Language ideologies and the construction of karelian identity



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The article addresses perceptions of linguistic practices underlying the construction of Karelian identity in the republic of Karelia. Based on the notion of language ideology, I analyse fieldwork data collected in the region to reveal enduring attitudes towards the functioning of Karelian. Being aware of both significant dialect variations and the generation gap in the command of the language, Karelians nevertheless tend to consider themselves part of the same ethnic group. I argue that there exist two language ideologies directly related to reproducing and reshaping the Karelian identity. The first one equates the vitality of the language with the vigour of the national community. Within the second one, which could be referred to as ideology of language performativity, various practices of using Karelian are themselves acts of constructing and rethinking ethnic identity.

Sobre autores

A. Ryzhkov

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Moscow, Russia


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