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The mystery of Herodotus’ Saspirs

Salmin A.


The article examines ancient evidence about Herodotus’ Saspirs against the backdrop of the Caucasian history of Sapirs/Saviri, drawing on both historical sources and current studies. To make the examination coherent, I introduce various data related to the history, geography, ethnography, religion, and language of this group. I argue that there must be a continuity among ethnonyms such as Σάσπειρες, Σάπειρες, Σάβιροι, Sapires, Savares, and Savirs. The Saspirs of the historical period under consideration supposedly inhabited the area between the Medes and the Colchis who resided to the south and to the north of the Phasis river accordingly. This area extended to the south-east of the Chorokh (Coruh) river towards the lakes Sevan and Van; while the Matiene mountains, by which the Saspirs lived, are taken to be the mountainous area near Erzurum.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):5-22
pages 5-22 views

Debating the issue of Herodotus’ Saspirs

Madurov D., Shahinyan A., Khorikyan H., Saraev A., Salmin A.


The authors discuss the arguments expounded in A.K. Salmin’s article on “The Mystery of Herodotus’ Saspirs” (Taina gherodotovskikh saspirov), which examined ancient evidence about Herodotus’ Saspirs against the backdrop of the Caucasian history of Sapirs/Saviri, who supposedly inhabited the area between the Medes and the Colchis that resided to the south and to the north of the Phasis river accordingly. This area extended to the south-east of the Chorokh (Coruh) river towards the lakes Sevan and Van. Drawing on various data related to the history, geography, ethnography, religion, and language of this group, A.K. Salmin argued that there must be a historical continuity among ethnonyms such as Σάσπειρες, Σάπειρες, Σάβιροι, Sapires, Savares, and Saviri. His line of argumentation is assessed in contributions by D. Madurov, A. Shahinyan, H. Khorikyan, and A. Saraev.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):23-59
pages 23-59 views

Revisiting the Published

From “vernacular museums” to the “do-it-yourself past”

Melnikova E.


This article examines the idea of “vernacular museums” as it was put forth by Irina Kyzlasova and Elena Chesnokova in an earlier issue of the journal. In response to the authors’ idea, I aim to further develop the line of argumentation, proposing to broaden the scope of analysis for this phenomenon. The article explores the issues surrounding the application of the term “vernacular museum.” These obstacles include the presence of previous iterations of such museums, the inherent contradictions within the categorization of museums’ diversity, and the challenges associated with conceptualizing vernaculars as a significant Other of the officially recognized museum models. The article presents a novel approach to examining modern museum activities, suggesting that they could be placed alongside broader grassroots commemoration activities and memorial activism.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):60-76
pages 60-76 views

Folk Christianity in Armenia

Lived religion of the devotees of rural surbs in Armenia

Kryukova N.


The article analyses the beliefs and practices of rural surb worshippers in Armenia on the basis of lived religion approaches. Surb means “holy”, “sacred”, “divine”. It is a saint and a place of veneration. A surb can be a book, a khachkar, a church, a tree, an image, etc. – any revered object. The everyday religion of believers is a special relationship with the sacred and the divine power of the saints. People accept the power of the surb as real and experience its effects every day. Ritual practices in the surbahs are seen as a way of influencing the divine power to meet certain needs and perform certain tasks. Ritual practices in surbs have real physical and spiritual efficacy for the worshippers. Also important is physical contact with the shrine. The representations and practices of devotees of rural shrines are not approved by the Armenian Apostolic Church. In Armenia there is a vernacular tradition successfully operating in parallel to the official and canonical tradition.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):77-92
pages 77-92 views

Dream and sanctuary in traditional Armenian Christianity: pilot research outcomes

Simonian L.


Ethnographic research on dreams, conducted in the frame of the phenomenological approach and drawn on the comparison of field data and previous studies, points to the existence of patterns related to an ancient tradition. Nowadays, approaching dreams as information on future events is characteristic of people who are religious yet rarely attending the church. According to the traditional classification of the true and the false dreams, dreams about sacral places belong to the former; therefore, people meticulously follow their recommendations. It is through the dreams that communication between the dreamer and the personified saint occurs advising the dreamer to excavate certain places, avoid touching sacral objects, make a pilgrimage, take the object of cult to a new place, etc. Some dreams help discovering historical artefacts. There are special sanctuaries in Armenia that relieve of bad dreams, and they are often connected with the image of Tukh Manook. In the special sanctuaries, incubation aimed at healing is practiced. Dreams experienced in the sanctuary are still regarded as sacral even after visiting it, and usually they imply the recovery from illness.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):93-114
pages 93-114 views

Research Articles

Ladies with little dogs: attitudes towards dogs in the 18th- and 19th-century Russia

Korshunkov V.


This article deals with the attitude of the Russian nobles towards dogs. The sources are mainly memoirs, as well as Russian literary works of the 18th and 19th centuries, especially those in which the “dog” theme was not the main one but rather appeared as an additional characteristic of a situation or hero. These data show that men and women treated dogs differently. In addition, men and women preferred to communicate with different dog breeds. In the Russian society of the 18th and 19th centuries, toy dogs (ladies’ dogs, or bed dogs) were attributes of a rich and noble lady. Men treated such dog breeds with disdain. Foolish, whimsical, and dependent pet was quite consistent with the behavior of a noble girl or lady – with her outfits, fainting, and dependence on a gentleman. On the other hand, men liked their hunting dogs (as well as watchdogs). These animals were big, strong, and cocky; they usually lived not in a house, but in a yard. The fashion for having toy dogs gradually faded away. Cats were increasingly becoming favorite pets. Since the middle of the 19th century, it was mostly an unpleasant old lady who was living surrounded by pugs or other little dogs.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):115-132
pages 115-132 views

Anthropological photography of the 1920s – early 1930s in the context of the development of national territories by the Soviet authorities

Tolmacheva E.


The article is devoted to various aspects of the creation of anthropological photography in the 1920s – early 1930s. Taking the case of the history and development of a visual document, it presents the problems of scientific development of national territories. The peculiarities of formation of the complex of photographic images in the period of nation-building are considered in the context of priorities for choosing territories and ethnic groups for research, interaction with the authorities, and approach to working with the local population. The text shows the various situations in which anthropological photographic documents were created, and the reports that reflected scientific tasks of researchers. The history of the formation of the MAE RAS photographic collection is exemplified by the main stages and directions of research, the technical specificities of creating photographic documents and archiving them in the museum collection. The article further raises questions of author’s methodology for creating and collecting images, the problems related to the ethics of interaction with subjects and the publication of research materials.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):133-150
pages 133-150 views

Jews of the Don in the 19th – early 21st century: geodemographic dynamics and reproductive processes in a regional community

Suschiy S.


The article analyzes the reproductive and migration processes, as well as the quantitative, spatial, gender, and age dynamics of the Jewish population in the Don region. It identifies the main periods of its geodemographic evolution in the 19th – early 21st centuries and examines the specificities of the settlement system and gender structure of urban and rural Jews. It has been established that the high level of urbanization and sociocultural modernization of the Don Jews activated the process of assimilation as early as at the beginning of the 20th century. Demographic losses of the community during the World War II predetermined its accelerated decline in the post-war period and further intensified assimilation tendencies. The reverse side of the growing assimilation since the 1920s–1930s has been the process of absolute growth and specific expansion of the regional group of mixed population with Jewish roots, which has not been recorded by the official statistics. For certain periods of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century, an assessment of this latent demographic component has been carried out. It is established that by the end of the 20th century, this group repeatedly exceeded the size of the ethnic core of the regional community and is currently a significant factor in the demographic reproduction and sociocultural life of the Jewish population of the Don region.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):151-179
pages 151-179 views

The influence of Central Asian migration on the Islamic space of cities in the Urals (the cases of Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, and Troitsk)

Avdashkin A.


The article focuses on the influence of Central Asian migration on the Islamic space of the cities of the Urals (Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, and Troitsk). The study is drawn on interviews and ethnographic fieldwork. The concept of the right to the city is used as a theoretical and methodological framework. This research lens helped describe social relations around symbolic power over urban space. I argue that migrants create social infrastructure to satisfy their religious needs (mosques, houses of worship, halal cafes, Islamic fashion shops). Muslim migrants acquire experience in organizational activities and accumulate various resources for the formation and development of religious infrastructure in the cities of the Urals. This infrastructure makes it possible to meet the social and spiritual needs of various migrant groups.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):180-196
pages 180-196 views

Paternal care in contemporary society (a comparison of Russia and Belarus)

Semenova O., Burkova V., Butovskaya M., Kasparova E., Ermakov A.


Paternal care contributes to offspring’s development and future success in their adult life. Cultural stereotypes and individual views about family roles continue to have a significant impact on paternal care. We conducted a cross-cultural study of paternal care in Russia and Belarus, with special reference to cumulative impact of the level of family income and individual views concerning gender inequality. Total sample was 570 respondents. Results revealed the similarity of the behavioral models of fathers in Russia and Belarus. The general model of paternal care shows that a high level of wealth contributes to the increase of paternal care in both countries, whereas high level of gender inequality reduces the level of paternal care. Both countries continue to practice the traditional approach to sharing of concerns regarding children – women are more involved in childcare and education, while men invest more in the financial income of the family.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(1):197-225
pages 197-225 views

Book Reviews and Critiques

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