Voprosy Jazykoznanija

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Bimonthly peer-review journal founded in January 1952 is the leading Russian academic journal devoted to linguistics.


  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


  • Russian Academy of Sciences

The journal is published under the auspices of Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

About the journal

The journal welcomes original research on linguistic theory, areal, typological, and comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, computational and corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, and related fields. 

Preference is given to papers that make a theoretical contribution or present new empirical data of general interest. Papers assessing minor language-specific descriptive problems, as well as those dealing with “cultural concepts”, “linguistic consciousness”, literary science, and folklore studies are generally discouraged; the editorial board reserves the right to decline such articles without further consideration.

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Current Issue

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No 4 (2024)

Cover Page

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Birchbark letters from Veliky Novgorod and Staraya Russa excavations of 2023
Gippius A.A.

The article contains a preliminary publication of nineteen birchbark letters found during the archaeological season of 2023 in Veliky Novgorod (Nos. 1158–1172) and Staraya Russa (Nos. 55–58). The published documents date back to the 12th — early 16th centuries. From the historical point of view, three 14th-century documents are of the greatest value: No. 1164 is a record of tax collection, reflecting the decimal organization of the population of the Novgorod hinterland; No. 1164 is a petition addressed to the corporation of skotniki and pomužniki, which administered the territories in the Zaonezhye region; No. 1170 is a record of a court session with a mention of boyars. The linguistic material of the published texts includes a rare example of the N. Sg. poklone in the address formula of a letter, the letter ъ designating [’o], another example of ъ + o combination reflexed as a, the first attestations of the words ězdьcь ‘messenger’, šida ‘silk’, kruta ‘dowry’, archaic personal names Pirovaya, Oblikъ, etc.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(4):7–26
pages 7–26 views
Lexical change in Russian dialects: the case of one Pskov dialect
Ron’ko R.V., Anisimov A.D., Zalivina E.A., Zemlyanskaya S.A.

The paper examines the sustainability of dialect vocabulary in the variety spoken in a set of villages of the Zapadnodvinsk district of the Tver region. The data were collected within the framework of the Data Collection Program for the Dialectal Atlas of the Russian language. The presence of dialectal lexemes in neighboring villages is cross-checked using the Database of the Dialectal Atlas of the Russian Language. The paper offers a sustainability scale of lexemes that is a measure of the degree of their sustainability across dialects. Based on the data discussed in the paper the conclusion is drawn that the dialect vocabulary in the dialects explored in the paper is relatively stable.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(4):27–44
pages 27–44 views
Equative-approximative markers in the Finno-Ugric languages: Interaction with quantitative scales and the development of ambiguity
Winkler M.

The paper is based on data from four Finno-Ugric languages (Udmurt, Hill Mari, Moksha, and Khanty). It deals with markers that can perform at least two functions: on the one hand, they can mark the standard of comparison in equative constructions; on the other hand, they can serve as approximative markers in quantified expressions. This paper considers distribution of such markers and proposes a possible way to analyze field and corpus data. I put forward and investigate hypotheses about the possible mechanism for the emergence of such polyfunctionality. Firstly, a detailed description of how such markers are distributed across languages and contexts is provided. I consider both quantitative and qualitative equative contexts. In addition, in this paper I claim that there is a third subtype of equatives — a parametric one, that has previously been described among qualitative equatives. The difference in the distribution of equative-approximative markers combined with standard and ad hoc measure nouns is discussed. We show that the first type of contexts belongs to approximative, and the second one — to equative, although the division is very vague. Secondly, the compatibility of such markers serving to disclaim precision about cardinal numerals (without any measure nouns within the construction) is considered. The data are discussed within the framework of the scalar approach. I show that cardinal numerals and measure nouns introduce different types of scales, which also affects the distribution of equative-approximative markers. After considering a number of hypotheses about whether elements of equative constructions can contribute to the reanalysis of equative indicators into markers of approximation, I conclude that equative-approximative ambiguity arises as a result of synchronic polysemy, rather than diachronic development of the equative markers.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(4):45–76
pages 45–76 views
When you are the last one to know: evidentiality in Khwarshi
Poliakova E.E.

One of the common features of the Nakh-Daghestanian languages is the evidential opposition between some of the past tense verb forms, which mark (in)direct access to the information. Khwarshi has two synthetic past forms that are traditionally considered to form this kind of opposition, but, according to our data, it may in fact not be based on the type of information source. We conclude that, firstly, it is privative, and, secondly, the meaning of the marked form can be described as the “late access” to the information and is used when there is a gap between the time of getting the information about the event and the event itself.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(4):77–95
pages 77–95 views
Variation of the labiovelar approximant and the voiced labialized velar fricative in Naukan Yupik
Budyanskaya E.M., Zhornik D.O., Kornev T.V.

This study reports an analysis of [w] and [ɣʷ] segments in Naukan Yupik that are variants of a single phoneme. The article presents a review of the existing literature on Naukan Yupik and other related languages as well as a primary analysis of modern audio data recorded during field trips on Naukan Yupik documentation in 2022–2023. This analysis deals with such acoustic characteristics as formant structure and frication of the segments [w] and [ɣʷ] as well as voiced velar fricatives [ɣ] and [v]. The results of the analysis confirm differences between [w] and [ɣʷ] that are observed perceptually and distinguish them from [ɣ] and [v]. Our data additionally show that [w] should be considered the main variant of the phoneme in question.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(4):96–120
pages 96–120 views
Formes nouvelles tokhariennes B extraites des fragments de Berlin II. Formes du duel, formes du prétérit, formes nominales choisies
Itkin I.B.

The article continues the work of cataloging earlier unknown Tocharian B forms found in unpublished text fragments from the Berlin collection (“THT-fragments”), which was started in [Itkin 2022]. It includes the analysis of several dual forms (of different reliability), preterit forms, and some nominal forms that are of special interest as regards inflectional and word-formation morphology, correspondences with Tocharian A forms, and other linguistic features.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(4):121–134
pages 121–134 views


Sound change: variation and regularity
Burlak S.A.

In this paper I attempt to match the data on the degree of regularity of phonetic changes adduced by sociolinguists and specialists in historical and comparative linguistics with the data on language acquisition and brain mechanisms on which it is based. I conclude that despite the variation existing in any language at any moment of time human brain architecture and language acquisition mechanisms determine that, in a long-term perspective, phonetic changes are mostly regular.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(4):135–156
pages 135–156 views

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