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卷 30, 编号 2 (2024)



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Original Research Articles

Features of the biological development of schoolchildren in the Moscow region with different levels of health

Solovieva Y., Milushkina O., Paunova S., Fedotov D., Scoblina N., Tatarinchik A., Ivanov M.


BACKGROUND: The study of the health status of children and the dynamics of the physical and biological development of schoolchildren remains an urgent scientific issue both in our country and worldwide. The lifestyles of modern children and adolescents change based on regional standards for physical and biological development.

AIM: To analyze the dynamics of puberty in modern schoolchildren depending on their health status and update biological development standards of schoolchildren in the Moscow region.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the 2020s, an observational single-center cross-sectional study of the health status and physical and biological development of schoolchildren aged 12–16 years was performed in Moscow. Physical and biological development was assessed in each age and sex group according to standard methods using certified anthropometric instruments to measure height and weight.

RESULTS: The study involved 508 schoolchildren with different levels of health, who were divided into groups 1 (n=107, 21.1%), 2 (n=208, 58.7%), and 3 (n=103, 20.2%). Diseases of the eye and its adnexal apparatus (24%) were prevalent functional abnormalities, and musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases were found in 20% of the sample. The level of biological development in groups 1 and 2 in comparison with group 3 did not differ significantly (р >0.05); however, later development of secondary sexual characteristics tended to occur in schoolchildren with chronic diseases. Significant (р=0.038) differences in the age at menarche in girls were found depending on the level of physical development. Thus, when developing standards for biological development, data of schoolchildren in groups 1 and 2 must be considered.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study clearly demonstrated the prevalence of functional abnormalities and chronic diseases of various nosologies among schoolchildren in the Moscow region. The results of the study provided an update on the standards for the biological development of schoolchildren in Moscow.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):100-109
pages 100-109 views

Prenatal ultrasound diagnostics and sociopsychological support as rehabilitation measures in patients with congenital cleft palate complicated by anomalies of other organs and systems

Rogozhina Y., Blokhina S., Bimbas E., Naboichenko E.


BACKGROUND: Prenatal ultrasound diagnostics and sociopsychological support in the early rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft palate combined with malformations of other organs and systems complement the unified algorithm of dynamic monitoring and rehabilitation treatment of these patients. Thus, predicting the choice of techniques and the system of rehabilitation prescriptions became possible.

AIM: To present the experience of prenatal ultrasound diagnostics and sociopsychological support during pregnancy for the early rehabilitation of a patient with cleft palate combined with malformations of other organs and systems.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in the Multiprofile Clinical Medical Center “Bonum” in Yekaterinburg. For 24 years, from the analysis of medical records of the organizational and rehabilitation process of 2,475 patients with congenital cleft lip and/or palate receiving comprehensive care (1998–2022), 823 (33.25%) patients who had with cleft palate and malformations of other organs and systems were enrolled in this study. The discharge epicrises of the pregnancy and the timing of intrauterine ultrasound diagnostics of the fetus were studied, and the history of childbirth and anamnesis of newborns and timing of their routing and registration in the specialized “Bonum” Center were analyzed. At the time of the initial outpatient appointment at the center, parents’ responses to a survey on the nature of emotional and psychological experiences during the prenatal ultrasound examination of the fetus, period of “bearing” pregnancy, and birth of a baby with a complex anatomical and physiological pathology were analyzed.

RESULTS: Ultrasound examination of the fetus during uterine development registered 292 (35.48%) of 823 cases of a combination of congenital cleft palate and anomalies of other organs and systems. The main forms of malformations in the fetus were established in the second (n=99, 33.90%) and third (n=185, 63.36%) trimester pregnancy screening. Mothers who were told about the results of ultrasound diagnostics of the fetus showed anxiety and emotional lability. The use of psychocorrectional and socially significant measures during the diagnosis of fetal pathologies and at the time deciding whether to continue pregnancy, as well as the newborn period, which relieved the psycho-emotional tension of parents, was proposed.

CONCLUSION: Early rehabilitation of patients with congenital cleft palate combined with malformations of other organs and systems should be provided as an integral part of the complex rehabilitation therapy. Sociopsychological support of the family from the period of prenatal diagnosis of the fetus who had multiple malformations is necessary at all stages of pregnancy and rehabilitation treatment of the child.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):110-121
pages 110-121 views

Assessment of the actual nutrition of students of Voronezh Medical University

Makarova I., Popov V., Choporov O.


BACKGROUND: At a young age, nutrition is the main factor necessary for maintaining and strengthening health during the period of growth and development.

AIM: To analyze the nutrition status and its shortcomings in students in an educational institution.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a medical university in 2021 to 2023. A survey of 1,200 1st-year to 3d-year students in the following specialties was performed: medical science (n=401, 93 males and 308 females), pediatrics (n=405, 54 boys and 351 girls), and dentistry (n=394, 101 males and 293 females). The participants were 18–22 years old. Age groups were made to determine differences in students’ food preferences that arise with age. Anthropometric indicators were taken from all study participants, and body mass index was calculated. The participants were also asked to use the Personalized Diet 5.0 software package to make up their daily diet for subsequent analyses and identify emerging trends in the nutrition status of young people.

RESULTS: Some negative aspects of the nutrition status of medical university students were identified, which, without proper attention and prevention, can lead to various pathological conditions. The main trends in the nutrition status of students were identified, namely, the content of high-carbohydrate foods in the diet, extremely low content of some micro- and macroelements in the diet, etc.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study revealed issues in the current nutrition status of medical university students and the need to improve it.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):122-131
pages 122-131 views

Prevalence of signs of professional burnout among medical workers involved in providing medical care for circulatory system diseases

Artamonova G., Popsuiko A., Agienko A.


BACKGROUND: Among 13 thousand doctors interviewed in 2021, 42% displayed signs of professional burnout. This phenomenon negatively affects the frequency of repeated hospitalizations, the number of adverse events, and increased employee turnover. However, studies concerning burnout in doctors are rare and do not focus on specialists who provide medical care for patients with circulatory system diseases (CSD).

AIM: was to assess the level of burnout in medical workers involved in the provision of medical care for patients with CSD and to explore staff perceptions of its prevention.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A sociological survey (based on the standardized Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire) was conducted among medical personnel (women represented the majority of the sample — 76%, men — 24%). The sample is represented by doctors (n=89), nursing staff and auxillary nurses (NSAN) (n=128). The mean age for the whole group of respondents was 40.7±0.7, professional experience lasted 12.0±0.6 years. Standard methods of descriptive statistics were used for the data analysis. The age characteristics of the group had no significant differences by professional categories. Doctors had 39.0±1.2 years (min — 24, max — 63), NSAN had 41.0±0.6 years (min — 19, max — 67). Professional experience lasted differed doctors 39.0±1.2 years, in NSAN — 12.3±0.8. Men were characterized by a mean age of 36.7±1.6 years and professional experience lasted 10.0±1.2 years and women 42.0±0.7 years and 12.6±0.7 years, respectively. The character of distribution of quantitative data in the presented study was analyzed using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–Wilk criterion.

RESULTS: 80.2% of respondents presented with a high level of reduced professional accomplishments (RPA), 53.4% — a moderate average level of depersonalization. The emotional exhaustion was similar in all respondents, although average level of emotional exhaustion was the most prevalent (39.6%). 43.8% of doctors had an average level of emotional exhaustion, which is higher compared with NSAN — 37.5%. Clinical and paraclinical units are associated with a medium level of emotional exhaustion and a high RPA. At the same time, paraclinical units are characterized by a medium level of depersonalization, in contrast to clinical units, which are found to have a high level of this factor. According to the respondents, possible measures to prevent emotional burnout should include a set of measures including, rational distribution of responsibilities within departments, workload among the staff, as well as the formation of special skills to overcome stressful situations and optimization of activities with the help of digital solutions (support system for medical decisions, etc.).

CONCLUSION: Working as medical staff and providing medical care for patients with CSD is strongly associated with a high level of reduced professional accomplishments (80.2% of respondents). Proper measures for the prevention of emotional burnout should primarily include organizational solutions focused on optimizing internal processes in medical staff’ work. According to the respondents, among the measures aimed at the prevention of emotional burnout, the most demanded may be: rational distribution of responsibilities within departments, workload among staff, as well as the formation of special skills to overcome stressful situations and optimization of activities with the help of digital solutions (medical decision support system, etc.).

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):132-141
pages 132-141 views

Influence of medical-social and socio-economic factors on infant mortality rate in the Republic of Ingushetia

Balaev M., Fisenko A., Aprosimova S.


BACKGROUND: The infant mortality rate, as one of the indicators of the health and quality of life of the population, is an important factor that determines the country’s healthcare priorities. Despite the steadily decreasing infant mortality rates in the Russian Federation, the value of this indicator varies by region; thus, studying the factors influencing its value is relevant. If the leading medical, social, and socioeconomic factors that influence the level of infant mortality could be determined using data from a representative region (Republic of Ingushetia), the main directions for organizing measures aimed at reducing mortality among children in the first year of life will be identified.

AIM: To determine the main medical, social and socio-economic factors that influence the infant mortality rate in the Republic of Ingushetia.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational single-center retrospective study was performed to examine the influence of medical, social, and socioeconomic factors on the mortality rate of children aged <1 year in the Republic of Ingushetia. The obtained data were compared with similar indicators for the Russian Federation as a whole and the North Caucasus Federal District.

RESULTS: During the study period (2011–2019), significant changes were observed in infant mortality rates in the Republic of Ingushetia: infant mortality has decreased because of the age components, leading to the normal ratio of neonatal and post neonatal mortality. Rates of infant mortality from certain conditions arising in the perinatal period, congenital anomalies, and nervous system and circulatory system diseases have significantly decreased. The proportion of women admitted under the supervision of antenatal clinics in the early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) has increased, the incidence of morbidity among pregnant women has decreased, and the proportion of normal births has been increasing. Although many medical organizations have employed a sufficient number of medical personnel, the coverage for biochemical screening has decreased, detection of malformations and biochemical abnormalities during prenatal diagnostics was low, medical personnel have low qualifications, and the shortage of obstetric and pediatric beds and pathology beds for newborns and premature infants was significant. A statistically significant dependence of the frequency of deaths of children aged <1 year on socioeconomic indicators−unemployment level, monetary income of the population, and housing conditions−was revealed.

CONCLUSION: The main medical, social, and socioeconomic factors that influence infant mortality were analyzed using data from the Republic of Ingushetia. Positive and negative trends in the current state of the healthcare system of this republic have been identified.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):142-151
pages 142-151 views

Rhinosinusitis in children with acute respiratory infection: quality of life and features of drug therapy

Krivopalov A., Ryazantsev S., Korkmazov M., Korkmazov A., Lengina M., Kornova N.


BACKGROUND: The relevance of the study is due to limited information on the impact of various forms of rhinosinusitis that have arisen against the background of acute respiratory infection on the quality of life of children and effective treatment methods.

AIM: To conduct a clinical assessment of the effect on the recovery time and quality of life in children with acute rhinosinusitis and exacerbation of polypous rhinosinusitis that occurred against the background of a respiratory infection, including antiviral drugs in complex treatment in the early stages.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A simple controlled randomized comparative clinical trial was conducted, involving 74 children aged 15 to 18 years. The clinical efficacy and safety of the use of antiviral drugs in complex therapy, which are neuraminidase inhibitors on the 5th, 7th and 10th days of treatment, were evaluated in comparison with groups receiving pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide. The inclusion criterion was acute rhinosinusitis and exacerbation of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis against the background of acute respiratory infection. To establish the diagnosis, an examination of ENT organs, computed tomography of the nose and paranasal sinuses were performed, patients subjectively assessed clinical complaints and quality of life in the Russian version of the standard form of the SF-36 questionnaire.

RESULTS: Positive dynamics was noted in the early stages in the 2nd subgroup of the 1st group who took neuraminidase inhibitors in addition to complex therapy. Manifested by a decrease in the average score for VAS to 80.0%, difficulty in nasal breathing to 1.7 points on the 10th day of treatment, relative to those taking imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid, where there was a decrease in the average score for VAS by 22.4%, difficulty in nasal breathing to 2.54 points. A similar pattern was observed with nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, and quality of life indicators according to the SF-36 questionnaires.

CONCLUSION: Improvement of clinical symptoms and quality of life indicators at an earlier date in children with polypous rhinosinusitis and acute rhinosinusitis against the background of a previous respiratory infection with the inclusion of neuraminidase inhibitors in complex therapy confirmed higher efficacy.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):152-163
pages 152-163 views


Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a review of the prevalence, trigger factors, therapeutic and surgical treatment

Niftaliev K.


Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage is the second most common subtype of stroke and is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Trigger factors that “accelerate” disease onset may include hypertension, excessive alcohol consumption, constant smoking, hypocholesterolemia, medications, male sex, advanced age, living in an underdeveloped country, ethnicity, chronic kidney disease, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and microhemorrhages.

Therapeutic solutions for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage aimed at stopping the progression of hemorrhage, reducing the clot volume of intraventricular and parenchymal hematoma, combating perihematomal edema and inflammation, rapidly reducing blood pressure, and providing hemostatic therapy with transfusion of platelets and other coagulation complexes.

Clinical trials on minimally invasive methods of surgical evacuation (endoscopic surgery, stereotactic aspiration, and invasive craniopuncture) are ongoing and may provide positive results because of the shorter operation time and use of local anesthesia. Minimally invasive surgery methods can theoretically improve the outcomes of open surgery by reducing damage to collateral tissues and reducing anesthesia time; however, they cannot be a full-fledged alternative.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):164-180
pages 164-180 views

Current understanding of the connection between endometriosis and intestinal microbiocenosis: a literature review

Shelekhova M., Modorskaya A., Fil'chakova A., Grudkova Y., Rayevskiy K.


Endometriosis is a complex condition that affects at least 10% of women in their reproductive years worldwide. It is characterized by persistent pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, impaired pelvic organ function, infertility, and psychological distress. Alarmingly, about 30% of patients experience a recurrence of the disease even after receiving full treatment. Given the urgent nature of this problem, extensive studies are regularly conducted to investigate the various factors that contribute to the development of endometriosis. One area of particular interest is the relationship between the condition and changes in the intestinal microflora.

Research suggests that endometriosis is primarily associated with a decrease in the number of Lactobacillus bacteria and an increase in the presence of potentially harmful flora, including Enterobacteriaceae, Bifidobacterium, Parabacteroides, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Saccharibacteria, Fusobacteria etc. Furthermore, there is a focus on the ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes. Such dysbiosis leads to abnormal cytokine expression and immune cell dysfunction, ultimately resulting in chronic inflammation. A correlation has been found between changes in the intestinal microflora in endometriosis and an increase in the levels of TNF-α, NF-κB, and IL-8. Additionally, the condition has been linked to factors related to apoptosis (Fas and Bax), proliferation (epidermal growth factor), and angiogenesis (VEGF).

Another significant aspect is the role of the intestinal microbiota in the breakdown of estrogen. Enzymes such as β-glucuronidase and β-glucosidase, secreted by the microbiota, contribute to the breakdown of estrogen and subsequently increase the levels of free estrogen in the bloodstream. This increase in free estrogen is believed to play a role in the development of endometriosis by promoting the proliferative activity of endometrial cells. It further confirms the significance of intestinal dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of the disease.

However, despite these findings, additional research is still required to fully understand the mechanisms behind the development of endometriosis.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):181-190
pages 181-190 views

Interrelation between gut microbiota and bronchial asthma

Potaman A., Pyatysheva P., Plotnikova K., Kobak M., Abdusalamov A., Raevskiy K.


Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract, and its etiology and pathogenesis have not been studied adequately. Many authors suggest that intestinal microbiota significantly contributed to its etiology. The existence of a gut–lung connection, through which bacterial metabolites influence airway sensibilization, has been proven. Certainly, the formation of this connection in childhood is important. This study provides a review of indigenous and foreign studies concerning the influence of the quantitative and qualitative compositions of intestinal microbiota and certain metabolites of commensals on the manifestation of bronchial asthma. This topic is relevant because of the widespread overuse of antibiotic therapy and the availability of possible ways to prevent the development of bronchial asthma if the influence of the microbiota on its pathogenesis is detected.

This study also tried to examine the influence of antibiotic therapy on pregnant women and young children at risk of bronchial asthma, a relationship confirmed in many studies. Despite the large number of studies, the use of probiotics for the treatment and prevention of this disease is still debatable.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2024;30(2):191-201
pages 191-201 views
