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Vol 54, No 5 (2018)


Satellite Radar Interferometry: New Technologies for Satellite Monitoring of Mining Areas and Displacements of Natural and Man-Made Objects

Mikhailov V.O., Kiseleva E.A., Smol’yaninova E.I., Dmitriev P.N., Golubev V.I., Timoshkina E.P., Khairetdinov S.A.


The paper presents the results of application of satellite radar interferometry for solving a wide range of problems associated with deformations of the Earth’s surface. Displacements of the Earth’s surface at the Romashkinskoe oil deposit are estimated using the technique for reconstructing three components of the displacement vector developed at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences; landslide activity above a section of the North Caucasus Railway tunnel near the village Mamaika (Bolshoi Sochi) is investigated, application of persistent scatterer techniques for estimating displacement fields in the territory of Moscow is tested, and coseismic and postseismic displacements in the area of the Altai Earthquake of September 27, 2003, are analyzed. The latest technologies make it possible to ensure that the obtained results correspond to the latest world standards and are competitive with the results obtained by foreign commercial companies for the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):515-520
pages 515-520 views

Project TWINSAT: Development of Integrated Aerospace and Ground-Based Early Warning and Monitoring Technologies for Precursors to Large-Scale Natural Disasters

Rogozhin E.A., Chmyrev V.M., Pokhotelov O.A., Nesterov B.F.


The paper substantiates and briefly describes an innovative project aimed at creating and using in practice effective space-, aviation, and ground-based early warning and monitoring technologies for precursors to large-scale earthquakes in order to increase the accuracy and reliability in the short-term forecasting of times and places of disasters. The innovative scheme, which envisages the use of paired satellite equipment with controlled distance and information exchange between them, will make it possible to obtain data on the spatial structure and dynamic characteristics of studied phenomena, substantially increasing the reliability in detecting earthquake-related signals from a set of other natural phenomena. A distinctive feature of the project is a three-tiered system and multiparameter analysis of a wide set of precursor signals simultaneously revealed by different methods in different media, which significantly increases the accuracy and reliability in short-term earthquake forecasts. We present a stage-by-stage practical implementation scheme and a business model that will guarantee a swift return on investments and the economic viability of the project as a whole.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):521-530
pages 521-530 views

A New System for Monitoring Hydraulic Engineering Structures

Rogozhin E.A., Kapustian N.K., Antonovskaya G.N.


To ensure the safety of hydraulic engineering structures (HESs), we analyze the methods and requirements on equipment for seismological monitoring in the area of emplacement, inspecting the state of a dam, and vibration control of machinery operation. We present a technical solution realized for the Chirkey hydroelectric power station (HPS) (Caucasus), which has no analogs worldwide and is the first to combine these types of observations. The system results in more economic and rational use of sensors, as well as novel monitoring capabilities. As an illustration, we demonstrate the possibility of detecting hazardous hydrodynamic phenomena at the early stage of their manifestation at a point remote from the HPS turbine.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):531-535
pages 531-535 views

Profile Transient Electromagnetic Soundings over 3D Structures: Methodology, Modeling, and Experiment

Barsukov P.O., Fainberg E.B.


In this paper, the possibilities of reconstructing 2D cross sections based on the data of the profile soundings by the transient electromagnetic method with a single ungrounded loop are illustrated on 3D models. It is demonstrated that the data processing of field measurements and recovery of the geoelectrical profile to consist of three main stages: (i) transformation of the measured profile responses into resistivity pseudoprofiles as a function of time and then stitching of the pseudoprofiles as a function of depth, (ii) 1D inversion of responses into a layered 1D profile taking into account the number of layers and their positions determined by the pseudoprofile, and (iii) refinement of the pseudoprofile using 3D inversion with the initial parameters of blocks determined by 1D pseudoprofiles. Transient electromagnetic soundings make it possible to study geological media within a local area at the sounding depth. The structure of the medium outside this area has a little effect on the measurement results. Such localization allows reconstruction of the electrical structure of a 3D medium using 2D profiles with minimal distortion due to the lack of information on the medium outside the profile when measuring transient responses.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):536-542
pages 536-542 views

A Family of Seismometers with Capacitive Transducers

Bashilov I.P., Volosov S.G., Korolev S.A., Merkulov V.A., Ovchinnikov V.M.


A family of seismometers has been developed with capacitive transducers that convert the relative displacement between the inertial mass and the base of the instrument into an electric signal. These high-sensitivity seismometers have a unified electronic circuit; they can be rather easily manufactured, installed, and calibrated, which makes mass production of these instruments look promising. To assess the possibility of using these seismometers as substitutes for imported counterparts, a comparative analysis was carried out to study the performance of a portable short-period SM-3E broadband digital seismometer and imported seismometers of the same type. Seismic recordings of these instruments were statistically analyzed in the time and frequency domains.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):543-550
pages 543-550 views

Ground Geophysical Surveys: Measuring Tools

Dubovskoi V.B., Zhilnikov V.G., Kazantseva O.S., Kalinnikov I.I., Leontyev V.I., Manukin A.B., Matyunin V.P., Sbitnev A.V.


The paper considers some original strainmeters and gravitoinertial instruments designed at the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. The instruments are successfully used for measuring the Earth’s gravitational field, tilts, and deformations of the Earth’s crust in solving a number of applied and fundamental problems in geophysics and geodynamics, in particular, evaluating and monitoring the stability of environmentally hazardous engineering and construction objects (dams, hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants, oil and gas pipelines, etc.), searching for the zones of weakness in the Earth’s crust, identifying precursors of natural and technological disasters, studying the Earth’s global characteristics (lunar–solar tides, irregularity of the Earth’s rotation, translational oscillations of the Earth’s core, and azimuthal shifts of lithosphere blocks).

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):551-556
pages 551-556 views

Space Research: Gravitoinertial Instruments

Andreev O.N., Dubovskoi V.B., Kalinnikov I.I., Kalyuzhny A.V., Leontyev V.I., Manukin A.B., Obydennikov S.S., Pshenyanik V.G.


The paper discusses the results of joint developments carried out by the Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); Space Research Institute, RAS; and ROSCOSMOS organizations (Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Lavochkin Scientific-Production Association, the branch affiliate of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, VNIITransmash) for gravitoinertial measurements aboard spacecraft, Earth satellites, and planets of the solar system in solving problems of satellite accelerometry, gradiometry (precision accelerometric measurements aboard spacecraft and space stations, including Progress, Salyut, Mir, and the ISS), as well as measurements of the seismogravity fields of the planets of the solar system (the Fobos-Grunt, Solar Sail, MetNet, Luna-Resurs, and Exo-Mars projects).

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):557-561
pages 557-561 views

Versatile Geophysical Data Acquisition System

Perederin F.V., Kholodkov K.I., Aleshin I.M., Burguchev S.S.


Software and some hardware aspects of a universal data acquisition system developed for geomagnetic and GNSS measurements are considered. The system’s design features, APIs, platform independence, and energy efficient hardware are described.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):562-564
pages 562-564 views

Estimation of Seismic Hazards of Low-Active Areas: Case Study of Kerch–Taman Region

Ovsyuchenko A.N., Korzhenkov A.M., Larkov A.S., Marahanov A.V., Rogozhin E.A.


The paper presents the results of recent paleoseismological and archeoseismological investigations of the Kerch–Taman region. Data are obtained on local potential sources of large earthquakes that determine the seismic hazard level. The investigations convincingly show that the seismic activity level of the instrumental period of observations does not always characterize the real seismic hazard, even very generally. Seismogenerating zones with expected magnitudes of subsequent earthquakes ranging from 6.0 to 7.0 are revealed. The results allow us to conclude that the region is presently at the stage of seismic quiescence, probably before a large earthquake.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):565-572
pages 565-572 views

Local Current Gauge: Instrument for Geoelectric Measurements

Kamshilin A.N., Kaznacheev P.A.


The paper presents the results from developing a new type of geoelectric instrument, a local current gauge. The operational principle of this gauge is based on measuring the electric current density and not the potential difference. The main features of this primary field sensor are described and analyzed. The characteristics of the operational prototype of the gauge are given. The main possible applications of the gauge are considered, including geoelectric and seismoelectric monitoring in a geological environment, as well as geoelectric monitoring and exploration of waterbodies.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):573-578
pages 573-578 views

Modern Geothermochronological and Paleomagnetic Potential for Solving Mineral Exploration Problems

Powerman V.I., Veselovskiy R.V., Nurgaliev D.K., Malyshev S.V., Degtyareva E.B., Pasenko A.M., Gavryushkin D.A., Kuzina D.M., Gareev B.I., Batalin G.A., Latyshev A.V.


The paper considers in brief modern paleomagnetic and geochronological methods based on the study of the magnetic properties and isotope composition of rocks and successfully used in international practice in solving urgent applied and fundamental problems in geology, geophysics, and related sciences. The paleomagnetic method is widely used for spatially orienting borehole cores, allows intra- and interbasin correlations of paleontologically barren sedimentary cross sections, and is applied for the age correlation of ore-bearing intrusions and lava strata. Knowledge of the rock magnetic characteristics of rocks makes it possible to create 3D models of the poroperm characteristics of reservoirs of caustobioliths and reconstruct hydrocarbon migration paths. Thermochronological methods are generally used to reconstruct the thermal evolution of sedimentary basins: they make it possible to estimate the temperature and duration of heating of sedimentary and crystalline rock complexes; calculate the value of the geothermal gradient in the past, which is especially important for evaluating the conditions of hydrocarbon generation; reconstruct the tectonic history of sedimentary basins; calculate the thicknesses of eroded deposits; and identify the burial and uplift phases of crustal blocks. It is noted that the integrated use of modern methods and advanced equipment makes it possible to obtain comparable results at the world level. As an example, the results of multidisciplinary research on the Kola Peninsula are presented; they are used as a basis for creating a unique model of the tectonothermal evolution of northeastern Fennoscandia and the Barents Sea shelf. The article presents the resource base and the basic characteristics of the equipment used for the implementation of these methods at Russia’s leading scientific centers, such as Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan Federal University, and St. Petersburg State University. The developed apparatus makes it possible to carry out the whole set of studies considered in this work for the needs of Russia’s mining and energy complexes.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):579-585
pages 579-585 views

Comprehensive Laboratory Core Analysis at CPGR IPE RAS

Tikhotsky S.A., Fokin I.V., Bayuk I.O., Beloborodov D.E., Berezina I.A., Gafurova D.R., Dubinya N.V., Krasnova M.A., Korost D.V., Makarova A.A., Patonin A.V., Ponomarev A.V., Khamidullin R.A., Tselmovich V.A.


The article presents a complex of laboratory core analyses conducted at the Center for Petrophysical and Geomechanical Research, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences (CPGR IPE RAS). The complex provides for multiscale studies of the elastic properties, microstructure, composition, and porosity and permeability properties of rocks. The laboratory studies determine the dynamic and static elastic moduli, rock strength and creep parameters, and acoustic emission characteristics; 2D and 3D microstructure analysis is also performed. Dynamic elastic moduli are determined both under normal and reservoir-simulating conditions. Under normal conditions, multilevel ultrasound examination of samples is carried out; its results, together with those of microstructure analysis, are then used to determine the degree of inhomogeneity of the elastic properties of a sample, to reveal the anisotropy of these properties, and to compare the elastic properties of rocks at different scales. The results of geomechanical rock tests are necessary for constructing geomechanical models of reservoirs. The elastic parameters determined under normal and reservoir conditions are the basis for constructing correlation dependences that allow the geomechanical properties and principal stresses under reservoir conditions to be forecasted from well log data. Data on the elastic properties and microstructure of samples are used to construct different-scale models of the elastic properties of rocks under normal and reservoir conditions using petrophysical methods; these models further serve as a basis for petroelastic modeling of hydrocarbon fields and for predicting the viscoelastic behavior of rocks.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):586-597
pages 586-597 views

Exploration of Piezoelectric and Polymetallic Deposits in Rock Masses

Maibuk Z.J.


The paper describes a series of studies of electromagnetic radiation in rock masses conducted at the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. The linear and nonlinear mechanoelectric transformations of piezoelectric and polymetallic ore occurrences are considered, which were studied on rock masses and in laboratory conditions. The results of experimental geophysical exploration jointly with piezoelectric and radio-pulse methods at several mineral deposits are presented. Methodical aspects of interpreting electromagnetic radiation sources in a rock mass are described.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(5):598-610
pages 598-610 views

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