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Vol 29, No 6 (2023)

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Original Research Articles

Changes in rheological parameters of blood, microcirculation, and accumulation of antibiotic in the focus of acute inflammation of patients with maxillofacial phlegmon

Khelminskaya N.M., Kravets V.I., Posadskaya A.V., Eremin D.A., Kravets A.V., Vinokurova L.M.


BACKGROUND: Despite the modern development of dentistry, the frequency of purulent inflammatory diseases of complicated caries tends to increase. Up to 60%–70% of patients had odontogenic phlegmon in maxillofacial hospitals. With the spread of the process to the neck and mediastinum, mortality reaches 60%, and with the generalization of infection leading to septic shock, it increases to 90%. This study aimed to examine the state of rheological parameters and blood microcirculation in cases of acute purulent inflammation in patients with maxillofacial phlegmon based on blood viscosity, analysis of the microcirculatory bed according to laser Doppler flowmetry, and concentration of the antibiotics in the blood. This study will allow us to analyze pathophysiological changes and coordinate adequate drug therapy.

AIM: To examine the state and rheological properties of blood in the microcirculation and antibiotic concentration in cases acute purulent inflammation in patients with maxillofacial phlegmon to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study enrolled 20 patients. Their age ranged from 28 to 62 years, and there were 13 (65%) men and 7 (35%) women. The average body weight of the patients in the study group was 79–95 kg. All patients under endotracheal anesthesia underwent phlegmon dissection. During the operation and treatment, microcirculation, blood viscosity, and laser Doppler flowmetry were evaluated, and the antibiotic concentration in the inflammation area was assessed.

RESULTS: The results of the study of 20 patients were analyzed. As a result of studying the rheological parameters of blood obtained from the peripheral vein in patients with phlegmon of the maxillofacial region of various localization, changes in blood viscosity towards thickening compared with normal values were revealed.

CONCLUSION: With acute purulent inflammation of the maxillofacial region, pathophysiological changes occur in the microcirculatory bed, which must be considered when prescribing adequate antibacterial therapy.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):447-454
pages 447-454 views

Clinical features of pulmonary embolism in patients with previous recent COVID-19 infection

Kononov S.K., Solovev O.V., Kraev A.R., Ralnikova U.A., Grebeneva E.V.


BACKGROUND: Pulmonary embolism (PE) is one of the most significant thromboembolic complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Several studies have demonstrated the clinical features of PE in patients in the acute phase of COVID-19. The features of the course of PE diagnosed after an acute infection have not been sufficiently studied.

AIM: To study the clinical picture of PE that occurred within 3 months after COVID-19.

METHODS: A retrospective study was completed. Patients were hospitalized with a diagnosis of PE between January 2020 and December 2021. Two subgroups were formed: with a history of recent (up to 3 months) COVID-19 infection and without a history of COVID-19.

RESULTS: Of the 278 patients hospitalized with PE, 44 had anamnesis of COVID-19, and 69 had no anamnesis of infection. In the remaining 165 patients with PE, determining the presence or absence of a history of COVID-19 was impossible. In the analysis of the clinical picture and examination results of 44 patients with COVID-19, distal localization of thrombotic lung lesions was predominant, the incidence of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities was lower, and right heart lesions were noted. A tendency toward the presence of diabetes mellitus, anemia, and thrombocytopenia was found.

CONCLUSION: Patients with PE and history of COVID-19 have features of clinical presentation. The identified signs are consistent with the results of studies that have evaluated the course and clinical signs of PE in the acute period of COVID-19. Similar manifestations may indicate a significant effect of COVID-19 on PE signs both during and after the acute period of COVID-19. Clinical features were determined by the severity of the previous infection.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):455-466
pages 455-466 views

Lipedema: a professional community's view

Artemova A.S., Markin S.M., Kravtsov P.F.


BACKGROUND: Lipedema is a chronic disease characterized by abnormal growth of subcutaneous fatty tissue. More than 10% of women have varying degrees of lipedema. Despite the high prevalence of this pathology, to date, there are no full-fledged clinical guidelines, and only sporadic publications have devoted to this disease in the literature.

AIM: To determine the level of immersion of members of the professional community in the diagnosis and treatment of lipedema.

METHODS: Within the framework of the online educational event “Lipedema: 2023” held on the platform “Actual Phlebology” on 22.08.23, 74 physician participants anonymously answered 14 questions on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with lipedema.

RESULTS: In this study, 83.8% of the respondents adhered to the hereditary theory of lipedema development. Only one obvious feature of lipedema, the presence of bilateral symmetrical disproportionate proliferation of adipose tissue on the extremities, was reported by the absolute majority (98.6%) of the specialists interviewed. Less than half of the professional participants noted features such as a feeling of tightness and an excessive tendency to hematoma formation with worsening of symptoms overnight. More than half of the respondents (54.1%) admitted that they were unfamiliar with the classification of lipedema. The main method of conservative treatment of lipedema was considered therapeutic exercise by 74.3% of the respondents. The most popular method of surgical treatment of lipedema is lymphatic liposuction, and which 56.8% of the participants of the professional community are ready to offer this to their patients.

CONCLUSION: The professional community is not sufficiently immersed in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with lipedema. The diversity of current scientific evidence on lipedema requires that it be structured in the development of up-to-date national clinical guidelines.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):467-474
pages 467-474 views

Analysis of morbidity of medical university students

Kopylov A.S., Popov V.I., Choporov O.N.


BACKGROUND: The incidence of illness among students has always been a pressing problem, despite the development of prevention programs. In 2015–2020, there was an increase in incidence among adolescents, most of whom are now students at various universities in our country. Unfortunately, recently, insufficient attention has been paid to educational work and hygienic education in school institutions and educational organizations of the higher education system.

AIMS: To study the incidence of medical university students during their studies and the significance of various factors in their lifestyle that affect the health of students.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A one-time sample study of medical students from the medical and pediatric faculties was conducted, in which respondents from the first to sixth years of study took part. A mandatory criterion was that the participant was 18 years of age or older, and before the study, everyone signed a voluntary informed consent to participate.

RESULTS: 1050 students took part in this study, of which 810 were girls and 240 boys, respectively. The average age of the participants was 20.5±2.3 years. 59% of males who had body mass index (BMI) values within the normal range (18.5-24.9 kg/m2) did not have a single chronic disease in their history; in girls, the incidence increased with increasing BMI.

CONCLUSIONS: Medical school students did not differ significantly from the youth cohort. The incidence rate of respondents, especially in the senior year of study, increased significantly.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):475-483
pages 475-483 views

Hygienic aspects of legal and methodological support for organizing forensic medical examination

Milushkina O.Y., Timerzyanov M.I., Vasilev D.E.


BACKGROUND: The problem of the prevention and control of infections associated with the provision of medical services in the forensic medical examination bureau (FME) remains relevant. In connection with the spread of new coronavirus and other infections, it is of interest to study the compliance of the regulatory and methodological framework with new challenges from the point of view of hygienic and organizational aspects of forensic work, including examination, disease prevention, and reduction of the effect of risk factors on workers.

AIM: To analyze the current state of the regulatory framework of the activities of the forensic medical examination service.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The regulatory documents at the federal and departmental levels regulating the activities of the forensic medical service were studied. Documents regulating a set of measures aimed at maintaining sanitary and epidemiological well-being and compliance with sanitary norms and rules in relation to the divisions of the FME bureau were analyzed. Emphasis was placed on identifying sanitary and hygienic measures to ensure that FME bureau workers are safe from infectious contamination.

RESULTS: The organization of the activities of the FME bureau is regulated by relevant legal acts that consider the procedure for organizing and conducting forensic medical examinations and are developed in strict accordance with the requirements of federal laws and orders. Some questions related to individual stages of the forensic medical examination, such as the location of the incident, transportation of the corpse to the medical examiner’s office, storage of a corpse, conducting an autopsy, and collecting biomaterial for examination, require solutions to improve the safety and quality of forensic medical examination. The protection of employees of the FME bureau from infectious contamination, organization of preventive measures, and prevention of risks of infection of medical personnel require the development of regulatory legal acts.

CONCLUSION: The results obtained indicate the need to improve the legal regulation of individual stages of forensic medical examinations and improve the quality of anti-epidemic measures that ensure the safety of FME bureau workers from infectious diseases. The recommendations are aimed at improving the forensic medical examination service in the country, improving the equipment of morgues, and ensuring conditions for the implementation of the right of personnel of forensic medical institutions to health protection.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):484-493
pages 484-493 views


The most important aspects in the rehabilitation of semiprofessional athletes after an anterior cruciate ligament injury: to operate or not?

Ulyanov I.V., Proshlyakov V.D., Zasyadko K.I., Shumkin Y.A., Agaltsova A.V., Plesovskikh I.V., Morozova A.A., Nikolaeva A.V., Frolova A.V.


In recent times, accumulating scientific data prove that in patients who have suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury, their stability of the knee joint can be restored by a properly constructed rehabilitation program, including motor retraining, compliance with tissue healing time, and an innovative approach in physical therapy by long-term immobilization of the knee joint in a special orthosis within 4 weeks, followed by a complete return of the extent of joint movements by 10 weeks of rehabilitation. In addition, numerous cadaveric, histological, and magnetic resonance imaging studies have proved that the anterior cruciate ligament is capable of self-healing after partial or complete disruption. In connection with the new findings, revising the established modern protocols of surgical treatment in the context of its needs for different cohorts of patients is necessary. This article discusses the need for surgical treatment and modern possibilities of conservative therapy after an anterior cruciate ligament injury, rules of inclusion and exclusion of patients for surgical treatment, and key aspects in the physical therapy of patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):494-502
pages 494-502 views

Case reports

The occurrence of age-related macular degeneration in the presence of a transferred, confirmed COVID-19

Frolov M.A., Plyaskina U.S., Vorobyeva I.V., Frolov A.M., Biryukov V.V., Shallakh S.


BACKGROUND: COVID-19 can affect the eyes and both the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. Retinal complications associated with COVID-19 have been reported.

CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: We present a clinical case of age-related macular degeneration that developed during the acute period of coronavirus infection. A patient with COVID-19 and pneumonia (CT-1) experienced sudden decrease in visual acuity within 1 month. A dark spot appeared in front of the left eye, which did not disappear despite eye movements, and distortion of objects was observed. The disease was manifested acutely. A complete ophthalmological examination revealed a sharp decrease in visual acuity and a positive Amsler test (distortion of lines at a distance of 30 cm). In the field of view, scotomas were noted in the center. Ophthalmoscopy revealed light and dark foci in the central macular zone of the retina. Cptical coherence tomography with an angiographic mode detected severe changes at the level of the neuroepithelium and retinal pigment epithelium with the formation of gray tissue. Aflibercept (approved for use in the Russian Federation, No. LP-003544) was intravitreally prescribed according to the clinical guidelines for treating age-related macular degeneration. After treatment with positive dynamics, visual acuity increased to 1.0, and the thickness of the retina decreased by 102 microns.

CONCLUSION: The key objective in making a correct diagnosis was the use of optical coherence tomography with an angiographic mode. This method allows the visualization of the retinal layers without invasion The angiography mode allows the assessment of the state of the foveolar avascular zone and the density and perfusion of blood vessels, which enable the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration and choroidal neovascularization. Timely antiangiogenic treatment, that is, a single intraocular injection, completely restored the visual acuity and visual field and normalized the state of the retina according to objective data of optical coherence tomography with angiography mode.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):503-510
pages 503-510 views

Dermoid cysts masquerading as pilonidal sinus disease

Darya S.D., Barkhatov S.I., Safyanov L.A., Pikuza M.N., Kostin R.N., Tsarkov P.V.


BACKGROUND: Dermoid cysts (DC) are benign cystic tumors formed because of impaired embryogenesis processes when ectodermal rudiments are immersed in tissues and organs along the lines of their embryonic fusion. DC is most often localized in the head and neck (84%). Rarer localizations areas are as follows: 1) ovaries; 2) retroperitoneal space; 3) mediastinum; 4) pancreas and spleen; 5) spinal canal. In case of retroperitoneal localization of DC, the presacral location occurs more often, then location in soft tissues of the sacrococcygeal region. Moreover, the clinical pattern may be similar to that of pilonidal disease, which may cause difficulties in diagnosis at the preoperative diagnostics and further determination of the surgical techniques.

CLINICAL CASES DESCRIPTION: In the Clinic of colorectal and minimally invasive surgery, two clinical cases of dermoid cysts masquerading as pilonidal sinus disease were encountered. In both cases, Bascom II surgery was performed. Macroscopic examination of the specimens revealed pathognomonic signs of dermoid cysts: a hair growth site on the epithelial lining of the cyst in the first case and the presence of sebum in the cyst cavity in the second case. The early postoperative period in both patients proceeded smoothly, and no data were obtained for recurrence in the 6- and 18-month follow-up period.

CONCLUSION: Because of the similar clinical picture of pilonidal cysts and DC of the sacrococcygeal region, differential diagnosis is crucial. A wide range of minimally invasive methods are available for treating pilonidal disease; however, they are not appropriate for the treatment of DC. At present, the only radical method of treating DCs of the sacrococcygeal region is excision of the cyst without rupturing the capsule to prevent disease recurrence.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):511-520
pages 511-520 views

Historical Article

The life path of the head of the department of public health and healthcare Serdyukov Anatoly Gavrilovich

Naberezhnaya Z.B., Naberezhnaya I.B., Zaharova U.D., Romakhova A.A.


The article describes the life path of Professor Serdyukov Anatoly Gavrilovich. Reflects the important stages of the formation of his scientific, pedagogical and social activities, and presents his key contribution to the study of the main directions of public health and healthcare in the Astrakhan region.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):521-525
pages 521-525 views

Centennial experience of the work of the Department of Public Health and Healthсare named after Academician Yu.P. Lisitsyn

Polunina N.V., Buslaeva G.N., Opryshchenko S.A., Polunin V.S., Ashanina N.M., Bespalyuk G.N., Soltamakova L.S.


Public health and healthcare is an educational and scientific discipline that studies the state of health of the population depending on the environment, lifestyle, and organization of medical care and develops medical and social measures for disease prevention and health improvement of citizens. The department, which solves educational, pedagogical, and scientific problems of social hygiene, was organized in 1924 at the second Moscow State University (Department of Public Health and Public Health named after Academician Y.P. Lisitsyn at the N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University). The social and hygienic research carried out at the department made it possible to develop and describe the basic principles of Soviet healthcare. In 100 years, 200 dissertation studies have been conducted at the department.

The Department has always been a model in all areas of activity thanks to its leaders — famous scientists, highly erudite teachers, leading organizers of health care and well-known public figures: Z.P. Solovyov, G.A. Batkis, G.B. Getsov, O.V. Grinina, Yu.P. Lisitsyn.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):526-537
pages 526-537 views

Short Communications

The all-russian information and educational action “Health train ˝Together against diabetes˝“

Zhidkova E.A., Alexeev S.A., Kostenko N.A., Yavisya A.M., Goryaev A.A., Tarasova Z.S., Ermakova E.V., Popov V.V.


This message announces the All-Russian information and educational action “Health Train ˝Together Against Diabetes˝“, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of preventive medical examinations; risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases, including diabetes; and popularize a healthy lifestyle. The results of this action, launched on September 10, 2023 by “Russian Railways“ company and “RZD-Medicine” within the framework of the announced Year of Health in the company, will be published in forthcoming issues of the journal.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2023;29(6):538-542
pages 538-542 views

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