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卷 60, 编号 2 (2024)



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pages 147–147 views


Logistic equation with long delay feedback

Kashchenko S.


We study the local dynamics of a logistic equation with delay and with additional feedback containing a large delay. Critical cases in the problem of stability of the zero equilibrium state are identified and it is shown that they have infinite dimension. Well-known methods for studying local dynamics, based on the application of the theory of invariant integral manifolds and normal forms, are not applicable here. Methods of infinite-dimensional normalization proposed by the author are used and developed. As the main results, special nonlinear boundary value problems of parabolic type are constructed, which play the role of normal forms. They determine the main terms of the asymptotic expansions of solutions to the original equation. They are called quasinormal forms. 

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):148–156
pages 148–156 views

On the spectrum of non-selfadjoint Dirac operators with two-point boundary conditions

Makin A.


We consider spectral problem for the Dirac operator with arbitrary two-point boundary conditions and any square integrable potential . The necessary and sufficient conditions are established that an entire function must satisfy in order to be a characteristic determinant of the specified operator. In the case of irregular boundary conditions, conditions are found under which a set of complex numbers is the spectrum of the problem under consideration.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):157–174
pages 157–174 views


Solution of some half-strip problems in quadratures for the string vibration equation

Jokhadze O., Kharibegashvili S.


In this paper, for an inhomogeneous string vibration equation, we consider a periodic in spatial variable and a mixed half-strip problems, the solutions of which are written in quadratures in the form of finite sums. When solving these problems we use the characteristic rectangle identity, Riemann invariants and the method of characteristics.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):175-186
pages 175-186 views

Solvability of initial-boundary value problem for the modified Kelvin–Voigt model with memory along trajectories of fluid motion

Turbin M., Ustiuzhaninova A.


The work is devoted to proving the solvability in the weak sense of the initial-boundary value problem for the modified Kelvin–Voigt model taking into account memory along the trajectories of fluid particles motion. For this, an approximation problem is considered for which solvability is established based on the Leray–Schauder fixed point theorem. Then, based on a priori estimates, it is shown that from a sequence of solutions to the approximation problem, one can extract a subsequence that weakly converges to the solution of the original problem as the approximation parameter tends to zero.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):187-210
pages 187-210 views


On the solvability on the spectrum of Fredholm boundary integral equations of the first kind for the three-dimensional transmission problem

Kashirin A., Smagin S.


The paper considers two weakly singular Fredholm boundary integral equations of the first kind, to each of which the three-dimensional Helmholtz transmission problem can be reduced. The properties of these equations are studied on spectra, where they are ill-posed. For the first equation, it is shown that if its solution exists on the spectrum, it allows us to find a solution to the transmission problem. The second equation in this case always has infinitely many solutions, only one of which gives a solution to the transmission problem. The interpolation method for finding approximate solutions of the considered integral equations and the transmission problem is discussed.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):211-223
pages 211-223 views


Gradient in the problem of controlling processes described by linear pseudohyperbolic equations

Romanenkov A.


The paper considers the problem of controlling processes, the mathematical model of which is an initial-boundary value problem for a pseudohyperbolic linear differential equation of high order in the spatial variable and second order in the time variable. The pseudohyperbolic equation is a generalization of the ordinary hyperbolic equation, which is typical in vibration theory. As examples, models of vibrations of moving elastic materials were considered. For model problems, an energy identity is established, and conditions for the uniqueness of a solution are formulated. As an optimization problem, we considered the problem of controlling the right side in order to minimize the quadratic integral functional, which evaluates the proximity of the solution to the objective function. From the original functional a transition was made to the majorant functional, for which the corresponding upper bound was established. An explicit expression for the gradient of this functional is obtained, and conjugate initial-boundary value problems are derived.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):224-236
pages 224-236 views

On regularization of the classical optimality conditions in the convex optimization problems for Volterra-type systems with operator constraints

Sumin V., Sumin M.


We consider the regularization of classical optimality conditions (COCs) — the Lagrange principle (LP) and the Pontryagin maximum principle (PMP) — in a convex optimal control problem with an operator equality-constraint and functional inequality-constraints. The controlled system is specified by a linear functional-operator equation of the second kind of general form in the space L2m, the main operator on the right side of the equation is assumed to be quasinilpotent.The objective functional of the problem is only convex (perhaps not strongly convex). Obtaining regularized COCs is based on the dual regularization method. In this case, two regularization parameters are used, one of which is “responsible” for the regularization of the dual problem, the other is contained in the strongly convex regularizing Tikhonov addition to the target functional of the original problem, thereby ensuring the correctness of the problem of minimizing the Lagrange function. The main purpose of regularized LP and PMP is the stable generation of minimizing approximate solutions in the sense of J. Warga. Regularized COCs: 1) are formulated as existence theorems for minimizing approximate solutions in the original problem with a simultaneous constructive representation of these solutions; 2) expressed in terms of regular classical functions of Lagrange and Hamilton–Pontryagin; 3) “overcome” the properties of the ill-posedness of the COCs and provide regularizing algorithms for solving optimization problems. Based on the perturbation method, an important property of the regularized COCs obtained in the work is discussed in sufficient detail, namely that “in the limit” they lead to their classical analogues. As an application of the general results obtained in the paper, a specific example of an optimal control problem associated with an integro-differential equation of the transport equation type is considered, a special case of which is a certain final observation problem. 

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):237-259
pages 237-259 views

Cascade Super-Twisting Observer for Linear Multi-Agent Systems Without Communication

Fomichev V., Samarin A.


The paper addresses the consensus problem (i.e., the agreement of phase vectors) for a multi-agent system consisting of identical linear agents. The study focuses on the case where there is no communication between agents, meaning there is no exchange of information, and agent control is achieved through the agents’ own sensors, providing incomplete information about the phase vector of the agent and its neighbors, with the information possibly being noisy. To solve this problem, a linear protocol based on observer data for systems under uncertainty is proposed. Cascade observers based on the “super-twisting” method are suggested as such observers. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a controller are obtained, where the observation error converges to zero under limited disturbances. An example illustrating the proposed approach is provided. 

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):260-272
pages 260-272 views


On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of third-order binomial differential equations

Sultanaev Y., Valeev N., Nazirova E.


The paper discusses the development of a method for constructing asymptotic formulas for x+ of a fundamental system of solutions of two-term singular symmetric differential equations of odd order with coefficients from a wide class of functions that allow oscillation (with weakened regularity conditions that do not satisfy the classical Titchmarsh–Levitan regularity conditions). Using the example of a third-order binomial equation (i2)[(p(x)y')''+(p(x)y'')']+q(x)y=λy the asymptotics of solutions in the case of different behavior of the coefficients qx is studied, hx1+1px. New asymptotic formulas are obtained for the case when hxL1.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):273-279
pages 273-279 views


About the seminar on problems of nonlinear dynamics and control at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Ильин А.


Ниже публикуются краткие аннотации докладов, состоявшихся в осеннем семестре 2023 г. (предыдущее сообщение о работе семинара дано в журнале “Дифференц. уравнения”. 2023. Т. 59. № 8; за дополнительной информацией обращаться по адресу: deq@cs.msu.ru)[7]

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2024;60(2):280-288
pages 280-288 views