Vol 16, No 3 (2010)


Nekotorye aspekty formirovaniya priverzhennosti k lecheniyu u VICh-infitsirovannykh v penitentsiarnykh uchrezhdeniyakh

Tyukov Y.A., Ratnikova L.I., Radzikhovskaya M.V., Mel'nikov V.V.


Since 2006, the penitentiaries of the Chelyabinsk Region have treated HIV-infected patients with antiretroviral drugs. Indications for their treatment are defined, by taking into account clinical data, CD4 lymphocyte counts, and viral load. While organizing the treatment of HIV-infected patients in the penitentiaries, it is necessary to keep in mind the psychosocial characteristics of prisoners, and overall awareness of HIV infection among both the officials and convicts.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):3-5
pages 3-5 views

Sindrom Zieve - redkaya klinicheskaya forma alkogol'noy bolezni pecheni

Storozhakov G.I., Fedorov I.G., Chichkina M.A., Kosyura S.D., Boglaeva G.A., Merzlikina N.N., Il'chenko L.Y.


Zieve's syndrome is a rare form of alcoholic hepatic diseases, which includes an original combination of hemolytic anemia, jaundice, and hyperlipidemia. This syndrome may cause diagnostic difficulties as a diagnostic search comprises mainly obstructive jaundice and anemia is regarded as posthemorrhagic. The occurrence of such clinical manifestations in patients with chronic alcoholic intoxication worsens the course and prognosis of chronic liver disease, which determines it expedient to include Zieve's syndrome into the diagnostic search in alcoholic hepatic disease.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):5-8
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Morfologicheskie osobennosti reparatsii khimicheskogo ozhoga zheludka v zavisimosti ot kharaktera lecheniya

Galankina I.E., Pinchuk T.P., Il'yashenko K.K., Ermachenkova E.I.


Sixty-two patients with fourth-degree chemical gastric burn, admitted to the N. V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Care in different years, were examined. Along with conventional treatments, 34 patients underwent low-energy Mustang laser irradiation at a wavelength of 0.67 μm (a red range); current strength 10 mA; frequency 2500 Hz; exposure of one point, not more than 1 min; that of a damaged organ as a whole, no more than 10 min; 16 patients had low-energy laser irradiation and mexidol solution locally applied to the margins of burn ulcer. Injection of mexidol solution into the gastric burn necrotic ulcer margins in combination with local laser and medical therapy facilitates the acceleration of the rate of burn ulcer reparation up to 40.5±4.6 days and the reduction of the incidence of decompensated gastric stenosis by 31%.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Rol' bolevogo povedeniya v formirovanii invalidizatsii u patsientov s khronicheskoy bol'yu v spine

Podchufarova E.V., Razumov D.V.


Pain behavior is of considerable importance in the formation of disability associated with pain, chronic one in particular. Pain behavior is a communication form that serves to report existing pain to other people. The actions that constitute pain behavior are generally unperceived and involve vocalization, mimic, gesticulatory, and postural manifestations, use of analgesics, seeking medical advice, ceasing work, etc. At the same time, undue fear of movement (kinesiophobia) is frequently noted. In patients with chronic back pain, the status of paravertebral muscles in the lumbar region depends on the degree of kinesiophobia. Examination of 65 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in the back by electroneuromyography using the superficial electrodes has indicated that the psychological characteristics of such patients (with the high level of kinesiophobia in particular) lead to the deconditioning of muscles and their diminished activation during adequate exercise on the one hand, and to their impaired relaxation on the other. Thus, if pain behavior is long retained, there is a vicious circle when increased motor activity on deconditioned muscles result in muscle pain and progression of limited (pain behavior). The treatment program for chronic musculoskeletal pain should also comprise cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy methods to correct the patient's ideas on pain and the magnitude of pain behavior.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):11-18
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Vliyanie ekologii na sostoyanie mikrobiotsenoza limfoglotochnogo kol'tsa u doshkol'nikov v organizovannykh kollektivakh

Kokoreva S.P., Kuprina N.P., Matveeva T.A., Ivannikov A.I.


The influence of environmental factors on preschool children's health and pharyngeal lymphoid tissue ring microbiocenosis was studied in 200 preschool children going to the organized pediatric collective bodies of a large industrial center. The study has shown that 94% of the preschool children are carriers of oropharyngeal bacterial pathogenic microflora. The normal pharyngeal lymphoid tissue ring microflora is more frequently recorded in the preschool children living in an apparently pure urban area than in those from industrial and mixed environmental areas. Carriers of pathogenic mixed microflora are predominant in the urban industrial-transport area.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):18-20
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Vliyanie infravezikal'noy obstruktsii na sostoyanie pochechnoy gemodinamiki

Solov'ev D.A., Belyy L.E.


The study was undertaken to investigate impaired renal blood flow in acute infravesical obstruction. Renal vascular ultrasonography was used to evaluate renal hemodynamics. The quantitative parameters of blood flow in the interlobar renal arteries were studied by spectral Doppler study. Peak systolic blood flow velocity, end-diastolic flow velocity, and resistivity index were determined. The qualitative characteristics of renal hemodynamics were assessed. The factors predisposing to impaired renal blood flow are identified in acute infravesical obstruction. Acute urostasis in the lower urinary tract was ascertained to affect renal blood flow.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):21-23
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Issledovanie vodnykh sektorov u khirurgicheskikh bol'nykh ostrym pankreatitom metodom bioimpedansometrii

Gaforov D.A., Sviridov S.V., Nikolaev D.V.


The clinical picture of acute pancreatitis (AP) is always accompanied by water-electrolyte imbalance. Therefore infusion-transfusion therapy is the most important element of complex intensive care for AP, which should be performed under strict dynamic control of the volemic status of patients. The paper gives the results of measuring the water sectors by two-frequency bioimpedancometry at the stages of AP treatment. The greatest changes in the intracellular and extracellular sectors are noted in patients with acute destructive infected pancreonecrosis. Circulating blood volume compensation normalizes total body water content, but at the same time there is an increase in the interstitial space due to capillary leak caused by systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):23-27
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Sonograficheskaya diagnostika dobrokachestvennykh opukholey i opukholepodobnykh obrazovaniy myagkikh tkaney kisti i predplech'ya

Skoroglyadov A.V., Es'kin N.A., Magdiev D.A., Chulovskaya I.G., Lazareva V.V., Evgrafova O.A.


The aim of the study was to investigate the capabilities of ultrasonography (USG) in the diagnosis of benign soft tissue tumors and tumoroids of the hand and forearm. The study was based on the analysis of diagnosis and treatment in 124 patients with space-occupying lesions originating from synovial structures and connective, adipose, vascular, and nervous tissues. USG made it possible to reveal that there were common symptoms, as well as pathognomonic ones for some space-occupying lesions (synovial cysts, vascular tumors), to make a topic diagnosis, to examine their surrounding anatomic structures, and to reveal their pathological changes. Comparison of the results of USG with those of other radiodiagnostic techniques (conventional X-ray study, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography) indicated that the above techniques complemented USG with virtually value information in 33 (22.6%) cases. According to the data of intraoperative diagnosis and histological study, the sensitivity of USG was 97.4%; its specificity and diagnostic efficiency were 99.1 and 0.96%, respectively.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):27-29
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Vybor metoda neyroaksial'noy blokady pri operatsiyakh total'nogo endoprotezirovaniya tazobedrennogo sustava u bol'nykh pozhilogo vozrasta

Babayants A.V.


Total hip endoprosthesis (THEP) is the reference orthopedic operation that demonstrates, to the greatest extent, the impact of the choice of an optimum method for anesthesia and perioperative intensive care on the outcome of surgical treatment and the frequency of complications, including fatal outcomes. The efficiency of 3 types of neuroaxial block was evaluated in 108 patients during THEP operations. Thirty-two patients constituting Group 1 were operated on under epidural block; in Groups 2 (n = 37) and 3 (n = 39), surgical interventions were made under spinal block and unilateral spinal anesthesia (USA), respectively. All these three types of neuroaxial blocks were shown to ensure the sufficient extent of sensory block and the depth of motor block as well as their duration, which created optimal conditions for THEP. When their methodology is followed, neuroaxial blocks are quite safe anesthetic modes. At the same time, USA is, in terms of a risk for arterial hypertension, safer for elderly patients during THEP. When USA is applied, there is less need for infused sympathomimetics to maintain blood pressure during THEP.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):29-34
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Ispol'zovanie metoda infrakrasnoy spektrometrii v ginekologicheskoy praktike

Kostina M.A., Raskuratov Y.V., Zubareva G.M.


Whether serum infrared spectrometry versus conventional techniques might be used in the diagnosis of benign uterine pathology is described. The study identified diagnostically significant regions of serum infrared spectrum to make a differential diagnosis between the isolated form of adenomyosis and its concurrence with uterine myoma.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):34-36
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Izuchenie spetsificheskoy farmakologicheskoy aktivnosti sbora dlya lecheniya pielonefrita

Krendal' F.P., Pronchenko G.E., Rendyuk T.D.


The paper gives data of a study of the specific pharmacological activity of a herbal species for the treatment of pyelonephritis.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):37-39
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Ul'trasonografiya perifericheskikh nervov predplech'ya i kisti v norme i pri patologii

Chulovskaya I.G.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):45-47
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Gepatit A

Luchshev V.I., Sanin B.I., Zharov S.N.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Diagnostika i profilaktika tromboembolii legochnoy arterii u bol'nykh khronicheskim obstruktivnym bronkhitom

Krasnovskiy A.L., Ezhova I.S., Zolkina I.V.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(3):52-56
pages 52-56 views

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