Sonograficheskaya diagnostika dobrokachestvennykh opukholey i opukholepodobnykh obrazovaniy myagkikh tkaney kisti i predplech'ya

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The aim of the study was to investigate the capabilities of ultrasonography (USG) in the diagnosis of benign soft tissue tumors and tumoroids of the hand and forearm. The study was based on the analysis of diagnosis and treatment in 124 patients with space-occupying lesions originating from synovial structures and connective, adipose, vascular, and nervous tissues. USG made it possible to reveal that there were common symptoms, as well as pathognomonic ones for some space-occupying lesions (synovial cysts, vascular tumors), to make a topic diagnosis, to examine their surrounding anatomic structures, and to reveal their pathological changes. Comparison of the results of USG with those of other radiodiagnostic techniques (conventional X-ray study, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography) indicated that the above techniques complemented USG with virtually value information in 33 (22.6%) cases. According to the data of intraoperative diagnosis and histological study, the sensitivity of USG was 97.4%; its specificity and diagnostic efficiency were 99.1 and 0.96%, respectively.

About the authors

Aleksandr Vasil'evich Skoroglyadov


д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. травматологии, ортопедии и ВПХ; ГОУ ВПО РГМУ

N A Es'kin

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава

D A Magdiev

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава

I G Chulovskaya



V V Lazareva

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава

O A Evgrafova

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава

ГУН ЦИТО им. Н. Н. Приорова Росздрава


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