album.

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About the authors

Ksenia V. Melchakova

Institute of Slavic Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

PhD (History), Senior Researcher

Russian Federation, Moscow


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