
On tectonic character of the connection zones of the Earth’s crust in the South Caspian Basin and Scythian–Turan plate based on seismological data
Mammadli T., Rogozhin E.
Simultaneous Impact of Open-Pit and Underground Mining on the Subsurface and Induced Seismicity
Emanov A., Emanov A., Fateev A., Leskova E.
Characteristics of Seismicity in the Areas of Large Water Reservoirs and Waterfalls: The Role of Effects from Additional Load and Permanent Vibration
Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.
Results of seismological data processing for the territory of Armenia
Burmin V., Shemeleva I., Fleyfel L., Avetisyan A., Kazaryan K.
Methods for Assessing the Seismic Hazard of Stable Continental Areas Using Combined Paleoseismological and Geophysical Data
Erteleva O., Sidorin A., Sokolova E., Lukk A., Nikonov A., Aptikaev F., Shvarev S.
Entropy, Seismicity Monitoring in the Armenian Highlands and Dynamics of the Akhurian Reservoir Filling
Akopian S.
Technologies for analyzing geophysical time Series: Part 1. Software requirements
Desherevskii A., Zhuravlev V., Nikolsky A., Sidorin A.
Analysis of the Ural Earthquake of September 4, 2018, Based on the Seismic Entropy Method
Akopian S.
Estimating the number of blasts in the Dushanbe-Vakhsh earthquake catalog
Desherevskii A., Sidorin A.
Towards global seismic monitoring of underground nuclear explosions using waveform cross correlation. Part II: Synthetic master events
Bobrov D., Kitov I., Rozhkov M., Friberg P.
Seismic Impact of Industrial Blasts in Western Siberia and Induced Seismicity
Emanov A., Emanov A., Fateev A., Shevkunova E., Vorona U., Serezhnikov N.
The technogenic Bachat earthquake of June 18, 2013 (ML = 6.1) in the Kuznetsk Basin—the world’s strongest in the extraction of solid minerals
Emanov A., Emanov A., Fateev A., Leskova E.
The catastrophic earthquake of April 25, 2015, in Nepal: Analysis of seismological data
Malovichko A., Gabsatarova I., Kolomiets M., Chepkunas L.
Features of the Seismic Regime of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Zhuravlev V., Sidorin A.
Destructive Taiwan earthquake of February 5, 2016: analysis of seismological data
Malovichko A., Chepkunas L., Kolomiets M., Ryzhikova M., Malyanova L.
Towards global seismic monitoring of underground nuclear explosions using waveform cross correlation. Part I: Grand master events
Bobrov D., Kitov I., Rozhkov M., Friberg P.
Double Earthquakes, Their Nature, and Forecast by the Method of Seismic Entropy
Akopian S.
Activation of seismicity in Central and South Asia after the Makran earthquakes: Possible acceleration of preparation of large seismic events in the Tien Shan region
Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.
Ring-Shaped Seismicity Structures in the Northern Balkan Region: Possible Preparation of Large Earthquakes
Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.
Technology for analyzing geophysical time series: Part 2. WinABD—A software package for maintaining and analyzing geophysical monitoring data
Desherevskii A., Zhuravlev V., Nikolsky A., Sidorin A.
1 - 20 из 20 результатов
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