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Том 61, № 9 (2018)

State Standards

Improving the State Base of Measurement Standards in the Field of Photonics

Baturin A., Golubev S., Zolotarevskii Y., Krutikov V., Negoda S.


The base of measurement standards of the All-Russia Research Institute of Optophysical Measurements developed and employed by the Institute for metrological support of photonics technologies and products is described. The present condition and calibration capabilities of the state primary standards as well as the direction and outlook for further improvement of the standards are reviewed.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):841-846
pages 841-846 views


Joint Investigations of the Metrological Characteristics of the Complex of State Primary Standards of the Unit of Length

Milovanova E., Malikov K., Ivannikova N., Fedorin V., Kononova N., Chekirda K., Vasil’ev M., Sil’vestrov I., Sokolov D., Shchipunov A.


Results of joint investigations of the State Primary Standard of the unit of length, the meter (GET 2–2010), State Primary Special Standard of the unit of length (GET 199–2018), and State Primary Special Standard of the unit of length in the field of measurements of the geometric parameters of surfaces of complex form (GET 192–2017) are presented. The objective of the study is to confirm the metrological characteristics of the standards. As a result of the investigations, assurance of the uniformity of measurements of the unit of length in the Russian Federation is confirmed.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):847-853
pages 847-853 views

Get 132–2018: State Primary Standard of the Unit of Specific Electrical Conductivity of Liquids in Range from 0.1 TO 50 mho/m

Smirnov A., Suvorov V., Chernikov I.


Results of studies carried out in the period from 2015 to 2017 as part of efforts to improve GET 132–99, the State Primary Standard of the unit of specific electrical conductivity of liquids, are presented. The structure of GET 132–2018, the new approved State Primary Standard of the unit of specific electrical conductivity of liquids in the range from 0.1 to 50 mho/m is described. Solutions by means of which the metrological characteristics of the primary standard may be improved are presented.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):854-858
pages 854-858 views

State Primary Standard of the Unit of Surface Density and Unit of Mass Fraction of Elements in Coatings Get 168–2015

Kazantsev V., Medvedevskikh S., Vasil’ev A.


The basic characteristic, composition, and measurement capabilities of the State Primary Standard of the unit of surface density and unit of mass fraction of elements in coatings GET 168–2015 are presented. The role of the standard and of certified reference materials traceable to the standard in assurance of the quality of multicomponent and multilayer coatings is demonstrated.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):859-862
pages 859-862 views

Analysis of the Parameters That Determine the Reliability of the Results of a Verification of Measuring Instruments

Tsvetkov E., Suloeva E.


The influence of the inadequacy of a priori knowledge of the properties of the results of measurements and of standards used in estimation of the probabilistic characteristics of errors is considered. A computer program of a procedure for determining the dependence of the reliability of a verification of the results of measurements on the inadequacy of the form of the probability distribution of the new estimate, where the residual systematic errors of the results of measurements and the quantity reproducible by the standard have been excluded from consideration, as well as on the volume of the sample employed is presented.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):872-877
pages 872-877 views

Position-Binary Technology for Processing the Signals of a Load for Identification of the Technical State of Deep-Well Sucker-Rod Pumps

Aliev T., Nusratov O., Guluev G., Rzaev A., Pashaev F., Rezvan M.


A position-binary technology for processing the signals of a load caused by the weight of a rod string on the suspension of a sucker-rod pumping unit is proposed. The method may be employed for identification of the technical state of deep-well sucker-rod units. An algorithm for identification of the technical state of the unit is developed. An implementation of the new algorithm on an actual facility with the use of a remote system confirms the increased reliability of automated diagnostics.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):885-890
pages 885-890 views

Metrological Analysis of an Optoelectronic Monitoring System for Profilograms of Shells of Rotation

Shilin A., Snitsaruk D.


Metrological analysis of optoelectronic monitoring systems for profilograms of shells of rotation was conducted. The optoelectronic systems that execute various methods for searching for the center of a part are examined. A mathematical model of a shell of rotation specified by the profilogram is considered. The dependence of absolute methodological error on this coefficient is derived from the modeling results, and conclusions are drawn regarding the feasibility of applying one or another system, depending on the required accuracy and speed.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):897-902
pages 897-902 views

Three-Dimensional Screens for Measuring Non-Normalized Moments

Arumov G., Bukharin A.


We describe a 3D screen design and a methodology for using such screens to determine scatterer-particle parameters, and propose a technique for the use of 3D screens in the measurement of non-normalized moments (up to 6th order). We show that the non-normalized moments can be determined from the attenuation in light power produced by a series of 3D screens; the number of screens determines the order of the moment to be measured. The non-normalized moments provide information on the equivalent cross-section of the scatterer particles and the distribution function of particles over cross-sectional area.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):908-913
pages 908-913 views

Measuring Complex for the Diagnostics of the Quality of Light–Emitting Heterostructures According to Photoelectric and Optical Responses Under Local Photoexcitation

Sergeev V., Vasin S., Frolov I., Radaev О.


We propose an automated measuring complex for the diagnostics of the lateral homogeneity of semiconductor heterostructures by measurements and analysis of the photoelectric and optic responses to their local photoexcitation in static and dynamic modes. The electronic-mechanical and optical positioning systems guarantee the illumination of local region of the investigated structure with a minimum diameter of the spot of 14 μm and a positioning accuracy of 10 μm. It is shown that the measuring complex can be used for the diagnostics of the quality of light-emitting heterostructures, transistors, solar cells, and photodiodes.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):914-920
pages 914-920 views

Operation and Development of a Center for Collective Use in the Field of Photonics

Krutikov V., Zolotarevskii Y., Ivanov V., Sakharov K., Gusev A.


Management and procedural principles underlying the operation and development of the Center for Collective Use of high-precision measurement technologies in the field of photonics for the purpose of assuring equal access of scientists to expensive research and measurement complexes, scientific equipment, and plants are set forth. A number of different procedural approaches to assuring an exhaustive integral supply of the Center for Collective Use with scientific equipment are considered using as an example the creation of a measurement and calibration complex for metrological assurance of measurements in the field of microwave photonics.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):921-925
pages 921-925 views

Instrument for Measurement of High Levels of Average Radiation Power of Fiber Laser

Kozachenko M., Savkin K., Khatyrev N.


A design of a flow-through instrument for measurement of the average power of the radiation of fiber lasers is considered. The radiation of these lasers is characterized by an average power of up to 3–4 kW and density up to 3 kW/cm2. The measuring instrument does not require complex water treatment systems. Devices for absolute measurements of flow rate and water temperature at the inlet and outlet of the instrument along with devices for absolute measurements of the parameters of the electrical current and voltage in regular electrical calibration are incorporated into the instrument.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):926-931
pages 926-931 views

Pulsed High-Voltage Sensor with Nanosecond Transient Response Rise Time

Sakharov K., Denisov M., Ugolev V., Rodin R.


A capacitive sensor for measuring the amplitude and time parameters of high voltage pulses in the 5–300 kV range is developed. The rise time of the transient response is 1.5 ns and the decay time is 170 μs. The standard measurement uncertainty for the amplitude of the voltage pulses with this sensor is found to be 2.9% by calibration.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):941-943
pages 941-943 views

General Problems of Metrology and Measurement Technique

Level of Verification of Measuring Instruments and a Posteriori Reliability of Control

Levin S.


Problems that arise in the application of international and national standards for estimation of the quality of check tests of measuring instruments are considered.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):863-871
pages 863-871 views

Measurements in Information Technologies

An Effective Algorithm for Elimination of Outliers from Data Measurements of Global Navigation Satellite Systems

Bezmenov I., Naumov A., Pasynok S.


An effective algorithm has been developed for detection and elimination of outliers and has been applied in processing data measurements in Global Navigation Satellite Systems. The algorithm is based on searching for an optimal solution for which the standard deviation and the maximum absolute deviation of the measured data from mean values do not exceed specified threshold values, and the number of the detected outliers is minimal. The algorithm was tested for the Melbourne–Wübbena linear combination formed from GNSS data measurements on two carrier frequencies.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):878-884
pages 878-884 views

Linear and Angular Measurements

A Method of Direct Monitoring of the Suitability of an Assembled Extended Cylindrical Projectile Body

Yamnikov A., Yamnikova O., Matveev I., Rodionova E.


A method is proposed for monitoring the suitability of a modular extended cylindrical shell of a rocket projectile. The method is based on direct measurement of the amount of entry during the shell installation process by outer bourrelets into the roller prisms, wherein the line of operation of the measuring device is perpendicular to the sides of the prisms. The proposed method of monitoring is compared with the traditional method, in which the radial runout of the middle bourrelet is measured also when the shell is installed by the outer bourrelets into the roller prisms. It was established that the new monitoring method is more effective in view of its greater objectivity and lesser labor intensity.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):891-896
pages 891-896 views

Optophysical Measurements

Methods for Calibrating High-Resolution Optical Reflectometers Operating in the Frequency Domain

Grigor’ev V., Kravtsov V., Mityurev A., Moroz E., Pogonyshev A., Savkin K.


The operating principle of an optical high-resolution reflectometer running in the frequency domain (OFDR reflectometer) is examined. A mathematical model for measuring the parameters of fiber-optic systems using an OFDR reflectometer is presented. The accuracy characteristics of OFDR reflectometers are analyzed and the instrument accuracy is estimated quantitatively. Methods for calibrating OFDR reflectometers based on a distance scale are proposed and equipment for these methods is discussed.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):903-907
pages 903-907 views

Thermophysical Measurements

Stabilization of the Temperature of Resonator of an Acoustic Gas Thermometer

Osadchii S., Potapov B., Petukhov A., Sokolov N., Dragunov О., Pilipenko K.


The application of an AK-10 thermocontroller developed at the All-Russia Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio Measurements in the temperature control system of an acoustic gas thermometer makes it possible to improve the characteristics of this system. We performed temperature measurements with the use of an MI6020T bridge and demonstrate the possibility of stabilization of temperature of the resonator at a level of 15 μK. The total standard relative uncertainty of temperature measurements in the transmission of the values of temperature from the resonator to a resistance thermometer is reduced down to 0.25 ppm.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):932-936
pages 932-936 views

Electromagnetic Measurements

Measuring Complex for the Evaluation of the Immunity of Radioelectronic Equipment to the Noise of Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation

Rodin R., Sakharov K., Turkin V., Mikheev О.


We develop a measuring complex for the evaluation of the immunity of radioelectronic equipment to intentional pulsed electromagnetic interferences. The proposed complex makes it possible to monitor the amplitude and time parameters of reproduced pulsed electromagnetic fields. It is shown that this complex can be used by designers in the development of unmanned transport, intellectual electric power distribution systems, and robotized systems.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):937-940
pages 937-940 views

Acoustic Measurements

Sensitivity of Sonar Receiver When Measuring Underwater Noise

Isaev A., Matveev A., Nikolaenko A., Polikarpov A.


Problems arising from using the sensitivity of a hydrophone across a field to measure underwater noise are considered. Using the example of calibration of a hydroacoustic receiver, methods are shown for obtaining the energy and sectoral energy sensitivities of a receiver and the advantages of using them in measuring environmental noise and noise during certification tests of a vessel.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):944-949
pages 944-949 views

Ionizing Radiation Measurements

Linearization of the Static Characteristics of a Radioisotope Density Meter

Vodovozov A.


The task of linearizing the characteristics of a radioisotope measuring device is considered. The process of nonlinear transformation of a stream of pulses with a Poisson distribution is analyzed. A method for the synthesis of the transformation function of a radioisotope device, taking into account the distribution law of the data signal, is proposed. The general formulas and methods for linearizing the calibration characteristic of radioisotope measuring devices are obtained. The results were used to linearize the characteristic of an albedo radioisotope density meter.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):950-954
pages 950-954 views

Physicochemical Measurements

Microelectronic Gas Resistive Sensor Based on Nanocrystalline Tin Dioxide Films with Terbium and Antimony Additives

Kalugin S., Gulyaev A., Stroganov D., Sarach O., Tevyashov A., Kotov V.


The technology of microelectronic resistive gas sensors is considered. Heater and thermistor contacts are formed on an oxidized silicon substrate by sputtering a nichrome film and subsequent photolithography in combination with reactive magnetron sputtering of a nanocrystalline tin dioxide film with terbium and antimony additives. A 1.5 × 1.5 mm sensor requires 90 mW for heating to optimal working temperature of 250–280°C. The sensor has very high sensitivity to alcohols and low sensitivity to benzene and acetone.

Measurement Techniques. 2018;61(9):955-958
pages 955-958 views

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