Equative-approximative markers in the Finno-Ugric languages: Interaction with quantitative scales and the development of ambiguity

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The paper is based on data from four Finno-Ugric languages (Udmurt, Hill Mari, Moksha, and Khanty). It deals with markers that can perform at least two functions: on the one hand, they can mark the standard of comparison in equative constructions; on the other hand, they can serve as approximative markers in quantified expressions. This paper considers distribution of such markers and proposes a possible way to analyze field and corpus data. I put forward and investigate hypotheses about the possible mechanism for the emergence of such polyfunctionality. Firstly, a detailed description of how such markers are distributed across languages and contexts is provided. I consider both quantitative and qualitative equative contexts. In addition, in this paper I claim that there is a third subtype of equatives — a parametric one, that has previously been described among qualitative equatives. The difference in the distribution of equative-approximative markers combined with standard and ad hoc measure nouns is discussed. We show that the first type of contexts belongs to approximative, and the second one — to equative, although the division is very vague. Secondly, the compatibility of such markers serving to disclaim precision about cardinal numerals (without any measure nouns within the construction) is considered. The data are discussed within the framework of the scalar approach. I show that cardinal numerals and measure nouns introduce different types of scales, which also affects the distribution of equative-approximative markers. After considering a number of hypotheses about whether elements of equative constructions can contribute to the reanalysis of equative indicators into markers of approximation, I conclude that equative-approximative ambiguity arises as a result of synchronic polysemy, rather than diachronic development of the equative markers.

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About the authors

Maria Emilia Winkler

Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: maria.emilia.winkler@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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