The journal "Ethnographic Review" was founded in 1889 as a publication of the Ethnographic Department of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography at Moscow University. It became the first Russian ethnographic journal. The initiator of its creation was the outstanding folklorist V.F. Miller. The journal was conceived as a central publication that would combine the tasks of developing Russian ethnography with the popularization of its achievements.

It also provided publishing opportunities for local amateur ethnographers and exiles. From 1889 to 1916 about 100 issues were published. They published such scientists as D.N. Anuchin, A.N. Veselovsky, M.M. Kovalevsky, A.N. Maksimov, V.F. Miller, V.N. and N.N. Kharuzina and others. The journal published materials on the folklore and ethnography of the peoples of Russia and provided an opportunity for scientists of different theoretical beliefs to express themselves. Regular contributors included supporters of both evolutionism and the historical school.

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