Holidays Among Russian Emigration in Czechoslovakia in 1920‒1940s

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The article deals with everyday life of the Russian diaspora in Czechoslovakia in the 1920‒1940s, namely the holidays celebrated by emigrants. It gives the typology of holidays, compares the intensity of their celebration in different decades, shows both common holidays for all emigration and specific festive events that are characteristic only for Czechoslovakia. The main sources for this research are the reports of the organizations and associations, publications in the newspapers, documentaries, diaries and memoirs of the emigrants. The author raises and tries to answer the question – if the holidays unite different directions and groups of emigration or separate them. In the work, she showed the role of emigrant holidays in the preservation of national identity in the conditions of the foreign environment, as well as in the interpenetration of the cultures of the Czech, Slovak and Russian peoples. 

About the authors

Elena Pavlovna Serapionova

Institute of Slavic Studies RAS

Moscow, Russian Federation


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