Vol 17, No 3 (2011)


Organization of medical care to boys with genital malformations and diseases in the outpatient setting

Ivlieva I.V., Polunin V.S., Ivliyeva I.V., Polunin V.S.


The paper presents the results of studying the medical and organizational aspects of a follow-up of 0-15-year-old boys with genital malformations and diseases. The most common genital malformations and diseases, such as phimosis, varicocele, balanopostitis, funiculocele, and cryptorchidism, were found in the boys. The specific features of the incidence of genital malformations and diseases were studied in a sample of boys aged 0-15 years versus a control group of boys of the same age, who had the same abnormalities. The study group showed a higher overall morbidity rate (by 1.9 times) than did the control group. The work of a surgical urologist at Children's City Polyclinic One Hundred and Thirty was analyzed. An optimal scheme of a follow-up was proposed for boys with genital malformations and diseases, by taking into account the specific features of their health status.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):3-6
pages 3-6 views

The clinical and instrumental evaluation of the efficacy of enalapril and telmisartan in the correction of cardiac structural and functional changes in essential hypertension

Tatarchenko I.P., Pozdnyakova N.V., Morozova O.I., Petrushin I.A., Solov'eva K.V., Tatarchenko I.P., Pozdnyakova N.V., Morozova O.I., Petrushin I.A., Solovyeva K.V.


The effects of enalapril and telmisartan on hemodynamic parameters, left ventricular structural and functional parameters, and artery endothelial vasomotor function were studied in patients with grades I and II essential hypertension (EH) and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by the abnormal relaxation type. The study enrolled 49 patients (mean age 48.3±3.2 years). Group 1 (n = 24) was treated with enalapril (enap); Group 2 (n = 25) received telmisartan (micardis). The examination encompasses 24-hour blood pressure (BP) monitoring, echocardiography, and duplex scanning of the brachial artery. During enalapril therapy, the systolic and diastolic BP goals were achieved in 79.2 and 70.8% of the patients, respectively, which was attended by a reduction in the number of non-dippers and night-pickers in 54.2% of cases. In addition to effective control of systolic (92%) and diastolic (96%) BP, 30-week telmisartan therapy ensured daily profile normalization in 90% (of the patients with abnormal circadian rhythm) with improved artery endothelial vasomotor function, positive structural and geometric changes in the left cardiac portions, and better left ventricular diastolic function, without suppressing myocardial contractility.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):6-10
pages 6-10 views

The use of the biological properties of perfluorane in the local treatment of purulent wounds

Mokhov E.M., Armasov A.R., Amrullaev G.A., Pazhetnev A.G., Mokhov E.M., Armasov A.R., Amrullayev G.A., Pazhetnev A.G.


The paper gives the results of an investigation of the biological effects of local use of perfluorane alone or in combination with ozone to treat wounds resulting from the lancing of a suppurative focus in 92 patients with pyoinflammatory diseases of external localization. Applications of perfluorane, and ozonized perfluorane in particular, were ascertained to accelerate resolution of inflammatory changes in the wound, to increase its healing rate, and to reduce treatment time. The findings allow the local use of perfluorane to be regarded as one of the promising treatments for purulent wounds.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Role of cytokines in the development of diabetic foot syndrome

Potemkin V.V., Koval'chuk L.V., Voevodin D.A., Barbina T.N., Barbin P.B., Potemkin V.V., Kovalchuk L.V., Voyevodin D.A., Barbina T.N., Barbin P.B.


The paper concerns the topical problem associated with the study of the immunopathogenesis of diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications. Seventy-five patients with type 2 DM complicated by diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) were examined. In patients with severe type 2 DM, hyperviscosity syndrome, pronounced peripheral blood changes, dyslipidemia associated with a reduction in cholesterol levels, and activation of lipid peroxidation potentiated by an infectious process that excelled in the power of exposure to antioxidant defense reserves were found to mesh with the lower content of the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). The more TNF-α deficiency is, the more marked the clinical and laboratory changes are. In the severe form of DFS-complicated DM, the reduced cytokine-producing capacity of immune system cells was shown to be characterized by the low activity of immunocompetent cells and their high apoptotic death rates. The decrease in the level of proinflammatory mediators in patients with severe type 2 DM is due to the development of immunosuppression and its transition to immune deficiency, which determines the high frequency of complications and a poor prognosis in patients with type 2 DM.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):14-17
pages 14-17 views

The use of incretin effect in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Shvarts V.Y., Shvarts V.Y.


The paper discusses the mechanism of action of glucogon-like polypeptide-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and the results of their use, by taking into account the recommendations of the societies of diabetology of the USA and Europe. It also describes the incretin effect of drinking mineral waters in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Comparative evaluation of the use of ozonized saline in prostate adenoma

Saidov S.G., Medzhidov R.T., Arbuliev M.G., Magomedova A.M., Saidov S.G., Medzhidov R.T., Arbuliyev M.G., Magomedova A.M.


The most common pathogenic microflora was found in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia complicated by epicystostoma. When locally administered at a concentration of 10 mg/l and parenterally injected in a dose of 2 mg/l, ozonized saline was shown to be effective, as evidenced by laboratory, immunological, and physical studies.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):21-23
pages 21-23 views

Dermal symptoms and syndromes in children and adolescents with pulmonary tuberculosis

Lange D.A., Volkova E.N., Stakhanov V.A., Kiselevich O.K., Lange D.A., Volkova E.N., Stakhanov V.A., Kiselevich O.K.


The study of 259 children and adolescents with pulmonary tuberculosis revealed dermal and mucosal changes of various genesis in 52.1% of the examinees. Nonspecific syndromes, noninfectious and infectious dermatoses, and hereditary diseases were present in the pattern of this pathology. Skin lesions were a response to tuberculosis in a number of patients and evidence for adverse reactions due to antituberculosis treatment in others. The timely detection and adequate treatment of skin diseases enhance the efficiency of their diagnosis and management in children and adolescents with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):23-26
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The physical and neuropsychic development of infants of the first year of life

Vaganov P.D., Vaganov P.D.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):26-31
pages 26-31 views

Antiarrhythmic and hemodynamic effects of statins in patients with coronary heart disease

Gurevich M.A., Gurevich M.A.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):31-33
pages 31-33 views

Osteoporosis-cardiovascular disease relationship

Storozhakov G.I., Ganieva I.I., Reznik E.V., Gendlin G.E., Urvantseva O.M., Khripun A.I., Storozhakov G.I., Ganieva I.I., Reznik E.V., Gendlin G.E., Urvantseva O.M., Khripun A.I.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):34-41
pages 34-41 views

Celiac disease: a review of literature and an anecdotal case. Part 2

Krasnovskiy A.L., Brutskaya L.A., Sokolov A.A., Raspopina A.E., Krasnovsky A.L., Brutskaya L.A., Sokolov A.A., Raspopina A.E.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):42-50
pages 42-50 views

Infusion therapy policy in the treatment of acute pancreatitis

Sviridov S.V., Gaforov D.A., Bakushin V.S., Sviridov S.V., Gaforov D.A., Bakushin V.S.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2011;17(3):51-54
pages 51-54 views

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